Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 158 Chapter 156 Huddle together

Morgana slowly raised her head, her two slender eyebrows frowning toward the center. She said to Zhuang Xuteng with some displeasure: "What exactly do you want to explain? Do you like my taste?"

"Uh...I'm not...I'm..." Zhuang Xuteng suddenly stuttered. He realized that what he said before was indeed too ambiguous. In this narrow space, two people are close to each other, and every time they move, they can clearly feel the contact and friction of their bodies. In the three-flash state, her tactile ability is enhanced, and Morgana's figure seems to be enlarged. Even though he was separated by clothes, Zhuang Xuteng was able to distinguish the details. It was like...

Wait, why am I still using triple flash?

Zhuang Xuteng breathed a long sigh of relief, quickly regained his attention, and ended the three-dodge state that started when he jumped into the well.

Morgana's body fragrance is no longer obvious. It seems that the reckless behavior in the sense of smell just now is related to the super computing martial arts - it not only strengthens the tactile nerves of the skin, but also affects the sense of smell. But the attraction from Morgana did not decrease because of the decrease in sense of smell. As long as she stayed close to her, it was impossible for Zhuang Xuteng not to feel it...

"Sorry, it's the air here that affects me." Zhuang Xuteng forced himself to calm down and behave professionally in front of his client. This is what a mercenary should do. "Holy Light Witch, there are often differences between the actual combat environment and training. I didn't perform well just now, but I won't do that now."

"Well, that makes sense." Seeing Zhuang Xuteng's calm expression, Morgana did not become happy at all. She moved her body slightly, rubbed it a few times, and observed secretly. She saw that Zhuang Xuteng was nervous, and it was obvious that he was trying to restrain himself. Well, she got the information she wanted and said, "Okay, I'm on my feet. How are you?"

"I'm okay." Zhuang Xuteng coughed twice because he found that his voice had become hoarse and unclear. He cleared his throat, calmed down for a moment, and then said after returning to normal: "I can step on both feet, and my back is pressed against the wall. According to our plan..."

"I'll rest for a while, support me." Morgana closed her eyes, put part of her weight on Zhuang Xuteng, and then began to sleep hard. The two of them have to hold on until three or four o'clock in the morning, more than nine hours. Only by taking turns to rest can they ensure that they have sufficient physical strength for action.

"Relax and rest." Zhuang Xuteng adjusted his body posture to support Morgana more. If he wasn't in a vertical well, he would have had Morgana lying on top of him.

Condensed mist curls up from the outer wall of the pipe beneath your feet, joining the occasional snowflakes falling in the wellbore in the air. The sounds of passing cars and pedestrians gradually diminished, and Morgana's breathing became clearer and clearer. Regardless of whether there was a third flash or not, Zhuang Xuteng could kiss Morgana's hair as soon as he lowered his head, so the smell was quite clear and it was impossible to pretend it didn't exist.

As a normal man, Zhuang Xuteng would definitely react, but he knew very well that except for professional behavior, everything else was wrong.

Wrong, wrong, wrong... Zhuang Xuteng kept reminding himself. If it weren't for the current occasion, he felt that it was right to look at and even smell Morgana more. After all, this was a young, beautiful, healthy... Well, it felt like he was choosing the best bread on the farm. insect?

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and shook the thought of mealworms out of his head. He felt that the harder he tried to escape from something, the more his mind would think about it, and the more confused his mind would be. It is better to think clearly, to understand, and to form a conclusion. Only in this way can we temporarily put aside our thoughts about the future and focus on the work in front of us.

Do you have a crush on Morgana? Of course there are, and there are quite a few. Morgana is a decisive person, especially when dealing with traitors. The character and mobility she shows are something Zhuang Xuteng admires very much. What about your daily personality? She seems a bit cold and makes people feel inaccessible, but she does not discriminate or look down upon anyone, she is just a little proud of treating everyone equally.

After analysis, Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao unanimously determined that Morgana joined the PCPD not because of the material needs of life, but because of spiritual needs such as interests and ideals. Judging from her various performances, she is definitely not short of money; and as a member of the PCPD, she is not stingy with money when hiring Zhuang Xuteng and others. She most likely has no idea of ​​the value of the money, just like A millionaire doesn't care whether an apple costs 2.99 yuan or 2.98 yuan.

This frightened Zhuang Xuteng. He had no idea how to get along with a rich man, let alone a rich and beautiful woman. This is not a "sister, I don't want to work hard anymore" plot. Zhuang Xuteng is actually the same as Morgana in terms of confidence and pride, and this is an area that he cannot grasp.

