Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 420 Chapter 417 Don’t be afraid

Among the services provided to Pioneer VIPs, there was some content on firearms, but not much, and the two salesmen looked very unfamiliar with this aspect. They introduced Zhuang Xuteng for a long time, and kept talking nonsense. The content they provided was very empty and had no actual parameters of the weapon.

Seeing that Zhuang Xuteng couldn't find out the real thing, he stopped worrying about their business level and placed an order directly. "No matter what this gun looks like, I bought it anyway and will deliver it as soon as it is available. It's just two guns! The price is about the same as the Shadow Gun, so I can afford it."

When signing contracts, swiping cards, and ordering goods, Zhuang Xuteng, a pioneer VIP, must at least promote the word "pioneer". I heard from these two shopping guides that their main income is commissions from various businesses, but they don't know how much commission they can get from two guns worth 10,000 euros.

You can only get a clue from their expressions: they have money, but not much, and they want to sell more things. Unfortunately, Zhuang Xuteng was already seeing off guests.

According to the work schedule, the execution puppets started their first day of work at the protein bug farm. These three guys really didn't need to rest. They put on their long waterproof boots and slowly but surely stepped into the paddy field covered by the greenhouse. They took the net bags and started to turn over the protein worms, picking out the sick and yellow ones, and soaked them in the treatment solution. , the rest turned over for them, and finally got some exercise.

Above their heads, a row of bright imitation solar radiation lamps illuminated them. This kind of crap that can cause ordinary people to suffer from various cancers cannot harm the execution puppet; under their feet, milk-colored nutrient solution slowly rippled in the pool, reflecting the Three twisted, zombie-like reflections appeared.

Zhuang Xuteng took out his pipe. The titanium alloy cigarette holder had been replaced more than twenty times due to absorption, but the inside of the "pipe" was still very clean. He doesn't have the habit of smoking, but today he watched the execution puppet working in his protein worm field. It's hard to describe his mood. He felt that he should take a puff.

The smoke he exhaled rose and lingered in front of Zhuang Xuteng, making the scene in his field of vision even more trance-like and psychedelic. From now on, execution puppets have begun to enter social production and gradually replace some jobs?

Zhuang Xuteng always thought that his three-thirds of land was like a haven from the world. It would be exactly the same as before and would not be affected by urban development. People here work the same jobs as they did a hundred years ago, develop the same diseases, suffer the same torture and die the same way. He once expected that good changes would come from the sky, but later he felt that only through his own efforts, even if he killed people, even if he stole, as long as he got money, he could make this place better.

Money is earned and money is spent; changes come, but I don’t know whether the changes are good or not. Zhuang Xuteng was a little confused. He didn't know how to evaluate the scene of puppets working in the fields. Is this progress? If it's progress, why don't you feel like you've improved?

If you calculate the accounts carefully, the income brought to the family by several protein worm fields has actually decreased. What has changed is the workload and the possibility of the parents getting sick again. Without the family fund that Zhuang Xuteng set up in his brother's name with his own money, and relying solely on the income from the protein bug field bag to the execution puppet, his parents' living standards would definitely be reduced. This means that their ability to withstand life risks is reduced, and if they want to save some money, they must find a job again.

When looking for a job, it is easy to say these three words, but difficult to do. Where to find a job? There weren't many jobs in the first place, and now we have to compete with executive puppets, which must be even more difficult. Zhuang Xuteng frowned and thought for a long time. He finished smoking a pot of tobacco and couldn't think of a reason. At this time, the execution puppets had finished working in one greenhouse and stepped out of the pool to prepare to work in the next greenhouse.

"Please give way." The execution puppet spoke in a hoarse, mechanical voice and made a "please" gesture.

Zhuang Xuteng was a little surprised. He didn't know this thing could talk. "Is the pre-recorded sound coming from the remote control?" Zhuang Xuteng stepped aside to get out of the doorway while observing the three guys in detail.

By observing the energy response of the shadow slaves, it can be seen that the three execution puppets are currently in "offline mode". All their actions are based on the simple program just set, using Zhuang Xuteng's demonstration as a template, plus the company's basic understanding of the work of the protein insect field. set up. However, the three execution puppets are also different from each other, which is reflected in the subtle differences in their walking, obstacle avoidance, acceleration and deceleration, and steering buffering. Only those who can observe the differences in characteristics such as walking speed and stride length can discover the differences.

