Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 142 Chapter 140 Debt Transfer

"At worst, if you die inside, you are considered a warrior. You can't be scared to death outside." Ge Gongdao stopped by the pond covered with mealworms and kept cheering himself up. "Hehe, hehe... Ge Gong said, you'll be fine."

"You talk too much." Zhuang Xuteng took off his underwear with trembling hands, endured the constant pain that traveled throughout his body, and put his left foot in it. "'s so exciting..."

"How does it feel?" Ge Gongdao asked loudly.

"It's really covered with mealworms, and they can definitely bury you in it - it's much better than a bathtub." Zhuang Xuteng said, holding on to the wall of the pool with his hands, slowly moving his body, and finally putting both feet in. "Don't worry, mealworms have no mouths and have no ability to bite people. I'm not worried about them at all. I just don't know what this purple potion is."

"I don't know. Maybe after we finish the training, he will decrypt it..." Ge Gongdao gritted his teeth, first put his hand into the pool to feel it, then frowned and stripped himself naked. His movements were stiff, shaky and slow, like an old man in his dying years.

Zhuang Xuteng was already lying down, with his head submerged in the pool water. His body caved in and squeezed away the mealworms, and he was enveloped. The Famine Stranger was right, those squirming bugs brought nothing but itching.

Ge Gongdao was still in the process of slowly entering the water, and he was still trembling. Although laughter was not suitable for this scene, Zhuang Xuteng really couldn't help it. "Hahahahaha... It's so weird... I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Hiss, haha, it hurts and itches! I didn't mean it, hahaha, does it look a bit perverted..."

"Damn it, fight!" Ge Gongdao's spirit continued to be tortured by Zhuang Xuteng's laughter, he couldn't bear it anymore! He pinched his nose with his hands, left his fate to gravity, and sat down. His pool was significantly deeper and had more mealworms. The water in the pool was rippling, and Gonggong Road was completely submerged and disappeared. Many mealworms were squeezed by him and floated on the water.

Zhuang Xuteng raised his hand to cover his laughter and kept staring at Brother Dao to see if he needed rescue. After a while, Brother Dao surfaced. He slowly spit out a mouthful of purple liquid, his eyes were closed tightly, and there were a few mealworms lying on his head and face. His body was still shaking, and he was obviously still trying to overcome his psychological resistance. "Don't say anything, feel it yourself..."

"Okay. Persistence and training." Zhuang Xuteng gradually adapted to the itching, and at least he could hold back his laughter. He took his hand away and saw blood on his palm, knowing it came from the skin of his face. He suddenly thought of Meteor. She would get her face covered in blood when she was spying for information. He didn't expect me to do the same.

"I think what you did is right. You can't be shameless. It also needs treatment and should be soaked under the water." Zhuang Xuteng looked around and said, "Brother Dao, do you have a breathing device over there?"

"No...unless it's this." If Zhuang Xuteng didn't need him, Brother Dao would never open his eyes again and let mealworms enter his sight. "There is an iron pipe right next to the pool. Maybe you can hold it in your mouth and breathe?"

"If I have one here... Sure enough, it does. It seems that this thing is for us to breathe underwater - why didn't Mr. Ke tell us directly?"

"No... I don't know, maybe he wants us to find out by ourselves?" Brother Dao shook his body and closed his eyes again. "He must have said that we should understand it ourselves during the process of exploration."

"It seems like this." Zhuang Xuteng picked up the iron pipe and blew on his mouth. Its length is about twenty centimeters, which is completely sufficient. "Okay, Brother Dao, let's meet under the water. Don't forget to practice breathing and feeling your skin."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore, I..." Before Ge Gongdao could finish his sentence, he had already sunk into the water with the pipe in his mouth.

Zhuang Xuteng smiled, held the tube with his hand, and also sank. In a short time, the mealworms had crawled all over his body, covering him tightly.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body, the main source of touch, and the first layer of protection for the body. It can be exercised to be very hard or very soft and silky. It is also one of the organs with the strongest self-healing ability in the human body.

Capillaries and nerves are spread throughout the skin, which is also one of the channels for the body to exchange material and energy with the outside world. Sweating to detoxify and warming up are all functions of the skin. Now Teacher Ke asks Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao to further develop the ability of the skin to make it a bridge to communicate with other creatures.

It sounds amazing, right? Zhuang Xuteng doesn't quite understand how to do such a thing. Teacher Ke said to them: Those people can make their skin not afraid of fire and cuts. The reason is actually the same.

The specially formulated purple potion is the medium, and the mealworms that absorb nutrients through the skin are teachers in another sense. The external conditions for training are already in place, and the guest teacher also teaches them breathing methods. The rest depends on their inner efforts.

Breathing is the core of dormant martial arts. It is actually a set of techniques for controlling the body. Among the various basic functions of the body, breathing is far more controllable than heartbeat, gastrointestinal motility, and hormone secretion. It is actually the gateway to controlling the inside of the body. All strengthening methods involving the internal organs begin with breathing.

