Maureen can be described as "painful and happy" recently, working easily every day, as long as she supervises the transformation of more than 30 M1s left after the war, but she will be bombarded endlessly by Maureen after returning home , although it is very refreshing, but the body is happy but at the same time it is unbearable.

After an hour-long bombardment, Maureen couldn't bear it and kicked Maureen out.

"You are not allowed to go to my bed within three days, hum! If you can't bear it, you can find a way to solve it yourself. Aren't you a scumbag? Go to someone else's scumbag."

After speaking, he turned around and covered the quilt and fell asleep.

Maureen is also helpless, too strong a body is sometimes not a good thing.

Maureen, who was so overwhelmed, went to the gym to push iron, and the weight was quite terrifying. Any world champion in Maureen's gym can only be a child "can't play at all.

After exercising for two hours, a sweaty Maureen walked into the living room in shorts and shirtless, intending to drink some water and take a shower. He had to find another room.

"It's finally getting better. It seems that I have to supervise Ma Li for exercise, and my physical fitness is too poor.

As everyone knows, Maliu, who was born in the secret service, is definitely a top-notch existence in the field of human women...

"I'm in good shape."

Maureen knew that someone was coming, and thought it was her sister, but turned around and saw that it was the professor, who usually molested Luo and others in the homeland, causing them collective immunity. This woman dared to float around naked in the homeland.

The professor at this time was also wearing tulle pajamas, and she was absolutely in a vacuum at the moment.

"Professor, at least it's in someone else's house, pay attention to the influence, I'm not trying to trick them."

"Hahahaha, I often hear from your sister how powerful you are. Your physique looks really good. Adjusters rarely have a muscular figure. Tsk tsk, how about having a drink with me?"

"It's too much, drinking doesn't call me."

"Selene, can't you sleep, do you miss a man? Here, how about this?"

The one who came out was the optical particle expert of DSSD, Selenie McGriffin, a very charming lady.

"When I put on a top, my sister will pull my ear if she sees it."

Both of them were very surprised. They knew very well what a terrifying man the man in front of him was outside, but at home he acted like a big boy next door, which made the two sisters... extremely rare.

The professor is a divorcee, three years older than her sister, and Selenie is the youngest, five years younger than her sister, and about the same age as Mario. In terms of brain power, these two are no worse than Symonds

"Cheers" 々!"

In her previous life, Maureen read the rumors and knew that both of them loved to drink, especially the professor, who was completely a drunkard, and it is said that they only became like this after the divorce.

At this time, Maureen is not rejecting anyone who comes, he likes to drink, and there are two big beauties in cool clothes to accompany him, and occasionally he can see some benefits, how could he not be happy.

The three of them drank until late at night, even Maureen was a little bit drunk, and the professor and Selenie were even more drunk.

Early the next morning, Maureen woke up suffocated by urination, and found something was wrong when he got up. He remembered that he drank too much last night, helped the two elder sisters back to the house to sleep, and then couldn't remember.

Turning around and looking at the two sides, I was almost scared to pee, the professor on the left, Selenie on the right, and turning my head again, there are clothes under the bed, three of them...

"Damn, it's a big loss, it's broken!"

But at this time, she quietly put on her clothes and slipped out, not because she was afraid of the two people in the room, but because of her own sister.

"What's the smell, it's so fragrant, Ma Li and sister can't cook, who is it?"

Maureen smelled the tempting smell and came to the kitchen, and found that the little maid Mayura was cooking. Since Julie and Cong Yunhai fell in love, the remaining two are also a little bit homesick. They want to find someone with yellow hair. It is said that Asaqi and Luo seem to be interested in the past two days, while the red-haired Mara has no goals.

"Young master, wake up. Director Symonds looked very bad before he left this morning. He asked you to send the two professors to the DSSD. Captain Mario also went to the Lord Angel. It is said that he will go on a cruise today and test the improved M1 by the way. .”

