Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 263 Chapter 260 Farewell Master

Ge Gongdao showed impressive combat prowess, easily defeating his opponents with his super-computing martial arts five flashes. He stood back to his master with a confident smile, and then raised his eyebrows at Zhuang Xuteng. The meaning is obvious: I had a great time playing, but I don’t know what will happen to you.

Zhuang Xuteng twisted his lips, rolled his eyes, and then continued to maintain an upright posture and a cold expression, but there was a little expectation in his eyes. He looked at Morgana in the corner with his peripheral vision, wondering if he would also have a chance to show his face.

After a while, although some people kept making noises, no one finally came forward to resolve the grievances. At this time, it was Lucy's turn to appear. She raised her hands and pressed them down, signaling everyone to be quiet and listen to her.

"Everyone who has had lunch is here, and everyone is very busy. If no one has any grievances that need to be resolved, then today's ceremony ends here. I ask again, if there is anyone who can't hear, please remind each other. Wait a minute - I'm just a restaurant here, I don't care about ear implants. One last time: Is there anyone else who wants to come up to settle the grievances?"

Lucy waited for a few seconds, then clapped her hands three times to announce the end of the ceremony. The Famine Stranger officially quit the mercenary industry and became an ordinary person from now on. The grudges he had when he was a mercenary had been settled, and he was just a passerby from now on.

Everyone present also applauded three times, and then stood up and left in twos and threes. They would greet each other, wave to Lucy, and even blow a kiss to Gorgon, but no one paid any attention to the Famine Stranger, and even tried to avoid eye contact. The best golden basin hand-washing ritual is this: wash your hands in a golden basin, wash away the dust, shake it, and take nothing away with your hands.

Soon only Lucy's people, Morgana, and the Famine Stranger were left in the restaurant. The legendary mercenary is gone, but the master is still there. Zhuang Xuteng must accompany the master first. At this time, the wine was finally served. Lucy poured them four glasses, sat down with them, raised the glass and said, "Congratulations, the ceremony went well."

The Famine Stranger raised his glass and rarely smiled in front of everyone. "Lucy, thank you, but I don't believe you would drink that glass of wine."

"I can't drink without taking off my mask. Of course I won't drink. I'll raise my glass to mean it. Your identity information has been destroyed. I did it myself. You can rest assured. Anyway, you know my phone number. As long as I don't retire, , I will continue to accept commissions. But don’t expect any regular customer discounts from me.”

"Understood, I will try not to look for you unless I hear the day you retire." The Famine Stranger raised his neck, drained the glass of wine, and then sighed. "It's strange to say that I have been looking forward to this day and finally retired, but I don't feel anything special. It should be that I should feel calm and happy, or sad and moved, but in the end I feel nothing."

"Empty? Or is it pretentious?" Lucy shook her head, put down her glass and said, "I'm not a psychiatrist. You three masters and apprentices can chat slowly. I'm upstairs. You two can come to me when you're done. I have a mission for you over there. It's not a rush mission, so you have enough time to take care of this pretentious old man first."

"Okay, beautiful lady, don't be an eyesore here, show me only the mask but not your face. Sigh..." The Famine Stranger waved his hand, leaned forward, and drank Lucy's glass of wine again. Then he reached back and picked up Qingquan from behind, placed it gently on the table, and then pushed it to Ge Gongdao.

"Master..." Ge Gongdao picked up Qingquan with both hands and held it in his arms.

Zhuang Xuteng was happy for Brother Dao, but at the same time worried about his master: "Master, would it be bad if you went out empty-handed? What if someone is unethical and ambush you outside..."

"It seems I have to teach you a lesson." The Famine Stranger said: "Do you know why today went so well? Do you think my staff is very good and I am friends with everyone? Naike, you are quite smart, you will definitely not think like this. Then do you think my enemies will think that I have many friends and don’t want to be the target of public criticism, so they don’t want to come to the restaurant to cause trouble? The most likely action of such people is to ambush me outside, especially when the ceremony has just been completed. They are worried about me It’s hard to find them once you’re in a sea of ​​people, right?”

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and admitted that this was what he thought.

"I went to investigate the matter of arranging my retirement. You didn't think I was going to see the scenery or look for a house, right? No one jumped out to look for trouble during the ceremony. That's because there was no one looking for trouble. I came to the door in advance to solve the problem. All the grudges have been settled - it's that simple."

"Kill them all?" Zhuang Xuteng was stunned for a moment.

"If they are just lone wolves, then kill them to avoid being killed. For the rest, I must find their weaknesses and make them have some scruples. The key is to fight for ten years. As long as they disappear during this period, they will never be seen again. I can’t be found.”

"Oh, so that's it." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "But master, you still have to be careful. Some people don't come forward themselves, but they can pay others to do so."

