Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[114] Treasure! ! Long Yuan! ! Something To Do With A Legendary Character? ? 【Subscribe】

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There was no danger along the way, and the two finally reached the highest point of the altar!

The picture of the two finally stopped.

this time!

Even in the dark, the scene ahead is clearly presented to the audience.

There is a table carved from white jade, and there are all kinds of strange and dazzling patterns on the table.

On the table, there was a yellow light ball, which was quietly placed like a light bulb.

It is not appropriate to say that it is placed!


A light bulb like a light bulb was floating gently in mid-air, about fifteen centimeters away from the countertop!

This scene appeared clearly on the big screen.

All the viewers in the live broadcast room saw this miraculous scene!

In the darkness, dim yellow light radiated in all directions.

Although it exudes a dim yellow light, no one can underestimate this bulb-like light cluster in front of them!

Because inside this light bulb, there seems to be a dragon shadow flickering.

This scene is like a beautiful picture scroll in the dark.

The yellow light cluster that shone with the dragon shadow was the finishing touch.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yun couldn't help being stunned for a moment, this is the treasure he felt!

Such eye-catching, Lauder couldn't help opening her eyes wide!

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more amazed one by one.

【This... what is it! There is still a little dragon shadow flashing?】

【Damn! Why do I feel like another ball of light for pets to eat!】

【Grass! This cat 390 is so happy! Not to become a cat girl! I feel sorry for God Lu!】

【??Even if you become a cat girl...Lu Shen can only help. 】

【You are not quite right!】

[I feel that this thing must have something to do with Shenlong, so maybe it wasn't eaten by the desert hunting cat, it's too reckless!]

[In such a large Dragon Burial Valley, such a magnificent altar, there is only one thing, it is obvious that this thing is very precious! I guess it is at least an A-level thing! 】

[Impossible, if it is an A-level item, it will not be placed here! The dragon scale shield is already A+! This should be an unprecedented S-level item! I just don’t know what its function is!]

【Could this be the eyeball of Shenlong? You see it is crystal clear, but it emits light slightly. I think it is very likely to be the eyeball of Shenlong!】

【It looks a bit reliable! But wait for Lu Shen to come forward and take it down and reveal it to us!】

The audience guessed the function and name of the light group.

Lu Yun has already stepped forward slowly, slowly reaching out to take it down!

next second.

Weird things happen!

This yellow light group actually moved by itself, avoiding Lu Yun's palm!

After circling quickly in the air, it slowly returned to the top of the white jade platform again, floating quietly as before.


Lu Yun let out a light snort, he didn't expect that the yellow light ball would dodge it!

"Is this... alive?"

Bai Yuekui was also shocked, but he woke up (aibi) in just a moment, looked at the light ball in front of him and said!

She has realized the value of this thing!

The value of this item is definitely beyond any item encountered before!

"It shouldn't be..."

Hearing Bai Yuekui's question, Lu Yun shook his head slightly.

Lu Yun was quite sure that it was a dead object, and he didn't feel any smell of goods on the light ball.

That's why he accidentally let the yellow light ball escape from his palm!

"Not a living thing?"

Bai Yuekui frowned tightly, showing a puzzled expression.

Not alive, but able to evade capture?

What the hell is this!

"I didn't feel the breath of the living creature, I'll find out later!"

Lu Yun stretched out his hand again, this time the movement was extremely fast, everyone only saw an afterimage passing by, and the hand they saw in the next second firmly grasped the light ball in the palm of their hand.

Seeing something, Lu Yun raised his eyebrows, and started sharing information with Bai Qiekui.

【Congratulations to Lu Yun from the Great Xia Kingdom for winning the S-level treasure, the sacred dragon yuan!】

【Name: Dragon Yuan】

【Grade: S-】

[Introduction: Longyuan is the true essence of the dragon, which is condensed from the essence of the whole body of the dragon. , please use it with caution!]

The yellow light group itself is very agile and supernatural, but after being held by Lu Yun, it is very obedient and does not move!

"Long Yuan?"

Bai Yuekui frowned, obviously he was a little strange to Long Yuan, he had never heard of this thing before!

