Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 116 Chapter 114 More ruthless than the enemy

This time Lucy's mission was very difficult to complete: the enemy was unclear, the environment was unknown, and the protected target was unfamiliar. Zhuang Xuteng seemed to be blindfolded and asked him to break into danger. He warned himself to be careful and kept thinking about what to do.

After leaving Bai Moji's house, the water temperature and pressure of the steam engine increased, and Zhuang Xuteng began to move forward at full speed. Thanks to his accurate memory, Zhuang Xuteng recorded the basic traffic map of the entire Peicheng in his mind, at least he would not mistake the main roads and main roads. He believes that if he can arrive early, he can buy himself valuable time to act. This is the simplest and most effective way to reduce risks and task difficulty.

"Didi!" The car next to me honked its horn wildly, its lights flashed, and the driver shouted through the glass. They thought Zhuang Xuteng wanted to start a racing car, so they clamored to kill him. Zhuang Xuteng glanced at their car. If it was a collision competition, he would be happy to accompany them. A speed competition... forget it, those were racing models, and the white beast couldn't outrun them.

However, this also reminds Zhuang Xuteng that his car model is very eye-catching in Taiping District. The people living here are either rich or noble. Even those who like military vehicles will choose more expensive and better models for modification. A car like this is more suitable for other urban areas.

Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand out the window to indicate that he did not want to compete, and then continued on his own path. Unexpectedly, two cars followed him. They looked very idle, but Zhuang Xuteng had no time to care about them. Twenty minutes later, he arrived at the Hongbao Building on Lvyin Road in the middle of Taiping District and parked his car directly in the empty space in front of the gate.

Bring the bone spear pistol, cover it with gloves, and keep the car running. Zhuang Xuteng got out of the car and just closed the door when he saw the two red and black sports cars chasing after him. He sighed softly and immediately walked quickly to Hongbao Building, wanting to get rid of boring troubles. If his leg injury had recovered, he would have chosen to run.

The full name of Hongbao Building is "Red Life Insurance Company Peicheng Headquarters Building". It is affiliated to Sanliu Charity Foundation and ranks among the top three giants in the insurance industry. The building is 145 meters high and has 32 floors. It is the tallest building in Taiping District. Originally, in order to provide better views for the manor villas, Taiping District was not allowed to build high-rise buildings with more than 12 floors. However, this building was built before the regulations were issued, and Peicheng did not have the ability to compete with super companies. As a result, there is such a tower-like building in Taiping District.

In order to make the building appear useful, the hall on the first floor was converted into a museum. Half of the space is used to display historical artifacts related to Peicheng, and the other half displays the story of "Hongbao" helping people overcome difficulties. There are no tickets or security guards here, and any Taiping District citizen can visit freely. It's just that for a long time, the "residents" of Taiping District have no interest in such a museum.

Zhuang Xuteng walked directly into the door, and his first goal was the floor map. The first floor is a museum, the second floor is the business hall of the insurance company, the third floor is the VIP customer reception, and the fourth floor and above are the office areas of various departments of the insurance company.

The sign next to the entrance on the first floor only contained information about the three floors below. Zhuang Xuteng glanced at it and immediately remembered it in his mind. The target he wants to pick up is located on layer 3.5, which is the equipment layer. The mission did not require Zhuang Xuteng to know why she lived there, just knowing how to get there.

Zhuang Xuteng entered the walking ladder, pulled the railing with his hands to reduce the burden on his injured leg, and climbed up as quickly as possible. At the same time, he dialed the phone and reported the current situation to Lucy: "Entering the building, it seems calm at the moment. Is there any latest development on the situation?"


The situation is not good. Zhuang Xuteng immediately hung up the phone and smashed the fire alarm as he passed by the second floor. In an instant, the building alarm sounded, requiring everyone to go to a shelter or evacuate quickly. At the same time, the building's security guards also rushed to the point where the alarm occurred to check the situation. Before they arrived, Zhuang Xuteng had already reached the third floor.

He memorized all the room layout plans in his mind. As long as the scale on the map was correct, Zhuang Xuteng could find the correct position with his eyes closed. 311, the public toilet next to the customer negotiation room. Enter from the women's toilet. The innermost storage room has a half-suspended door leading to the equipment room.

Located on the equipment floor on the third and a half floors, only maintenance personnel can enter. They would not think of staying there for a long time, and would only care about the part of the equipment they are responsible for. Therefore, they have no interest in and will not pay attention to an area enclosed by a cement wall in the equipment floor.

There is a main entrance and a freight door to enter and exit the equipment floor, and there is a door in the women's room. Lucy told him over the phone. As soon as Zhuang Xuteng reached the door of the women's restroom, he noticed the door closing slowly. He glanced at the empty corridor, listened to the howling fire alarm, and immediately raised his right hand to summon the vengeful servants.

——The door shook, and there was no one in the corridor. It was judged that no one came out. The fire alarm is going off. Even if you have diarrhea, you may not have diarrhea if you run out from the third floor. Normally, no one would risk entering the toilet at this time, unless——

A gray-white cloud the size of a fist was launched by him, and its rear end was connected to the palm of his left hand with a thread of resentment. Although Zhuang Xuteng did not have enough resentment reserves to create a complete resentful spirit servant, and the physical physical strength of the resentment spirit was not enough, a fist-sized ball was enough to maintain the momentum to push the door open.

He also tried his best to condense the fist-sized clouds into the shape of his palms and arms.

