Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 486 Chapter 483 Ghost

"Hello? Hello!" Miss Pope looked at the phone with a frown and pressed the dial button twice. She recalled who she had offended recently as quickly as possible. Miss Pope didn't have much experience in dealing with emergencies, but those around her did.

"We should take action, don't you think, Miss Pope?"

"Yes! There may be trouble coming, please protect me quickly." Miss Pope frowned and asked, "Should we call more people?"

"I think you can call for support, but don't say we have a problem here, just say please come and talk about it." A bodyguard said very thoughtfully: "If we encounter an attack here, those people will only protect their employer. , and those employers will also order to protect only themselves. So..."

"I understand. The most I can do is send a message to the Vice Mayor - it's not good if you don't tell him at all about this matter. You..." Popper raised his head and saw that no one had acted yet, so he urged anxiously. : "Don't just stand here and look at me! Don't you have any actions of your own?"

"Check these three places, the elevator entrance, the door, and the fire escape, and guard them!" The more responsible one among the bodyguards was in charge of the command. He pointed at people with his fingers, pointed out the direction, and asked them to raise their guard. At the same time, Pay attention to protecting each other. "Go with three people, check all the curtains and windows in the room, and report every five seconds until you return. After establishing the alert, try to leave and go to the PCPD branch."

Apart from the headquarters of the four major companies in Peicheng, the safest place is the PCPD Peicheng branch - at least until now, no one, whether it's a gang or anyone else, dares to go directly to the PCPD branch to find trouble.

While establishing the alert, he dialed the phone for support, and someone quickly answered the call. Before they could speak, a sweet girl's voice sounded repeatedly on the phone: "The user you are looking for cannot answer~~~"

"I can't do it here, what about you? It can't do it either... Then what about you? It can't do it at all? Miss Pope, the situation is more serious than imagined. We must immediately... listen, what is the sound?"

How can you not pretend to be out to hang out and strengthen your hearing? They pricked up their ears and immediately heard faint footsteps and breathing in the elevator, and then the sound of the elevator reaching this floor: "Ding!"

Everyone immediately pointed the shadow gun at the elevator, when a hand with a shadow gun ring stretched out from inside. Everyone opened fire immediately, and one shot shattered the hand into pieces.

Fragments? Why is there no blood on the ground? Wait, why are there suddenly no arms?

Everyone watched helplessly as the arm burst and disappeared like a soap bubble, and the shadow gun fell to the marble floor, making a series of crisp jingling sounds. ‘No one is in the elevator? Did everyone hallucinate just now? ’ Just as the elevator door was about to close, someone suddenly came out! That's right this time, it has a head and a body, not a separate arm.

He set fire again and was immediately told to stop. They looked at the body at the elevator door, and it turned out to be their driver in the garage. The ghost energy bullet will hit it several times, and this effect will only occur when it hits a corpse instead of a living body. Thick blood slowly flowed out from the punctured hole - no blood pressure? Has he been dead for a while?

its not right! Everyone thought, they just heard his voice on the phone! At this moment, Miss Pope's phone rang again, it was still her driver's number, but the driver's body was in front of everyone, so to speak...

"It's the killer, don't answer!" Someone quickly stopped Miss Pope from habitually pressing the answer button, and then said: "Take the stairs, fire escape, and go directly to the venue. There are many people there, which can provide cover."

"Yes! Get out of here quickly!" Miss Pope nodded vigorously. Her face was already very pale, and her heart was beating wildly in her chest, almost jumping out of her throat. The idea of ​​"get out of here quickly" is her biggest spiritual support at present, and she also believes that she will be very safe when she arrives at the venue.

The first bodyguard pushed open the fire door and observed, while the other one observed other angles at the same time. The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, walked into the stairwell in tacit cooperation. Their cooperation was very tacit, and the movements they used were completely correct, in line with the rules of indoor close-range combat.