"It's the first time I've heard it too." Lu Yun shook his head slowly.

[Dragon Yuan? What is Long Yuan? How does this thing resemble the legendary Dragon Ball!]

【Probably not! Anyone please search online!】

【You can go to Baidu to find this thing? This is not something on earth, okay!】

[Fuck! Fuck! I found it. According to legend, hundreds of years ago, a man named Di Shitian once used a dragon yuan... Uh, why is it always said in the back! Damn! 】

【Grass! I just wanted to ask who Di Shitian is!】

When Blue Star audience heard about Long Yuan, they immediately thought of Dragon Ball after seeing its appearance.

By searching the Internet, I found some strange news, but it seemed to be a story, and it seemed to be a rumor of Sheji.

"Long Yuan, I haven't heard of it! It should be something that exists in the forbidden world!"

Just as Xiaomei finished speaking, she saw the director bring a person into the studio.

"Let me explain to you, this is Mr. He! Mr. He is a famous historian, and now he will join us as a guest!"

After the director finished speaking, he looked at Mr. He respectfully and said softly, "Mr. He, why don't you talk about Long Yuan first?"

After hearing the words, everyone turned their attention to the old man.

"Long Yuan...Does our Great Xia have a legend about Long Yuan?"

"I can say it responsibly! Yes!"

"And...not just Long Yuan, but also a legendary figure!"

He Lao looked at the crowd and nodded slowly.

When He Lao's voice fell, everyone's spirits were shocked!

There really is a legend about Longyuan?

And there is a legendary figure!

Is this legendary figure...a real person or a myth?

Intense curiosity surged out from everyone's hearts!

They all want to know who is related to the legendary Long Yuan!

"Mr. He, sit down!"

Dai Xiaomei repeatedly asked Mr. He to sit down, and sat in Zhang Dada's previous seat.

"Mr. He, tell us the story of that mysterious character Long Yuan. Is he a character in history?"

"Can Long Yuan live forever?"

In the face of people's inquiries!

He Lao shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Actually, what I'm talking about are just some records of the secret history of the mountains, and they can't be regarded as real things!"


He Lao paused, and continued:

"It is said that hundreds of years ago, there was a martial arts leader named Di Shitian in the martial arts world!"

"I don't know if there is a record in the ancient martial arts!"

Lei Long thought for a while when he heard the words, then shook his head slightly, he didn't know this character!

"This character may be relatively unfamiliar to everyone, let me tell you another name of him, maybe you will be familiar with it!"

"Xu Fu! Xu Fu who is looking for the elixir of life by Emperor Shihuang's side!"

"Xu Fu??!!"

Everyone exclaimed, basically no one knows this character, but...

Does this character really exist in history?

"Does this character... really exist?" Dai Xiaomei asked in a low voice, and the others nodded.

This is what they want to know!

He Lao shook his head, "What I know is also from ancient books, it is said that Xu Fu once went to sea to find the elixir for the First Emperor!

"I know this! Didn't he become king in the end?" Bing Wang frowned, he had seen this history before!

"What I read in the ancient books is that he successfully sailed to sea, but his whereabouts are unknown!"

Speaking of this, Mr. He glanced at the crowd, pursed his lips lightly, "until... six hundred years ago, he appeared! I was shocked, that is, six hundred years ago, a martial artist who called himself Xu Fu appeared, In a very short time, he became the leader of the martial arts world!"

"This Xu Fu...could be the one looking for the elixir?"


"It's that Xu Fu!" Elder He nodded firmly, then looked at the crowd and said softly, "The legendary elixir, I heard that it is to find the dragon yuan and phoenix blood! Of course

We can't be sure what Xu Fu got to live so long!"

"Maybe... maybe it's Phoenix Blood! Something that exists on the same level as Long Yuan!"


Everyone took a long breath!

Didn't it say!

If Lu Yun takes this dragon element, it is very likely that he will live forever?


Is it really possible to live forever?

"Longevity is impractical and practical!"

"If the dragon element lives forever, why does the dragon still die, and there is no mention of longevity in the item description!"

Mr. He glanced at everyone, knew what it was, smiled and shook his head!

Reader Dad, begging for data and subscription!.

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