The door opened, and a ball of orange light shot out, penetrating the opposite wall. If Zhuang Xuteng pushed the door with his own hands, he would have been hit by the ghost energy bomb. The situation was different now. He threw himself forward and fell to the ground. He aimed and fired the bone spear pistol in his right hand and the bone spear technique in his left hand into the toilet at the same time!

A man wearing a blue combat suit was shot twice and had two bleeding holes in his chest. Still unwilling to do so, he tried his best to raise his hand and aimed at Zhuang Xuteng who was lying on the ground, trying to save his life before he died. Zhuang Xuteng didn't give him that chance. He fired another shot with his right hand, stretched out his arm shield with his left arm to block it and curled up as much as possible.

When the man saw his opponent covering his head and face with his arm shield, he knew it was difficult to aim, so he tilted the muzzle of his gun, allowing the ghost energy bullet to penetrate the already thin wall and fly towards Zhuang Xuteng's heart. This was his last stubborn attempt before his head was shot.

The ghost energy bullet penetrated the wall, was partially deflected by the arm shield, and finally hit the armored backpack on Zhuang Xuteng's left rib. The armor plate in the backpack was punctured, but fortunately it was only a scratch, and not even a few drops of blood flowed. Zhuang Xuteng looked at the hole punched in his clothes and felt scared: This guy's gun is so powerful. If it hits me head-on, I will definitely be punched through.

Just think about this thought for a second, throw it away quickly, and return your attention to the task at hand. The enemy had already arrived, and through some means heard the conversation between Zhuang Xuteng and Lucy. He or they not only reached the maintenance door of the equipment floor first, but also set up an ambush here.

If you want to deceive the enemy, you have to move at the speed and rhythm the enemy envisions, and open the door when he expects it. This is the role of the Wraith Servant. Due to the side effects, the Yingcong pistol always has a firing rhythm. If Zhuang Xuteng can't grab the first shot, he will grab the firing window before the second shot. This is his best chance. Now that he had the mental preparation and response time, he used the Eye of Shadow and put the shadow implants in both ears on full alert while stepping forward to check the condition of the deceased.

Under the gaze of the Eye of Shadow, the shadow has nowhere to hide. Zhuang Xuteng quickly took off his shadow equipment, especially the powerful pistol, and stuffed it into his backpack. The man in front of him looked a few years older than Zhuang Xuteng. He had an unshaven beard and had never been seen before. But now, his appearance is imprinted in Zhuang Xuteng's mind, and he can definitely try to draw it.

If his painting skills don't hold back.

The man also had a communicator on him and headphones in his ears. Zhuang Xuteng took a look and noticed that the communicator was in the "open" state. In other words, the man must have an accomplice, and the accomplice must have heard what happened here.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuang Xuteng prepared himself mentally, opened the door, and rolled into the equipment floor. It was dark inside the equipment floor, with only the light coming from the women's restroom door and a few small green "safety exit" signs providing light.

In the darkness, Zhuang Xuteng knew that there was the faint light of a shadow slave behind the wall six meters away to his left, including red, and the red meant that it might be a shadow slave pistol. He squinted his eyes and took a closer look. The wall was six meters long, from top to bottom, forming a complete shield. It was almost impossible to penetrate with a pistol. In the same way, if the person behind him wants to shoot, he can only lean out from one side or the other side of the wall, and the angle is very limited.

So he continued to move forward. Directly in front of him was the "mezzanine house" where "Meteor" lived in seclusion, only about twelve meters away from him. Zhuang Xuteng estimated that before he reached the mezzanine house, he would be exposed to the attack range of the shooter behind the wall, and he would definitely take action at that time. The only problem now is the ground under his feet. As long as he walks, he will make a sound, and the other party must know the direction of his movement.

Well, if you wait for me, why shouldn’t I wait for you?

One step, two steps, three steps... Zhuang Xuteng prepared the bone spear spell, prepared the bone spear pistol, and was ready to combine the two guns at any time for a vicious blow. He calculated the terrain map of the equipment layer in his mind, and already knew which area was easiest for him to target and inconvenient to dodge. He walked toward that area step by step, hoping that the enemy would appear at the shooting angle he had planned.

Three steps, two steps to go... Suddenly, a woman ran out from the mezzanine house in front. She opened her hands and panicked. There were tears on her face and panic in her eyes. She shouted to Zhuang Xuteng: "Come and save me." , there are enemies behind me!"

Eye of Shadow told Zhuang Xuteng that she had communication earbuds in her ears, gray level.

"Meteor" lives here himself, does he need earplugs? unnecessary. If she were a shooting star, would her earplugs be found? Will. This person's acting skills were really good, attracting Zhuang Xuteng's attention and at the same time pointing out the timing of shooting to her companions. But she misjudged two things: the shadow's eyes, and Zhuang Xuteng's determination to shoot.

He figured it out in an instant: Even if he killed Meteor by mistake, Lucy would have nothing to say as long as it was pushed to these enemies. Therefore, he would rather kill Meteor by mistake, but also consider his own safety first.

Gunfire flashed, and Zhuang Xuteng fired with both hands at the same time. The bone spear pistol in the right hand is aimed at the acting actress, and the bone spear technique in the left hand is used to pre-shoot the ambusher behind the wall. He was too decisive, as if he was not here to save people, but specifically to kill people and silence them. This completely exceeded the expectations of the ambushers, causing them to lose the opportunity.

One person tried hard to dodge, but was still hit in the head. The other person came out confidently and hit the bone spear before he even raised his hand. Zhuang Xuteng opened his arms, aiming at one with one hand, and each of them took a shot. Even though my arms were sore, it was all worth it as long as I was alive and standing.

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