Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 430 Chapter 427 You can’t do it without me

Gray ghost energy bullets shot out, piercing Kaho's head like a dagger, preparing to carve a pair of holes in the once proud head. At this time, a series of lights lit up under the skin of Kaho's spine, extending from the tailbone to the skull. The implant worked at maximum torque, vowing to move his head out of the dangerous area.

"Hit, give me a hit!" Zhuang Xuteng thought silently in his heart. He also ordered the tentacles of the resentful spirit to wrap around Kahuo's head and pull it forward with maximum strength. Although the total power is definitely not comparable to the implanted equipment, it can be offset as much as it can, increasing the chance of winning by even a tiny bit.

"Bang!" "Ah!" Kaho was shot, and his head fragments flew upwards, with a flying dagger wrapped in them. At the most critical moment of life and death, Kahuo blocked the dagger originally intended to stab Zhuang Xuteng's head in front of the ghost energy bomb, acting as a protective shield and sharing part of the impact damage first.

If Zhuang Xuteng only fired ordinary ghost energy bombs, a dagger would be enough; if Kahuo used two daggers and pressed down with his arms, he would definitely be able to completely block the shot and only damage one dagger at most. Neither of the above situations happened.

The impact of the double bone spear technique hit the dagger hard, and Kahuo was unable to grasp it, causing the dagger to fall away. Then, the remaining bone spear technique hit Kaho's right eye, sweeping across the eyeball, shattering the upper part of the eye socket, plowing open his skull like a plow, digging out a series of fragments, forming a waterfall of skull parts flowing upward, straight to the ceiling. Kaho staggered backwards. The huge fear on the edge of life and death and the panic of losing one side of his vision in an instant caused deviations in his body control. The downward thrusting dagger deviated from its original trajectory and missed the top of Zhuang Xuteng's head, only piercing into his shoulder.

"Ah!!" Electricity surged through his shoulders. Zhuang Xuteng quickly rolled to the side and pulled out the dagger stuck in his shoulder. He knew very well that the bone spear technique just now did not hit Kaho's brain, and lifting part of the skull was not necessarily fatal. He didn't dare to neglect at all, so he pulled out the dagger and threw it at Kahuo. The blow was fast and hard, fully living up to his long-term training in throwing.

Unfortunately, Kaho raised his hand and caught the dagger with his palm. He stared with his remaining eyes, full of ferocity, and his murderous thoughts were focused on Zhuang Xuteng like a dazzling searchlight. "You hurt me, deeply." Kaho's voice was unusually calm. Either his emotional ability had been burned out by anger, or his hatred was only transformed into determination instead of fueling anger. "You're going to die a slow, painful, miserable death."

"No, I won't..." Zhuang Xuteng replied half a sentence during his breath. Before he could finish the provocation, it turned into an exclamation: "Fuck me!"

Kaho grabbed the parked car with one arm, swung it up and smashed it down. He clearly realized that his opponent was a skilled martial artist, extremely slick and cunning. The straight-line speed impact had already failed twice, and the close combat skills were inferior, so he thought of using huge power to directly start the fly-swatting tactic.

When a car hits it, you can't stop it, you can only hide. The car attacks a large area, and the Kaho is also moving, so it's very difficult to dodge. Zhuang Xuteng was already rolling and crawling, using all the strength of his limbs and the tentacles of the resentful spirit to move, and he was able to dodge the first slap.

An iron frame weighing more than a ton crashed down, and the entire parking lot building trembled. It rubbed Zhuang Xuteng's body and collided with the ground. The body parts, especially the glass fragments, shot out, hitting Zhuang Xuteng like raindrops, and then scattered all over the ground.

This will obviously affect subsequent moves.

"Come on!" Zhuang Xuteng roared angrily, pushing the car's "fly swatter" with both feet and hands at the same time, using the reaction force to slide out. The broken glass on the ground couldn't cut through his clothes, but it actually helped him slide up a little. He used the touch force skills of super-calculated martial arts to control his body posture, perfectly combining sliding and rolling, and stood up again without any hindrance.

At this time, Kaho had already raised the car and was chasing and swatting at the same time. "Boom!" "Boom!" The poor car kept hitting the ground, losing first the glass, then the tires and rearview mirrors, followed closely by the doors and hood. Zhuang Xuteng fled all the way, and Kahuo had to pursue him all the way. He noticed that the car in his hand was getting "lighter", so he threw it at Zhuang Xuteng like a spear, and then picked up another car.

"What the hell kind of tactic is this?" Zhuang Xuteng cursed angrily. The flying car spun in the air, blocking most of the escape paths. The only way was to jump up. Zhuang Xuteng took off and jumped over the broken car with a backflip. He was about to use the ceiling to accumulate energy and change direction. Unexpectedly, Kahuo suddenly became smart and threw the second car directly over.

