Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 271 Chapter 268 More work, more reward

The problems can be endless, but you can reach your goals by actually taking steps forward. Zhuang Xuteng understands propriety. He will not interfere with the entire plan with endless questions. He will only raise the most critical ones and solve them as much as possible while raising the problems, or at least point out the direction of solution. This is the way to promote the plan.

Next, everyone will divide into three groups. Some people are going to get a helicopter, some are going to get a locomotive to set up the drill site, and the third group of people are Zhuang Xuteng and Muir, who are going to take the train. The two men's job was to figure out what was going on along the route, especially poles and roadblocks that might impede the helicopter's movement. Muir could drive and Zhuang Xuteng could observe. The two of them went to check out the locations during the day, but the action actually took place late at night, so they had to take this into consideration.

Although the two of them went on a mission together, they barely talked. On the train, one person is sitting on the far left and the other is sitting on the far right. Their eyes are out of the window. Take one trip, rest for four hours, and then take another trip back, still one on the left and one on the right. After the round trip is completed, the two people sit together and combine the observations for cross-validation.

"The height of the roadside signal lights and sign poles are not higher than the train, so the helicopter can be lifted up. But there is a rung at this location, which is only 5.2 meters away from the track, which may block the helicopter." Zhuang Xuteng reported the situation to Lucy , asked: "Is the helicopter confirmed? Do you know what model it is?"

"There is a ZZY-26 Halo helicopter in Peicheng, and it is our target."

Muir's eyes lit up and he said: "It's a good aircraft, easy to operate and has a large load. It can be said to be the best choice. But I only know that PCPD has a halo helicopter. Isn't that the one you are talking about?"

"Yes, it's that one." Lucy nodded.

"Hey, if you want to steal the casino, steal the PCPD first? The PCPD can't let you take the helicopter for nothing. Will this alert the enemy?" Muir was full of worry.

"It's not stealing, it's mortgage." Lucy said: "Given the stinginess of our constitutional city government, PCPD does not have sufficient funds to own the halo helicopter. It signed a long-term lease contract. The real owner of the halo helicopter is Piao. Dream Flying Club.”

"In addition to the maintenance of Halo helicopters, this club's business also includes aerial sightseeing tours, flight schools, and some convenient and shady transportation businesses." Lucy snapped her fingers and said, "His business has been hard to do recently. , I need someone to help me, and the price is to borrow the Halo helicopter."

Zhuang Xuteng frowned and asked, "Is there any risk of leaking secrets?"

"His entire airport was mortgaged, and not a single plane could fly within half a month, but we only needed three days. Grove said he needed one day to dismantle the helicopter and another day to put it back together. . Muir, do you think he can do it?"

Muir smiled and said: "He is alone? Maybe it can be removed, but there is no chance of putting it back on. You have to add me. Hmm... The end of the halo helicopter's rotor droops, and the wingspan... let me calculate."

She borrowed a pen and paper to calculate, then frowned and said: "At least the lower edge of the rotor must be higher than the road pole on the roadside..."

Zhuang Xuteng interrupted: "No, it must be higher than the carriage. The line is double-tracked, and there may be miscarriages."

"Okay, you are right. If you think about it this way, the road pole is not a problem, but the crossbar cannot pass. It is wide enough, but not high enough, and it will hit your head."

"What's the difference?"

"Fifty centimeters," Muir said. "The crossbar must be removed."

"Can you remove the wheels of the helicopter? This can save some distance. And if you need a lift, just lower the height before reaching the crossbar so that it can get through."

"How to land if the wheels are removed? Will the belly land directly on the ground? seems that the entire pod can be removed and it will have no belly. Moreover, the landing site can be arranged in advance, and the carriage can be removed first, and then a soft landing can be performed. Muir patted Zhuang Xuteng on the shoulder and said, "You have a good idea!"

"Thank you." Zhuang Xuteng asked, "If you remove the wheels, can it pass?"

"I'll do the math again!" Muir listed several new data on the paper. Judging from the formula she listed, it seemed like she was going to lift the helicopter to transport it. After a while, she nodded: "Okay, it can just go through, but there is only a three centimeter gap."

"Three centimeters is too little." Lucy said to Zhuang Xuteng, "Go and solve this problem."