It's okay for two people to do tasks together and show professionalism together; if they go deeper and strengthen the connection in life, Zhuang Xuteng won't do it, because life always involves money. Thinking of this, Zhuang Xuteng sighed slowly. He was much calmer. Even in the best case scenario - that is, if Morgana likes him - he lacks the capital and skills to get along well with her. From a professional point of view: now is not a good time, and there is a high probability that a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

Besides, the "best situation" she is thinking of now is entirely based on fantasy and conjecture. Morgana has not said what she thinks. Maybe she just regards Zhuang Xuteng as an informant, friend and comrade, and has no further intention. Well... calmer.

Zhuang Xuteng adjusted his mood and began to focus on alerting for the movement around him. Now that Morgana was pressing on him, Zhuang Xuteng felt a little tired, and all he could do was try to make her sleep as comfortable as possible, and nothing else. He controlled his center of gravity and posture, and remained still even if his body was stiff and his muscles were sore. However, he secretly summoned a few vengeful servants and used super-caching martial arts to transfer his body's fatigue and damage to the servants. Coupled with a little supplement of legion juice every half hour, Zhuang Xuteng persisted.

Four hours later, Morgana's watch vibrated, waking her up. She had slept soundly before, but she was a little dazed when she woke up. She looked directly at Zhuang Xuteng with her eyes, and it took a full half minute to figure out what was going on.

"I actually fell asleep, I'm sorry." Morgana's face was red for three seconds, but it was dark under the manhole cover and she couldn't see clearly. "It's time for you to rest. Are you tired?"

"It's all within the plan, there's no problem." Zhuang Xuteng adjusted his focus, took this opportunity to stretch his arms and legs, and said at the same time: "Watch the time. If you can't establish contact with Brother Dao at 11 o'clock in the evening, wake me up immediately. .”

"Leave it to me. According to the plan, Brother Dao will be nearby at 10 o'clock. If our contact is smooth, I will not wake you up until 1 o'clock in the night. Right?"

"That's absolutely true." Zhuang Xuteng smiled slightly and said, "I turned off my hearing, otherwise I won't be able to sleep. So if anything happens, just wake me up, slap me or pinch me, it's up to you."

Morgana thought that she should respond with a frown at this time, and then reprimanded Zhuang Xuteng for being rude and unprofessional. But in the end she just said: "Stop talking nonsense, I know what I know, you can go to bed quickly!"

Now it's Morgana's turn to support Zhuang Xuteng. She found it interesting at first, but after a while, it became quite boring. Zhuang Xuteng was snoring softly in her ear, and streams of hot air blew towards her neck and her ears. It was very itchy, but the space was narrow and her movement was limited, so she couldn't scratch it.

It was said before that Zhuang Xuteng sniffed his own scent, but now Zhuang Xuteng's smell penetrated his nose one after another. doesn't taste good. It's mainly mixed with condensed steam, right? Morgana always felt that the smell on Zhuang Xuteng's body was a little cold and a little evil, just like a heavy rain pouring over a cemetery, and the water, mud and soil covering the body were missing a layer of overly imaginative and mixed together to form that weird smell.

Is this what it feels like under a manhole cover? Morgana felt that she had gained knowledge again. If she were in the cemetery and smelled this smell, her first reaction would be to use "Holy Light Purification". Of course, no one will use holy light to purify them now. The divine magic of the Light Cult has dried up with the departure of the gods. At most, there are only some witchcraft combined with shadow servants that can still be used reluctantly.

Morgana has learned some witchcraft, but she has no talent in the field of witchcraft and is just an ordinary person. In fact, there is nothing wrong with ordinary people. The legacy of the Holy Light Church is enough for everyone in the family to live a good life and choose their preferences and future path. Morgana chooses to become a PCPD, so she can be a PCPD with ease.

In fact, Morgana was disappointed with her life in the PCPD, especially when the instructor in charge of training and examinations threw a grenade, which was a major blow to her faith. Relatively speaking, Zhuang Xuteng was an unexpected gain. Through comparison with mercenaries and the attack on gangs, Morgana finally felt that PCPD was somewhat useful and not completely useless.