To put it in simpler terms: If you identify people from their movement postures, they are three independent individuals and will not be confused as one. However, the gap between the three of them was very small, and Zhuang Xuteng felt like three people coming out of the same shackles.

Obviously, the "difference" comes from the different skeletal structures and muscle compositions of the execution puppets. The "same" point is the shadow chip used to execute the puppets and the workflow called "program". Zhuang Xuteng followed behind the execution puppets, always using his shadow eyes to observe and record the flow of shadow energy on their bodies. I have to say that these three guys really save energy. According to the workload, the overall energy consumption in a month is compared to the electrical equipment at home. Calculated according to the electricity bill, converted into money to buy food, it is lower than that of people with the same workload. .

What do you think this is?

An evil fire suddenly arose in Zhuang Xuteng's heart. He raised his hand and aimed at the execution puppets with bone spear gestures, wishing to shoot three of them in the head. The three execution puppets didn't care at all. They continued the work at hand, clattering and churning in the protein worm field, as if this was their entire world. Seeing this, Zhuang Xuteng felt that the walking dead could not be blamed for all the troubles in the world, and there was no point in blowing them up!

Withdrawing his fingers, Zhuang Xuteng shook his head, left the greenhouse, and went back to the house. The house is being renovated, and most of the original furniture has been sold. A small part is kept in the room originally reserved for hired workers, and the rest is piled in a neighbor's house to be moved back after the renovation is completed. Originally, Zhuang Xuteng had no place to sleep here, but he didn't need to rest when executing the puppet, so wouldn't the room for the hired workers be free? Zhuang Xuteng went in and took a look. Hey, my old bed happened to be in the room. It looked so familiar!

He slept soundly on the familiar bed, especially after talking to Morgana on the phone first and complaining about the strange things about performing puppet work, he fell asleep faster. After falling asleep this time, he came to the Stone Pillar Hall. After entering the door, he simply raised his hand to say hello to the Lich Master, and then went straight to his own stone pillar.

The text on the pillar has indeed changed. Now it is a long paragraph. Each time it appears, it spans several pages, and it can already represent most of the content of an article. Thanks to the context, there is no need to engage in puzzle guessing activities anymore. Even if the large paragraphs of text that appear before and after do not belong to the same article, as long as they are all recorded, at least there will be no mistakes.

The Lich Master noticed Zhuang Xuteng's actions, and it quickly left the throne and chased after him while floating. It followed behind and shifted its gaze from Zhuang Xuteng to the stone pillars of the main hall. Although it cannot see the specific changing words, it can feel the change in the aura emitted by the pillar.

"What happened?"

"Now one column will display five to six thousand words, and we have the prototype of a complete article. I can read it to you, do you want to listen?"


Trapped in the Stone Pillar Hall, without a body and unable to see the outside world, life here is like a prison. The entire hall is full of his own memories and the various skills that he has mastered. To put it bluntly, they are all nothing new. These are the torture of the Lich Master in prison.

The Lich Master transforms himself into a Lich with only one fundamental purpose: to have a longer life of studying and learning. Thanks to the seventy-third stone pillar and the information that Zhuang Xuteng could bring it, it was able to avoid the fate of being unable to deal with new problems and gradually dying out. The process of changing from a lich to a skeleton, and then from a skeleton to ashes, is actually not difficult. As long as the Lich Master is extremely bored and loses the desire to learn and improve, the Lich Soul Fire in its eyes will go out.

By controlling the flow of time in the Stone Pillar Hall, Master Lich made Zhuang Xuteng read more than seventy articles. There is not a trace of magic in these articles. They are all observations, records and thoughts about society, solutions to problems, analysis and judgment of situations...

Zhuang Xuteng and Master Lich don't know what kind of environment the person who wrote these articles is in, nor do they know whether there are mages or shadow followers in the world he lives in. They only know that these are not important. The real shining point of all the articles lies in his way of thinking, including how to look at problems, how to deal with them, and how to make the process of solving problems withstand the test again and again.