It was a little Beetle, a single-row, easy-to-park minivan, now like a cannonball. Zhuang Xuteng cursed secretly in his heart, and did not dare to neglect at all. He pushed his hands and feet toward the ceiling, and at the same time used the floating technique to try to change his posture. But he still couldn't avoid it and was hit by the car in the air, flying out with it.

This time, there was no way to hide after reacting. The car in front compressed the dodge space, forcing Zhuang Xuteng to choose the only route, and then used the second car to block this route. This has nothing to do with the ability to predict and avoid, it is equivalent to covering all angles with firepower. Unless there is a high burst and high speed to escape the covered area in a split second, the result is the same: take the hit.

"Boom!" This voice echoed in Zhuang Xuteng's head. He felt like his whole body was falling apart, the liquid part seemed to be separated from the solid part, and the soul seemed to be separated from the entire body. What do advertisers say? Plasmolysis? Maybe this is what it feels like? Under the strong impact, Zhuang Xuteng suddenly lost his sense of the environment and control of his body, and even briefly lost consciousness.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on the ground with a broken ceiling next to him and a burning Beetle on the other side. Outside, the entire field of vision was shaking left and right and flipping up and down; inside, every internal organ was stirring, vibrating and squeezed inside and out. He spit out a mouthful of blood and was surprised to find that the blood was a little cold, maybe not as warm as the air he breathed in. This shows that his senses have been severely impacted and have been misaligned.

As long as you're not dead, you have to keep fighting. Zhuang Xuteng reopened the Wraith Spirit Jelly, activated his dormant martial arts, and looked for Kahuo at the same time. He vaguely saw a vague figure walking slowly, raising his hand and pointing at him. Ghost energy bomb? Zhuang Xuteng braced himself and managed to dodge, but finally missed the critical hit. Two ghost energy bombs, one pierced the right lung, the other shattered the right ear, leaving a bloody shallow pit on the face.

"Still alive? Can you still dodge? Avoidance has been written into your bone marrow..." Kahuo looked at Zhuang Xuteng with no mercy in his heart. All his brainpower was used on how to kill people safely. He thought twice and decided that it would be better to use the old method, so he walked to the nearest car. "Smash him to death and smash him into a pulp. Then you won't be afraid that he will have the means to die together."

Why couldn't Zhuang Xuteng understand the other party's intention, but he really had no choice at the moment. After trying hard to avoid the ghost energy bombs, he discovered that his legs were fractured. Once the implant exerted force, the bones would creak, as if glass was breaking. This was only an obvious, painful trauma. The condition of his upper body, which was directly hit by a car shell, was even worse. How long his internal organs could survive was an absolute mystery.

The built-in syringe in the neck has been automatically triggered when the injury is detected, and the blood coagulation and pain relief have been completely exhausted. It is very likely that he is still alive now because of these life-saving drugs injected in time. Huh... It would be nice if I took the suitcase from Assassin Property Company with me. There are emergency treatment needles in it, so... Zhuang Xuteng narrowed his eyes and sighed. Kaho has already raised the car and is preparing to throw it. Even with the medical needle, he can't stop the car...

"It's still too fragile to withstand even a frontal attack." Zhuang Xuteng raised his hand, holding his right wrist with his left hand, and began to gather shadow energy. Even if he couldn't penetrate Kaho's armored clothes, he was still going to turn all his mana into bone spear skills to fuck him!


Before the word "ba" came out of his mouth, a black shadow suddenly flew towards Kahuo. It was a spinning motorcycle! Ge Gongdao arrived in time. He didn't have time to brake, so he jumped off directly, controlled his body with super computing martial arts, and threw the motorcycle away. Kahuo sent a car shell to Zhuang Xuteng, but he didn't expect a motorcycle shell to come from the side and behind. "Bang!" He and the motorcycle exchanged: Kaho flew out, and the motorcycle was smashed underneath by the lifted car.

Seeing Ge Gongdao rushing towards him, Zhuang Xuteng "reflected on his own thoughts" and roared: "Leave me alone, kill him! Otherwise we will all die!" Ge Gongdao nodded, turned around immediately, and drew out the "Qingquan" while charging, Aim at Kaho and strike!

"Huh...huh!" The sound of the blade cutting through the air was slightly harsh. Brother Dao and Kahuo fought together. This was another collision of super-calculated martial arts and close-quarters comprehensive combat. There is a very obvious difference between Ge Gongdao's martial arts and Zhuang Xuteng's. The legendary weapon "Qingquan" is both offensive and defensive, giving him a stronger threat than Zhuang Xuteng.