Maureen knew about the bad food, and my sister and Ma Li must have known about the three people messing around last night.

He scratched his hair with his hands, and quickly thought of a way. These two old girls are really harming a young man... Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he was the one who was eaten, and he didn't feel so good!

"No, high and low have to find their way back."

"Master, what do you mean?"

"Nothing, you are busy."

"Headache, Maureen, can you ask your sister to prepare some wine, Aub can count the local tyrants who have a headache the next day after drinking it."

The professor kept complaining on the transport ship.

"I prepared all the wine, just ask anyone who knows wine, which one of the bottles opened yesterday is bad, you are also amazing, you can drink me to pieces, the two wines are stupid...

Celine secretly covered her mouth and smiled, she is an absolute genius, and her personality can be regarded as relaxed, but the experience last night made Maureen feel that this woman is not "simple".

At this time, the transport ship that Maureen was on carried the evolved Sirius-Wolf King, and three improved M1s. Maureen is a person with status anyway, so how could he not have 'guards'.

"Welcome to my place, Maureen, how about a visit? Professor, you can do whatever you want, haha."

Selene sent an invitation.

The professor at the side took out a cheap lighter and lit a cigarette with a 'snap', and blew on Selenie's face, and then said:

"Sister, I was very full last night. I will go to work on mine first, and he will throw it to you."

"Hey, I'm still here."

Maureen's face was pulled down, what happened last night was definitely a dark history for him.

"Little boy, the capital is good, oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho."

The professor left so arrogantly, making Selenie blush a little, after all, she hasn't practiced well yet.

"The design of the light wing backpack has been completed, but it needs a long time of testing. The original stone Gundam is very powerful, but it is too heavy. It is close to 180 tons after all equipment, so it must be improved, otherwise [even nuclear energy will be difficult to open for a long time. Light particles accelerate."

Celine is very serious when she works, even crazy. Female academics are far more crazy than men in dealing with academic issues! She took Maureen to visit the R&D center of DSSD, and explained to him about the improvement of MS.

..." You are a professional, Rough Stone Gundam does have shortcomings, but I believe you can fix it, by the way, keep the relevant documents about light particles as secret as possible. "


There was an alarm sound inside the satellite without warning, which also made Maureen feel strange that someone dared to go to Tianzhilin to make trouble.

"It's space pirates. They've been rampant recently. Many recyclers have been attacked."

"Hehe, this is someone who has grown up on courage. I just got bored, so I'll go out and deal with it."

Maureen shook her neck and made a 'click' sound, obviously a little unhappy, daring to feel uncomfortable in front of a man playing nuclear bombs.

"You don't need to take action, the safety of the stars is enough."

"Sirius-Wolf King, press!"

After Maureen came out, he found that the opponent's military equipment was not low. There were actually 14 new-style Jeans equipped with beam weapons.

"The bullshit pirate (Li Qianzhao) is fooling around, PLANT!"

"Report, although the airframe does not show the model, but it looks like Sirius, and the pilot should be Maureen."

"What, why is he here? This is troublesome. Tell the whole army to retreat."

"It's too late, he's already attacking."

"Come on, pirates, play with me for a while."

The wolf king did not use the wire-controlled floating cannon on his back, but avoided the gunfire and chased after Gene with a ship-chopping knife. Moreover, he did not solve it with a single knife, but learned how to cut the human stick, and then smashed the cockpit. It looked very cruel.

The professor in the satellite and Selenie watched the wolf king's attack with chills in their hearts. Just last night, they had a bayonet fight with this monster.

More than ten minutes later, the two 'pirate ships' and 14 Jeans were all blown up. The pirate ship was first hacked off the bridge by the wolf king with a ship-cutter knife and then blown up with floating cannons. Maureen was trying to frighten the The PLANT, Irene Kanaba, who has just taken power, can't wait to start her ambitions.

Although Maureen knows that she won't be in power for a long time, but if he dares to make a move on his own sphere of influence, then he will never be soft on his hands. .

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