"It can be seen that he thinks very far, and his perspective on the world is extraordinary..." Master Lich thought about it carefully and said, "I have lived consciously for more than five thousand years, and I have never seen such a person. .”

Zhuang Xuteng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think he is better than you?"

"It depends on which aspect. If you compare spells, he can't survive for a moment in front of me. But when I enter his field, I can only be regarded as an apprentice." The Lich Master stared at Zhuang Xuteng and said: "I am very proud, but Not arrogant. I would lose in many comparisons, such as comparing muscle mass with you."

"This is the truth." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "Master Lich, how do you evaluate this person?"

"It's hard to evaluate. If he is only good at writing, he is probably at the level of an excellent teacher; if he can complete what he writes in his article and actually successfully find a way out, then he is a very powerful person. I think he is still I have to constantly persuade and educate people, so that they can think in one place and exert their energy in one place. It feels quite tiring! If I were to do it with one spell, everyone in the city would be thinking in sync with me, and they would do whatever I asked them to do. That would be much more convenient.”

"Have you ever done that kind of thing?" Zhuang Xuteng was shocked. He lowered his head and looked at his hands and murmured: "It would be so handsome if I could do that anytime."

"You can't live that long. Become a lich first, and then consider controlling the thoughts of a city of people all at once." The Lich Master waved his hand and said, "I'll tell you more, there's no point in doing that at all. You see Everyone in the city thinks the same as you. They will only feel that they are living in a mirror world, with your own shadow everywhere. I only lasted two days and got bored. If it were a normal person with a brain, it would be over in one day. Tortured to madness.”

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said: "It's hard to imagine what it would be like. It feels too beyond my understanding... Hey, Master Lich, can you control skeletons to work in the fields?"

"It's not difficult at all. You can do such a job by manipulating corpses, and of course I can do it!"

"What if there were a whole city of skeletons and zombies? Can you let them do different jobs and engage in production every day?" Zhuang Xuteng asked: "If you could do that, wouldn't people in the city not have to work? "

"Well... things are not that simple." Master Lich said: "Historically speaking, the empire of the undead has been established three times, and they have not ended well. The reasons are different, some collapsed from within, and some collapsed due to external forces. The crusade failed... many scholars studied their respective problems and wanted to find out the reasons for their success and failure. I am a necromancer, and I also have such magical abilities, so I am also interested in these studies. But..."

"But what?" Zhuang Xuteng asked.

"After reading the content on your seventy-four stone pillars today, I have a lot of new ideas and thoughts, and new thinking about the reasons for the failure of those undead empires. Zhuang Xuteng, please let me think about it, and I will have an update Better answers for you.”

"Oh... no problem." Zhuang Xuteng changed the topic and asked: "How do you feel about the bones you got back from Hill Lee? Can you use them?"

"Yes. With a few more pieces like this, I can build myself a basic body." Master Lich thought for a while and asked, "Zhuang Xuteng, how much can the content on this pillar show, and how much does it relate to your personal experience and thinking? There is a connection. There is such a big change suddenly, did you encounter anything outside?"

Zhuang Xuteng told the Lich Master about the execution of the puppet to come to the house to do work.

After listening carefully to Zhuang Xuteng's story, Master Lich finally understood the cause and effect. "No wonder you are asking about the Empire of the Undead. It turns out that you are worried that your world will become the next Empire of the Undead. Well...this worry is not delusional. I feel that the execution puppets are more powerful than the skeleton laborers of the Undead Empire in history. And The energy of the company is much stronger than that of a single necromancer..."

"Yeah..." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "Once the company starts mass production, execution puppets will be overwhelming, and all jobs may be replaced by them. What will the world look like?"

"You don't have to worry too early, and there's no need to worry blindly and blur the boundaries between fantasy and reality. Execution puppets are not created out of thin air. Skeleton workers need skeletons as raw materials, and the same goes for execution puppets. If you want to understand this To understand the impact of the incident, first understand the origin and current situation of the incident. What is the execution puppet made of? How much does it cost? How to operate it? If you can’t understand these, you won’t even find the right target to be afraid.”

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