Zhuang Xuteng said nothing, just nodded and turned to leave. He took his tools, got into the armored vehicle, and headed straight to where the crossbar was. Since three centimeters is not enough, then lift it up fifteen centimeters. On a Mercedes-Benz train, the crossbar appears for no more than two minutes, and the driver should not be able to notice this change in height.

When he came back, the other two groups of people also came back, and everyone was relaxing in the rest area. When Ge Gongdao saw Zhuang Xuteng, he waved him over, opened a bottle of beer for him, and asked, "Is it going well?"

"It went well. The crossbar has been raised and will not block the road. How are you doing?"

"The locomotive is already there, but the helicopter is still a little troublesome. The owner of the aviation club got another money from somewhere, and the debt pressure is not that great. It will not be so easy to deal with him." Ge Gongdao scratched his head. , said: "I'm afraid we have to put more pressure on him to make him really feel the pressure."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Haha, what you said is very strange. You don't give us any money. How can you say it's not hard work?" Prince passed behind Ge Gongdao, leaned over, and took away the beer that Brother Dao had taken a sip from. Brother Dao snorted, and she smiled and said, "Thank you for testing the poison for me in advance."

Zhuang Xuteng covered his mouth and smiled, and then struggled to suppress his playful smile under Ge Gongdao's gaze. "Formal training can only begin after we have a helicopter... By the way, Prince, how about the locomotive and railway?"

"The locomotive is ready. It will set off the day after tomorrow, and it will be back the day after tomorrow at most. These two days are just a good time to check the rails. This track has not been used for a long time, and I don't want the locomotive to derail." Prince took a sip of beer. He took a long breath of comfort, knocked on his chest with his fist, and said, "Naike, you are going to look at the road. What do you need to pay attention to?"

"I'm going with Muir. I've drawn a map and all the turns, bumps and obstacles are clearly marked. There's only one crossbar on the road, so you have to be careful not to get swept off."

"Don't worry. What we have to deal with outside the car is just the wind and some weight. You don't know what you have to deal with inside the car." Prince shook his head and said: "In all aspects, you and Brother Dao have to face The situation is the most complex and unpredictable. If you need support then, don't be polite."

"Thank you." Zhuang Xuteng stood up and nodded in thanks.

"You're too polite... No, no, no!" Prince quickly waved his hand, and then said to Kent and Wayne: "Do you think I'm right? I'm telling you that Brother Dao's vision is right this time. I found a great partner.”

"Yes, yes!" Kent smiled and shook his head. He was familiar with Prince, how could he not know why she had such a good attitude towards Ge Gongdao? If all likes could get the right results, then of course the world would be a very beautiful place. "Brother Dao, I may have to trouble you to take care of this crazy girl in the future, so please bear with me."

"He takes care of me? Are you saying the opposite? No, what do you mean?" Prince flew up and kicked Kent, but he rolled away and dodged. So the two men chased and the other fled. They jumped up and down in the warehouse, both showing extremely flexible skills and excellent athletic qualities.

While Zhuang Xuteng was watching the show, Yan Que walked up to him softly and said in a gentle voice: "Naike, the middleman wants you to go to the war room."

"Just call me one?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"Yes." The beautiful girl blinked, her long eyelashes trembling. "Come over quickly, they seem to be in a hurry."

After hearing this, Zhuang Xuteng did not dare to neglect, and headed to the war room in three steps at a time. Yanque smiled at everyone and was about to leave when he was stopped by Ge Gongdao.

"What's going on in there? Is Stair in trouble again?"

"I can't say." Yanque shook his head and said, "I don't have the authority to tell you, so please don't ask me."

"Then can you tell me what you want Naike to do? You can't even talk about this, right?"

"He is very smart, let him come up with ideas and help the three middlemen brainstorm." Yanque kept smiling, but his voice was cold, and then said to Ge Gongdao: "Currently, of the three action groups, only Naike and Miu Steyer's group has completed the current task, and the other two groups are lagging behind. Steyer recommends that you hurry up and don't miss this important operation because of laziness."

"Hiss... Stair said that? It seems we have dissatisfied him." Ge Gongdao rubbed his hands and said, "Nightingale..."