Just as Zhuang Xuteng was afraid of affecting Morgana's pride and making it difficult to get along with her, Morgana was also afraid that she would affect Zhuang Xuteng's pride. She knows that her life circle is different from that of most people in the world, and she also knows that some behaviors she thinks are normal may be inappropriate and hurt other people--if she observes carefully, she will definitely discover this phenomenon. Therefore, she chose to behave as conservatively and restrained as possible, speaking less, doing less, and expressing less opinions.

Originally, she wanted to find a partner from the PCPD, observe and learn from his partner's behavior, so that she could do her job as a PCPD well. With a grenade, she became a lone ranger, and the target of observation and learning changed from the PCPD to the mercenary Naike. From the bottom of her heart, she liked Naike quite a lot, but she was not sure whether this kind of liking and "that kind" of liking were the same thing. She couldn't figure it out herself, and it wasn't easy for her to ask anyone - especially her family. Although no one would object to her becoming the PCPD, she was also laughed at by these people. Alas, it is said that it was like this when the gods were still there, and there is no essential difference now.

Without guidance, Morgana follows a sure-fire way of getting along: sincerity and caution. She won't reveal any background information that's not relevant to the subject—that is, she'll tell less; and she won't lie. Whether she didn't want to say it or couldn't say it, she made it clear that she wouldn't say it; if she decided to say it, it would be the truth.

Spirit Leaf did hurt her family's industry and "stole" the remaining believers after the gods left. The decline and death of divine magic, the moral and comfort part of the belief system are gradually declining, consumerism, money worship, and the quick comfort brought by spiritual leaf products have made more and more people no longer listen to the words of the Holy Light.

The roles of priests and saints have been replaced by TV programs that can repeatedly play audio and video images. The so-called spiritual counseling and comfort can also be made by making phone calls, following digital instructions to select requirements, and finally listening to the "gospel" in a self-help form. If such a large church loses the people who need to be served, the building will be empty. The wealth is still there, but the work is gone. The profession of saint is gone, and only witches are left.

However, Morgana is the only witch who changed her career to become PCPD since ancient times. Morgana is still a little proud of this. She looked at Zhuang Xuteng, snorted softly, and thought to herself: If it were during the Holy Light Church, would you have the chance to lie directly on the saint? If you don't pass the various tests to become a knight of the church, you won't even be able to touch my hand!

The watch vibrated, and Morgana withdrew from her thoughts. She knocked her watch on the wall to turn off the alarm clock and woke Zhuang Xuteng up.

"It's 1 o'clock, it's time to wake up." Morgana patted Zhuang Xuteng's face.

Zhuang Xuteng immediately adjusted his posture and moved his hands and feet. He then turned on the headset and accessed the communication. Due to the obstruction of the manhole cover, the intensity of the communication is slightly lower and there is some noise, but it can still be heard clearly. After finishing this, he looked into Morgana's big eyes and said, "I haven't slept so soundly in a long time. Thank you for your hard work."

"Are you cold? Are your muscles stiff?"

"No problem, it's better than I expected." Zhuang Xuteng pushed his toes against the wall, then raised his arms to try to lift the manhole cover. He won't actually lift the manhole cover, just trying out the feel. "Well, it's indeed no problem. Now we just wait for the target to arrive."

"I'll also make adjustments and get ready." Morgana's task was also very tight. She had to seize the short time after Zhuang Xuteng climbed out to grab the bottom of the car, find the manhole cover that had been put aside, and pull it back. Minimize the sound of collisions. She and Zhuang Xuteng finally confirmed the direction of movement after lifting the manhole cover, and then simulated their actions at that time. There was inevitable friction during this period, but the two of them didn't think much about it and acted very professionally.

If Zhuang Xuteng or Morgana said at this time: "You have a good figure..." maybe they wouldn't know how to meet each other in the future.

Time passed by minute by second. Sometimes the two people faced each other, and sometimes they looked up at the manhole cover together. They didn't know whether to say that time passed too slowly or too fast. At around two o'clock, Brother Dao, who was watching outside, received news that the truck had appeared.

"I didn't predict it right, but luckily some things haven't changed." In fact, the four people had predicted the route the truck would take, but what they thought was the most likely direction has now been proven wrong. Ge Gongdao said in the communication: "It's up to you, be prepared. Otter will take over."

Ge Gongdao was responsible for driving and guarding the way in, while Otter dressed up as the beggar Zhuang Xuteng and stared at the door of the frozen fish factory, thus providing the most critical time for action for the people under the manhole cover.

After a while, Otter issued a command, asking Zhuang Xuteng to listen to the sound. As soon as the door opened, the car was about to come out.

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