Zhuang Xuteng strives to maintain a specific rhythm and concentrates on the subtle changes within the body. The expansion and contraction of the chest, the rhythm and intensity of the heartbeat, the pain and itching traveling in the nerves... Zhuang Xuteng slowly felt that he was becoming less like himself. He was manipulating his body from the perspective of a bystander; then, he He feels more like himself again because his ability to control himself is improving.

They need to allow the skin to learn to "breathe" like the respiratory system that already exists. This is not to turn a person into a frog. Human skin can never be a pathway for oxygen exchange. Breathing here has two meanings: one is the control method, and the other is its exchange ability.

Human breathing does not need to be controlled to proceed autonomously, but of course it can also be actively controlled. Dormant martial arts require skin breathing to this extent. As for the exchange ability, in addition to what the skin can do originally, under the influence of the special potion, the skin will have the characteristics of affecting the implant.

There is no implant modification involved, the skin is still the original skin and can still accept new implants. The "implant" feature here refers to tricking other implants into thinking that the "human body" does not exist.

The ability and side effects of the implant are an equivalent exchange. To have strong ability, you have to pay a price, just like a debt must be repaid, and it must be repaid in time, otherwise the interest will accumulate and kill people. The essence of so-called side effect transfer is to deceive implants and let them find the wrong "creditor". Starting from the skin, the human body is disguised as another implant, joining the ranks of creditors in disguise.

So who will bear the debt? It’s the other animals around us. Strangers from Famine uses experimental mice because they are stable, easy to obtain, and highly receptive. Of course, the best receptors are organisms such as mealworms that can absorb nutrients through their skin, or amphibians with skin breathing capabilities, represented by frogs. It's just that neither mealworms nor frogs can leave the water environment for a long time, and their portability is not as convenient as experimental mice.

You owe money and others pay it back. This is the essence of dormant martial arts. The Famine Stranger was quite honest with his apprentice. He said that he was like a parasite. This martial art was about greedily and ruthlessly absorbing everything that did not belong to him.

"Once, all my mice were dead, but there were still many enemies. In order to survive, I covered the dying people and used them as stepping stones to kill them out - so this martial arts can be used On any creature that you can have skin contact with." The Famine Stranger said: "But I don't recommend that you use other people. On the one hand, that condition is difficult to achieve, and on the other hand, there will be sequelae - you should practice normal ones first. , after I have experienced it, I will tell you the unorthodox things."

Even if it was just to be able to listen to unscrupulous things, Zhuang Xuteng had to practice hard. He continued to control his breathing, while paying attention to maintaining mental concentration and controlling the rhythm of his body to a specific state. The purple potion enters through the wounds in the skin, treating them while acting as an intermediary between them and the mealworms.

The mealworms crawled around and itched, but they still only stayed on the touch, and the effect of absorption and transformation did not appear. Zhuang Xuteng was a little anxious because he was not sure whether these wounds could be healed on time by relying only on purple potion, and whether the next training would be delayed.

After thinking about it, Zhuang Xuteng decided to increase his strength and activated binaural enhancement. In an instant, the sound of hundreds of mealworms swimming and squirming rushed into his ears, and his sensory abilities were greatly enhanced. At the same time, the implant will have an impact on the body, and the side effects always need to find a bearer. At present, the bearer is still Zhuang Xuteng, but this time Zhuang Xuteng can use dormant martial arts to chase side effects and collect debts from him.

Well, without stopping, Zhuang Xuteng used the bone spear technique with both hands, holding it in his mouth without firing it, to simulate the effect of the bone spear pistol - the same thing as the Eye of Shadow. Although they are necromancy spells, they also include shadow skills, and the underlying principles are the same. The mental exhaustion and shock caused by mana consumption can also be regarded as side effects, which are debtors on another level.

Physical injuries, implant side effects, and mana consumption, Zhuang Xuteng found himself three times as many creditors... Now, the debt pressure became clearer, and the accumulation of interest became more intuitive, and he had to continue to control his breathing and adjust his state. , constantly examine the changes in the body.

Perhaps the debt pressure is too great, and they always have to find a breakthrough, and changes will occur at this time. The adaptive implants, located in Zhuang Xuteng's arms, were originally designed to alleviate the side effects of shadow guns. They gave Zhuang Xuteng his first revelation.

Like suddenly seeing a bright light in the darkness, Zhuang Xuteng suddenly "enlightened": This is how skin breathing feels, or this is how it should be. Through his arms, Zhuang Xuteng found a feeling, and he used this feeling as a reference to find a breathing rhythm that would make the feeling clearer and the exchange process more efficient. Then, he let his body get into that rhythm, and then let the feeling he found expand from his arms to his whole body.

Interestingly, wherever the sensation extends, the itching disappears. The mealworms seemed to have become a part of his body, just like the upper and lower lips touching each other would not make each other feel itchy.

So, the mealworm was tricked by him into taking on the debt...

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