However, he is bigger and easier to get beaten, and his physical defense ability is not much better than Zhuang Xuteng in the face of Kahuo's heavy punches. In other words, Brother Dao may lose faster, so there is not much time left for Zhuang Xuteng.

"Now is not the time to rest and catch your breath!" Zhuang Xuteng dispersed the shadow energy from his fingertips, converted part of it into mana, and drove the vengeful servant to move himself. The first step is to lean on the pillar and keep the upper body upright; the second step is to bring an aluminum tube not far away; the third step is to pull out the bandage and tie the aluminum tube tightly to the side of the leg to provide support for the leg muscles. A little more support.

At this time, Kaho was shooting at Ge Gongdao, but he didn't know that the ghost energy bullet could be cut and guided by Qingquan, and eventually returned to him. He was staggered, the wound on his eye expanded, and his upper body became less and less flexible. Well... Although he has suffered a loss now, Zhuang Xuteng knows that he will not fall in the same pit again. It was probably the last time he suffered a loss in this battle.

Unless you join the battle immediately!

The first choice is of course the bone spear technique, which is powerful, has a long range, and can also be tracked. But Ge Gongdao was fighting with Kahuo, and the bone spear technique could easily cause accidental injuries. Taken together, if you hit it correctly, it may not be effective. If you hit it wrongly, it will collapse immediately. Bone Spear Technique is not a good choice.

So Zhuang Xuteng used all his mana on the Wraith Tentacles and dormant martial arts, and used the maximum power to deal damage to Kahuo! At this time, there is nothing to hide, and there is no "depth of tactical arrangements" to consider. You can cause as many obstacles as you can to the other party, and you can recover as much as you can recover!

The Wraith Tentacle is not a shadow follower spell and does not produce a shadow follower energy signal. Kahuo was completely unaware of it. He was already injured, and it was the most serious injury he had not experienced in a long time, so he suddenly felt unwell. He thought it was caused by the wound, and did not think about Zhuang Xuteng at all. At this moment, he felt that he had figured out the tricks of the big guy in front of him, and found that the big guy was essentially the same as the little loach. He was actually a more dexterous technical player. So he gathered strength, accelerated backwards to increase the distance, and then grabbed the car next to him, preparing to repeat the same trick.

When Ge Gongdao saw this, he was sweating profusely. When he came up, he vaguely saw how Zhuang Xuteng was defeated by the thrown car. If it were him, he wouldn't even be able to dodge the first car. Now there is no other way but to fight to see if Qingquan can cut off the car and help himself find a way out.

"Prepare to die..."

Another word "ba" failed to be uttered, and Kaho was attacked again, this time from the invisible information network. The rock bird was busy suppressing the company's frequency hopping communication signal, but the nightingale arrived! She forcibly connected to Kaho's communication signal and instantly sent a large number of attack messages, causing his central communication implant to freeze for nearly a second.

Electric sparks and a ball of green smoke the size of a finger came out of Kaho's damaged eye socket. He felt dizzy and quickly shook his head to force himself to wake up. Ge Gongdao immediately seized this opportunity and rushed forward as fast as he could. The knife that was originally going to split the car hit Kahuo directly!

Kahuo was really powerful, and he still took two steps back in this situation. Ge Gongdao only had time to pursue one more step, so the knife failed to make a strong cut. It only created a four to five centimeter deep ravine on his body from the top of his head to his left waist!

This chop frightened Kaho half to death. For a moment, he really thought he would be cut in half. At the damaged area, gel spurts out and bonds quickly. Slender cuts from slashes are easier to treat than broken open wounds. As long as you are careful not to make violent movements, the wounds will not be fatal.

Isn’t this even dead? Zhuang Xuteng didn’t believe it! He already felt the wound was numb and itchy, and the pressure on his entire chest and abdomen was reducing. He believed that his injury had been absorbed by Kaho. Sure enough, Kaho began to behave abnormally. First, his body swayed and he had to hold on to the car next to him to stand still; then his legs weakened, and he bent over and began to retching.

All his skin, whether there were real wounds or not, now began to secrete yellow healing gel, and most of the gel poured out from the open wounds on his eyes and right ribs, like unstoppable "diarrhea." He was swaying and had no idea what was wrong with him. He only knew that he had to leave this dangerous area immediately. So he ordered the implant in his leg to charge up, and at the same time looked for an angle that would allow him to fly out directly with high speed and explosive force.

Ge Gongdao caught up and struck out with a swift and soundless sword, piercing through the blind spot of his perspective, that is, the broken eye socket, instantly crushing his brain.

In the end, Kaho failed to find the right direction and smashed himself into the ceiling with high speed and explosive force. He died before falling.

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