"Find mercenaries through middlemen, or let gangs take action? In fact, both middlemen and gangs have concerns and worry about retaliation. Those who dare to slap their chests and come to trouble me are either super idiots or really capable and knowledgeable guys. Later Well, even if you find me, you are here to discuss eating back."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and said, "And the company, if..."

"I understand what you mean. Large companies can survive corporate wars. They are very powerful and are not afraid of retaliation. It is indeed impossible to solve it. This is why Lucy does not accept or accepts fewer commissions against the company. Okay, you don't need to worry about me. , I am just retired, not dementia or paralyzed. You two can just be a good mascot."

Ge Gongdao nodded and said: "Master is so confident that I can accept Qingquan with peace of mind. I promise..."

"You don't have to promise me, I won't supervise you, tired heart. I have taught you everything I can teach you, I..." The Famine Stranger thought for a moment and said, "There is one more thing." Ge Gong said, I have a little Worrying about you. Now that you have completed Five Flashes, it’s time to solve the Viper problem. Everyone in the industry knows about your problem, and there will always be trouble if you don’t solve it. And your former team members, please get the ending as soon as possible. It’s best. Only by solving these things can you reach a higher level in the industry.”

"Okay, I will listen to Master." Ge Gongdao nodded.

"Nike, I will keep the things you give me. You have a heart. You are very smart and can find ways to solve problems, which makes me feel relieved. Let me tell you this: Although your brain is good, it cannot solve everything. Problem, you have to improve the ranking of talking with your fists among various solutions."

"If it doesn't make sense, fight." Ge Gongdao added.

"It's not like have to do the opposite. You can't be polite in everything. If you have to fall out, you'll fall out." The Famine Stranger raised his hand and patted the two of them on the shoulders at the same time and said, "Okay, I'll leave now. Don't send it away. Lucy has arranged for me to leave through the secret passage. There is no need to remember my pseudonym and contact information. It is best to forget it as soon as possible. You two are the best tasks I have done in my life. In order not to To make you proud, add the word 'one'."

The master left with his hands behind his back. Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao sat in the middle of the restaurant - they had to sit here, this was part of the arrangement of the entire operation. In the future, if anyone wants to find the Famine Stranger who disappeared among the crowd, the most direct way is to find the two of them. From then on, they became Master's safety layer, but they did not find it troublesome. They only had a sense of honor and responsibility in their hearts.

"You don't have to stare at me here. I won't lend you the clear spring for fun." Ge Gongdao raised his chin and said, "Go and see your girlfriend, don't neglect her."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, and as soon as he turned around, he saw Morgana standing up. She waved her hand, pulled open the hem of her blouse, revealing the PCPD badge hanging on her belt, and then made a phone gesture.

Although he understood what she meant, Zhuang Xuteng still chased after her. "Why don't you sit down for a while? There are actually a lot of pretty good meals here."

"There are still tasks in the team, and there is a pile of documents waiting for me to deal with." Morgana posed like she was playing the accordion vertically, and said with a smile: "I won't stay here any longer today. I'll talk to you another day. This gold Washing hands in the basin is quite interesting. On the surface it is very lively, but in fact it is very warm at the core. I feel that it is not in vain. Please don’t send me away when you leave, otherwise I will be misunderstood as a famine stranger wearing makeup, which will be unlucky. ”

"No matter how hard my master tries, he can't make you look like this." Zhuang Xuteng was amused. He also knew that he could only stay in the restaurant today, and it was best not to go anywhere, let alone have a date on the street. For safety reasons, he didn't even send Morgana to the door, just let her go on her own.

"Naike, I solemnly apologize to you. I can't dress up like Morgana - I'm not cute enough." Ge Gongdao chuckled, with a bitchy expression on his face like he was happy after watching a good show. "Master has told you, don't use your brain, just knock him down violently, everything will be solved."

"If you do that, I will probably be the one who gets killed." Zhuang Xuteng rolled his eyes and said, "How happy you are now, but how embarrassed you will be when it's your turn. My memory is very good now, I will definitely keep an eye on you. , let’s see what you will do.”

"Oh, thank you, junior brother, for keeping an eye on senior brother..." Ge Gongdao waved the clear spring and said, "Although I have already got it, I will definitely reach the seventh flash before you. Hehe, master, give it to me I have started to work on a small scale and have been given special guidance based on my situation. I am now full of confidence.”

"That's great, you improve first, and I'll save my brain. In the past, I always had to find a way to be one step ahead of you, otherwise you wouldn't make progress. Sigh... What a blessing it is to not have to use your brain!"

"Master also asked me to take good care of my disciples."

"Master will definitely not say that. I can tell it from your expression." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "Master has retired and it's time to look to the future. If you have nothing urgent to do now, come with me to find Lucy Sister! She said she had a mission, and I was so curious that I was scratching my head."

"You are really a qualified mercenary." Ge Gongdao stood up, hung Qingquan on his belt, twisted his buttocks to find his center of gravity, and started walking in front of him.

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