But the ghost energy ejected from above, piercing the two people's heads from above, and blood blossomed. The normally closed fire safety door lost its support and began to close quickly. A black figure suddenly jumped down from above. In an instant, several ghost energy bullets were fired through the crack in the door, and he turned around to find trouble with the black figure.

"It's locked, it will definitely hit this time."

The bodyguards looked at each other, and no one was sure whether the other said this with confidence or just to embolden themselves. At this time, there was no movement behind the door. A man bravely pushed the door open. Just as he opened a crack in the door, before he could see the situation clearly, a fire ax flew out from inside and hit the door with a clang.

The man fell on his back, his limbs still twitching from the ax lodged in his brain. Miss Pope screamed and was gagged by her bodyguard. "Don't make any noise and go through the other door quickly. The fire escapes in the hotel are isolated from each other!"

Yes, go quickly! The group of people hurriedly walked towards another passage slightly further away. As soon as they reached the door, they heard a "click" on the inside of the door. Everyone pushed the door and found that it was locked from the other side.

Breaking open the door is just a bit of effort for these people, but it is not impossible, but locking the door means there is someone behind the door, so who will be the one who gets beaten? They glanced at each other. There seemed to be no fools or stupid people among the remaining people, so they could only think of other ways quickly.

"How about we take the elevator down?" Miss Pope said tremblingly.

As if to specifically answer this question, the lights in the elevator suddenly flashed, and the elevator made a series of "ding-ding-ding-ding" sounds. At the same time, the lights in the corridor also began to have problems, starting to go out one by one from a distance. Just when everyone was at a loss, the TV that played advertisements day and night in the hotel stairwell suddenly increased the volume, and an eerie and deep voice came from it: "Go to the cemetery, that is the end of all things..."

This is a rhetoric often used by the Cemetery Gang when holding funerals for their members. When they heard it suddenly at this time, no one reacted at all. At this time, everyone just wants to find a safe place. It is best to form a fortress, defend it first, and then try to call for help. At the same time, there are still people who are thinking: The door is blocked, the elevator is under control, I smashed the window and threw some things down, can't I still attract other people's attention?

They immediately decided to retreat to the room and use the door, the only entrance, to defend themselves. The back line changed to the front line, and the first person swiped the card on the door. The door opened with a click, and he protected Miss Pope and walked inside. Just as Miss Pope passed through the door frame, she heard someone from behind shouting: "No! Why is there no beep when swiping the card?"

Hearing the sound, Miss Pope turned around and saw a black object flying in front of her eyes, flying from inside to outside the door, and bumped against the wall of the corridor. She was completely blinded, and then she felt a huge force coming from her arm, and her whole body was pulled into the room, and the door was immediately closed behind her.

"How..." After only saying the first two words, Miss Pope tripped over something on the ground. From the corner of her eye, she realized that the person who tripped her was the bodyguard who opened the door just now. That man was dead, his head smashed open. Just when she was staggering and about to fall, an arm stretched out from the side, wrapped around her neck, and hugged her directly. She felt a strong body behind her, something hard pressing against her, and then a bloody sickle passed her ear from back to front, stopped in front of her eyes for a second, and then replaced her arm and pressed it on her neck. superior.

A harsh high-frequency sound came from outside the door, and there was a flash of light at the crack of the door. The scythe reeked of blood, and Miss Pope felt a warmth between her legs. She had obviously been frightened to the point of peeing.

Zhuang Xuteng hid behind her, took out the phone from Miss Pope's pocket, put it in front of her, and pressed the number "000". There were no calls using this number, but the calls were connected, indicating that the entire phone line was controlled by someone. Zhuang Xuteng put the phone to Miss Pope's ear and let her listen to the voice inside.

"Pop, this is the moat." An electronically synthesized voice came from the phone. It was neither male nor female, both male and female, and completely devoid of any human characteristics. "Are you ok?"