"I am Yanque, and Nightingale is my cousin. We look a bit alike, but not to the extent of twins. If you can't tell them apart, you can look at my left eye: I am the one without the red mole at the corner of my eye, and I am the one with the red mole. It’s a nightingale.”

"Sorry, I'm a little face-blind." Ge Gongdao actually did it on purpose. He wanted to test Yanque's temper and see whether her cold and arrogant behavior was a daily attitude or a professional skill. At present, it seems that she does not have much emotional fluctuations when she is called by the wrong name. Although she makes corrections, she does not care about these small things. In this way, the aloofness she showed when relaying the story was not Steyer's attitude, but just her nature.

"It doesn't matter. It would be nice to be more familiar with him." Yanque smiled mechanically, turned around and left.

Ge Gongdao pointed to his head, then shrugged and said, "Is it because of the head implant that the emotions and expressions will be like this? Is this also a side effect?"

Prince spread his hands and said he didn't know. "Should we be more concerned about Naike than the brain implant? Now the people in the middle can save trouble and just call him to the meeting... shouldn't they call us together?"

"I also think there should be a meeting as a whole." Ge Gongdao shook his head and said: "Asking him to go is not necessarily a good thing. He may have to be assigned a separate task. No, how can you do that to my brother? The premise is that those who can do more work It’s a lot of work and a lot of reward!”

Kent smiled, pointed at Ge Gong and said: " are so impeccable, are you starting to lay the groundwork now? Okay, we understand what you mean. If Naike performs well and he gets more money, we have no problem with it." . It’s not aimed at him, in fact, it’s the same for everyone. If you do well, you should get more points, and if you do poorly, you should deal with it!”

"Aren't you blushing when you say this?" Wayne shook his head and said slowly: "Our task has not been completed yet, and you want to deal with us? I won't rest and will find a way. If we always let the middleman wipe our butts, we It will become cheaper and cheaper in the future; if we let our peers figure out a solution for us, then everyone will be able to follow him in the future."

Kent smiled and said, "Okay, let's find a way to deal with the guy from the aviation club as soon as possible - at least we have to increase his tension and not make him feel too comfortable. Brother Dao, don't worry, it's not aimed at anyone, It’s just that I couldn’t finish it today, so I feel a little unhappy.”

"Understood, me too." Ge Gongdao waved his hand first to show that he didn't care, then winked at Prince and said, "Are you tired? If not, let's go to the train repair shop again? how do you feel?"

"I agree." Prince glanced at Muir and said, "You will be driving, so come with us to see it?"

"Me?" Muir was stunned for a moment and said, "I'll go with you two. You won't mind me being in the way, right?"

"This is a commissioned task, not a travel date." Brother Dao said with a serious look on his face: "Let's go, see the train head earlier, and feel relieved earlier. Don't look at Naike having so many ideas all day long, he can only focus on the task process, not You can't see problems that only professionals can see."

Muir shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, his observation and learning abilities are very good. I will go with you, but there is a condition: I will drive."

"My car." Brother Dao said.

"I never let anyone drive as long as I can hold the steering wheel."

Everyone split up again, leaving Zhuang Xuteng alone to face the middleman. Oh, to be precise, there are rockfinch and nightingale too. As long as there is a meeting, they will activate the implant to block the signal. This requires them to be completely focused and therefore unable to participate in the meeting discussions.

"Among all the mercenaries, you have been in the industry for the shortest time and have the purest communication and social relations, so I give you a task." Steyer got straight to the point and said directly: "There can be no new leaks here, so you have to keep an eye on Stay tuned, observe if anyone is in a bad state, and then report to me."

"Being a spy?" Zhuang Xuteng looked at Lucy and frowned. He expressed dissatisfaction with this arrangement, saying: "I don't have the ability to see who has problems. If you really doubt it, check it out yourself, don't look for me."

"An extra hundred thousand euros," Steyer said.

"Haha." Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said, "If you want to buy insurance for the mission, this money is not enough. And I know my abilities. My brain is for dealing with entrusted tasks, not people. No matter how much you give me Money is a waste. You have rock sparrows and nightingales, they can listen to all communication signals, what else do you want from me?"

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