Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[129] Cult! Chew Your Eyes! ! Back Chills! 【Subscribe】

As soon as the voice said, the big tree shook slowly!


Accompanied by bursts of rattling sounds, the big tree with only a trunk finally moved slowly!

Those cracks slowly opened one after another!

Indeed, as everyone expected, eyes were revealed after opening!

These eyes just opened without any expression, as if they just woke up, and then slowly widened their eyes and looked at Lu Yun!

And those long-handed people with eyes all stared at Lu Yun expressionlessly.


It seems that the guess of the program team was correct!

These long-handed people have already lost their souls, and they are all controlled by this weird big tree!

Everyone couldn't help but gasped!

If thousands of people in the entire tribe are walking dead and puppets!

Then how powerful should this big tree full of eyes be!

This Abyss Church...

What kind of existence should it be!

And it sounds like a great organization!

It should exist in other places too!

The giant tree monster with eyes all over its body stared at Lu Yun with wide eyes.

After a while.

It looked at the patriarch of the long-handed clan.

The patriarch of the Changshou clan who was kneeling on the ground looked at Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui in surprise.

It seems that he did not expect the messenger to make such a decision!

"Your Excellency, I think it's best for you to obediently become the pious people of the Messenger, and..."

The patriarch of the Changshou 110 clan pointed to Bai Yuekui's neck, "Please take off the dragon scales for our envoy, it seems that the dragon scales and desert cat hunters can spare your lives!"

"Oh?" Lu Yun laughed upon hearing this, "Do you want this lazy cat?"


Lauder let out a cry of dissatisfaction, objecting to Lu Yun calling him a lazy cat!

"That's right!"

The eyes on the two arms of the Changshou clan chief stared at Lu Yun.

This voice sounds completely different from the daytime, it is both familiar and unfamiliar, and the way of speaking is very strange, as if someone else is using his voice to speak!

Especially his eyes full of coveting look!

There were hundreds of such stares.

If you don't have enough concentration, you will definitely be haunted by nightmares at night.

He didn't look at the long-handed family, but looked at the big tree in the center with eyes all over his body, and said calmly with a deadpan tone: "You can't even speak

Still need to borrow someone else's mouth? If I were like you, I would have no face to be an envoy, and I would find a place to bury myself!"

Voice down!

Everyone saw the big tree full of eyes and moved crazily!

The audience in the Daxia Kingdom live broadcast room couldn't hold back after seeing this scene!

[Fuck! How dare you threaten God Lu, you're dying of laughter! You want the dragon scale pendant of God White, you're courting death!]

【That naked, coveting eyes really made me shudder! Artemisia! I immediately thought of the eyes of the melting furnace, and it was not a pair, it was full of it!】

【Damn it! People with eyes all over their bodies used to be used to scold others, but now I think it’s a ranking! It’s really disgusting! Eyeballs are blinking!】

[I can’t sleep well! Damn! This is a group of monsters, can this thing still call people? They are all weird human races, sea races that eat human internal organs, and succubi races that eat men

A long-handed clan with eyes, mouths, and ears all over his body!]

[I don't think these things can be called human beings. Although the succubi are too much to eat the essence of men, they always feel much better than this! What the hell are these! Fuck!]

【Hehe, what abyss church? Is he just a Xie religion? Can this thing appear from a serious church?】

[ emissary of the church...doesn't it mean that the church of the abyss may be very powerful in the forbidden world? Why do I feel that Lu Shen has inadvertently unveiled some mysterious veil! Is he the top figure in the Forbidden World!]

【Almost! It’s okay if you’re not a top character! I didn’t expect Face Satan to appear too! The forbidden world is getting more and more complicated!】

【Why don't you feel afraid that God Lu will be in danger? Are you so calm?】

【Lu Shen Baishen is mighty, come on, come on!】

【These people are crowding around! The people nearby are crowding around! These people finally couldn't help showing their evil faces!】

on screen.

I saw the part of the Church of the Abyss with eyes slowly approaching Lu Yun!

One by one, they slowly took off the bandages on their bodies, revealing pairs of red eyes!

These long-handed people didn't have any expressions on their faces, but the movements of their hands really (aicb) made everyone's backs shiver!

They actually dug out the eyeballs on their arms, put them in their mouths, chewed them and swallowed them!

As more and more eyes are stuffed into the stomach.

Their two arms are getting thinner and thinner, but their aura is getting stronger and stronger.

The arm without eyes, like a deflated balloon, drooped limply.

The plump skin is rapidly aging, and something like tree bark slowly appears on the skin.

【I'm going! Damn it! Are they addicted to self-mutilation! Eyeballs stuffed in their mouths like money!】

【It makes my hair stand on end, it's so scary! Goosebumps on my back are getting up!】

【Monster! Xiejiao! Fuck! Monster! These people are not human, they are naked monsters!】

"It seems that the two of you are not planning to become members of our Abyss Church! If that's the case, don't blame us. I wanted you to die comfortably and become members of the Abyss Church with peace of mind!"

"But now...I regret it, I want you to be my food, my nourishment!"

"Stupid human beings! They hang the supreme dragon scale directly around their necks! Hmph! This is something that the Mother Goddess wants to obtain! I didn't expect to meet it here!"

"Wait for me to hand it over to the Mother Goddess! The Mother Goddess will give me more liquid, and my strength will go further!"

The patriarch of the Changshou clan walking in front looked excited, as if the dragon scale on Bai Yuekui's neck was already in his pocket.

His gaze was on Bai Yuekui's neck, looking at that gleaming dragon scale, the greed in his eyes could not be concealed!

And at this time..

Don't hide it!

Immediately afterwards.

I saw the patriarch of the long-handed clan, waving at the expressionless long-handed clan!

All of a sudden, many long-handed clansmen surrounded Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui with ferocious smiles!

"I thought you would pretend, but I didn't expect you to be so impatient! You brought guests to your tribe and didn't even say hello to a meal! Yohohohohoho!"

"I went to the succubi, and the succubus sent me a lot of food. The way you long-handed people treat guests is too unfriendly!"

"However... please explain to me what is the Church of the Abyss. Maybe after I understand it, I may be interested! Also, is there any hatred between you and the Succubus?"

"Of course... I still have a question. Are you related to the previous ruins? You didn't move here from there!"

Hearing Lu Yun's faint opening, he didn't seem to take it seriously.

The eyes of the head of the Changshou clan couldn't help showing some vigilance.

He felt that the man in front of him was different from the one he met before!

This man, let him see through!

Still, feel yourself other offshoots are coming soon!

The smile on the face of the head of the Changshou Clan is even more honorable!

As long as I get that piece of dragon scale!

Then eat up these guys in front of you! It doesn't matter if it's a combination in advance!

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