"Oh...can I say...can I say it's very bad?" Miss Pope replied with a cry.

"You can be even worse." The synthesized voice said: "If you want other companies to share our money, we have many ways to divide your body. No matter how you cause trouble, how to settle it, this is the only and last time A warning.”

" abilities are limited."

"Your lifespan is also limited." The electronic synthesized voice said: "I can help you solve the problem. As long as you say you absolutely can't do it, I will ask my friends to slit your throat, so that you will only feel uncomfortable for a short time. Son."

"No! No...I will find a way, I will try my best to do it!"

"You made the first right choice." The electronic synthesized voice said: "If someone asks who attacked you today, what should you say?"

Miss Pope did not understand the meaning of the elevator announcement sound before, but she made the right choice: "I will say whatever you want me to say. No more, no less, just tell the story exactly as it is."

"The Cemetery Gang came to ask you for a share of the pie, but you refused, thus attracting retaliation. The evidence you may use is all in the mobile phone messages. You must insist at first that you don't know what is going on, and wait until tomorrow. You suddenly realize it and connect these things together. Do you understand what you should do?"

"Understood." Miss Pope nodded quickly. At this time, the cold sickle began to move, slowly scratching the skin of her neck, making her feel cold and warm, as if she was losing blood. This change made her panic again, and she even wanted to struggle for a while, and shouted hysterically: "I will definitely do what you said, don't kill me!"

"No need to panic, just give my friend a message and say you understand."

"You have... no, I already understand!" Miss Pope just finished shouting, and the scythe stopped.

Zhuang Xuteng blew into her ear and asked, "What do you know?"

"I will find a way to cancel the business license applications of other families, only the Moat family. The Cemetery Gang attacked us today, but I can't remember it until tomorrow morning."

"Both knowledge points are correct." Zhuang Xuteng slowly withdrew the sickle and said in her ear: "Don't worry, if I come again, you will be the last to die. Mua."

Miss Pope was frightened by the killer's abnormal behavior, and even had the terrible idea in her mind that "it would be better to commit suicide directly." At this time, the door opened and closed quickly, and there was no other sound behind him. Miss Pope quickly covered her neck with one hand, still holding her phone in the other hand, and turned around slowly. There was no one behind her, and she seemed to be the only one in the room...

"Bang!" The door was knocked open, and three burly men rushed in from the outside. Miss Pope let out a sharp cry, and if she had not finished urinating before, she would definitely urinate this time.

"Miss Pope, it's us! Where are the attackers?"

After taking a closer look, it turned out that it was his bodyguards who rushed in from the door... No, what is going on? "Someone just held me hostage and he went out through the gate."

"Impossible! The access control has been modified, we can't open it, and we were hit by a shock bomb just now. The door was not opened or closed until we came in."

"No! He was behind me just now, and then he opened the door and went out. You..." Miss Pope was completely stunned. She couldn't figure out what happened, and the details of the whole process began to blur in her mind. At this time, she quickly looked at her phone, and the screen still showed the record of the last call: 000. But just as she was checking it, the number slowly disappeared, and the entire call list moved up by one.

"Miss Pope, he may still be in the room, please let us check!"

They couldn't find anyone in the room, and they didn't know how the person got in or out. They felt like they had encountered a ghost, and the whole thing was so weird that it was incomprehensible and unbelievable.

But the bodies on the ground are not fake, they prove that this actually happened. Miss Pope was very reluctant to believe her terrible experience. She really wanted to treat it as a nightmare and forget it when she woke up. But when she opened her eyes, the first thing she felt was the gauze around her neck, and what she remembered was the doctor's words.

The doctor said she was lucky. The sharp weapon cut through her neck and was only a few centimeters away from killing her. Either she was lucky, or the person who did it had extremely precise control capabilities.

"Don't mess with people like this; or don't try to challenge the balance of luck." Miss Pope sighed. At this point, she had no other choice but to obey.

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