Gundam Travels Through The World Of Machine Warfare From The Seed

85. The Wind And Cloud Gradually Rise, And The Angels Of Strength Attack

"Setsuna, I'm back in the universe, my house will be cleaned occasionally, pay more attention when you move, less useless poses, move more.

"Ah, I understand."

Maureen still wanted to say hello before leaving, but definitely not in the future, this guy probably has no third thoughts in his mind other than Gundam and changing the world.

I have to say that the orbital elevator is really awesome, even if it is placed in the SEED world in a short period of time, it will never be built.

Wang Liumei's logistical work was also in place, and he went back to Torremi unimpeded all the way, and the first thing he did was to play a friendly match with Seleni, whom he hadn't seen for a while.

"You bully me when you come back, why, don't tell me that young master Maureen is alone on Earth."

"Really, it's rare to live a few days of ordinary people's life, and I feel pretty good."

"The actions of Celestial Beings are becoming more and more frequent. I feel that this is not a good thing. Although the performance of mobile suits has crushed the current world for at least 50 years, the pilots are not, they are all natural people, and I think the equipment of Angel Gundam is not perfect. I I learned that mechanic Ian is stepping up the production of equipment."

"Well, there is still a long way to go for Celestial Man, and, obviously, Celestial Man's plan has been leaked long ago. That Wang Liumei and the Kona family are the best examples."

"What are you going to do?"

"The world has turned upside down, and there is still a chance that the three major powers will unite to deal with the Gundam. When the Justice Gundam descends on the earth, I will kill everyone at that time."

Celine 28 knows that Maureen is not joking. If she says that she will kill a lot of people, she will definitely die. She has no sense of belonging to this world, and she doesn't want to, so she doesn't have much resistance.

"Drip ~ system task update

Settlement: Join Heaven and Man to complete, random rewards will be generated, and the barista will be rewarded for proficiency.

Mission: Participate in the Human Revolution Gundam capture operation, drive the De Angel without exposing the Siren Gundam 'Nadre'!

Reward: Tieria's friendship +1"

Are the rewards in the 00 world so random? If I go to the Unicorn World and destroy all the special equipment opportunities, what a heaven-defying reward I will get...

However, even if there is nothing in the rewards of the 00 world, a solar furnace is definitely enough.

In fact, what Maureen didn't realize is that he has regarded the SEED world as his root, and this is just his playground with Selenie!

Torremi meeting room

At this time, the speech of the chairman of the Human Revolutionary Union was being broadcast. He defined Tianren as a "terrorist organization" that disrupted the national order, condemned it and said that he would severely crack down on it.

Listening to the discussions in the conference room, Maureen and Selenie are sure that they are very determined to use force to eradicate wars. However, the two of them have not been able to truly understand them so far. Maureen has also experienced the completely different worldviews of the two worlds.

Recently, Maureen and Selene have been learning about the history of this world.

If SEED is an idol drama, then 00 is a group drama, and there are many characters in it, such as the heroine Marina Yi Simel

As the queen of Azadistan at the moment, she is suffering from internal strife, and the country that has always been dominated by oil energy has religious issues inside.

"This princess is quite beautiful. Although she is much worse than Maru, she is considered top-notch among natural people."

"What do you mean, let me pick her up?"

"Then it's up to you, Mina can be taken down by you, so what about this princess, haha."

Maureen was a little confused, how did Selenie find her out for discussion, he never mentioned the characters in this world.

"We have just arrived, I can't do much now, and the research equipment is also limited. What I can do now is to collect various data. I haven't had the opportunity to study the solar furnace yet.

Can you get one?"

"Uh, this is really difficult. Although I asked to make one for me, it is very troublesome to make a solar furnace, but it won't take long, and mass-produced counterfeit solar furnaces should appear. I will make you a toy at that time." How about playing [or even get ten mobile phones for you to play with."

Selene is also an adjuster anyway, so driving a mobile suit is not a problem.

"Then it's settled."

Maureen and Seleni just watched the action of the Celestial Man quietly for the next period of time. Talibia originally wanted to use the force of the Celestial Man to intervene to complete the separation from the UNION, but was beaten up instead and directly joined the American flag Down.

The space station of the orbital elevator went berserk and was bombed because the super soldier Soma Pieris received interference from the Allelujah brain quantum wave returning to the universe. The long-distance shooting ability is exposed, and the thrust of the main angel is also exposed.

"I will report this incident to VEDA. The exposure of Wan Angel's ultra-long-range sniper ability is likely to affect future plans."

Tizi is still like a robot, somewhat similar to Bucky Lulu.

Maureen knows that the time for her to officially set foot in this world is coming soon, but there is still a tough battle to fight before that, and the strongest pilot in this world should also appear.

Ali Al Sashes!

"AEU Mobilia announced that it will conduct a military exercise with the PMC organization. The scale of MS will exceed 130.

Felt reported the most urgent incident at present, and it was obvious that it was aimed at the heavenly beings.

"This is a provocation to heaven and man, we can't sit idly by, we must intervene by force!"

The grapes were the first to ask to be dried.

"Then, I am preparing a tactical forecast here, everyone, I am afraid that this operation will have to be dispatched by all the staff."

Miss Huang also knew the seriousness of this situation, so she was extremely cautious.

"Inform Lok Ang, this time I will drive the Angel of Power to attack.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and Tizi couldn't help asking:

"Why don't you attack with the Justice Gundam?"

"Now this point of battle is not qualified for justice to take action. Moreover, the problem is you, Gundam pilots, you have almost no ability to develop the mecha. I have piloted the Lord Angel and the Power Angel, and they are very good mechas, but you But I don't have the strength to show their performance. I will drive the De Angel in the next battle, and this time you will face the outlaws who have been wandering on the edge of life and death all year round, but the De Angel gathered at a long distance is a very good support machine. ! Is this answer satisfactory?"

Maureen's sense of grapes began to deteriorate, he is not a good-tempered person, what kind of stinking man is an artificial human with eyes above the top.

Everyone was also speechless by Maureen's words. After all, in terms of strength, a few Gundam pilots together might not be able to beat them.

The isolated island in the Pacific Ocean, the secret stronghold of heaven and man

The four machines completed the confluence, and Wang Liumei was also there. Maureen also met this young lady for the first time. How should I put it, there is a distorted will hidden behind the self-confidence and arrogance.

And Tianren's equipment master, Ian Vasty, also brought additional equipment for each machine.

"Mr. Ian, first time meeting, I'm Maureen."

"Hey~~~ You are Maureen, we met for the first time, I heard that this time you will drive the Angel of Power to attack, and I just brought the extra equipment of Angel of Power.

"Don't pretend this time, this time I will drive Angel of Power in a way that is completely different from Lok Ang, and I won't even use the auxiliary 'Hello'."

483 "Maureen, without the assistance of 'Hello', it is very difficult to control the body during sniping. If you are not careful, you will be shot down."

"So, I'm going to drive in a completely different way from you."

"Then I'll wait and see, hmph." Lok Ang was also a little angry. Turned around and left the parking lot.

"Mr. Maureen, I'm Wang Liumei, and I'm looking forward to your performance."

"I look forward to seeing the real you, miss."

Wang Liumei was stunned suddenly, suddenly felt that he was really different from other pilots.

Feeling that the eldest lady was offended, the red dragon immediately lowered his face and approached.

"Red Dragon, I heard that your skills are good, fight with me, and if you win, I will apologize to her."

Red Dragon is a master of kung fu, with top speed and reaction. He directly probed the cloud with his hands, and after being dodged by Maureen, he directly kicked his legs and attacked, but he was dodged.

It was the first time Wang Liumei saw someone who could walk under the Red Dragon for 10 seconds.

"The skill is indeed good, try your own moves."

That's right, Maureen is learning, his fighting level is definitely not bad, but Kung Fu, he doesn't know it.

Facing Maureen, the red dragon attacked him with the same move, and his strength was far faster than his own. After barely surviving for 10 seconds, he was hit in the chest by Maureen's high whip leg and flew out.

It was also the first time that everyone saw me make a move.

Wang Liumei was always down, until Maureen said:

"Miss, are you still satisfied?"

"The tactical forecast has been prepared, and the military exercise in Mobile is about to begin. Everyone, prepare to attack."

The three machines with new equipment and the original Li Angel walked out of the hangar slowly.

"Force Angel, Yuan Lin strikes!"

(PS: It's not the author's word count, the plot of the 00 world is indeed very scattered, especially in the early stage).

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