Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[134] Ice Slime! Take Out The Cupping Again! 【Subscribe】

This big tree is full of eyes, ears, and mouths!

At the topmost position, there is also a huge mouth, which is spraying thick white slurry at this moment.

Huge eyes fixedly stared at Lu Yun, with a long tongue sticking out of his mouth.

The whole shape is very Liao people, making people scalp full!

It can be said that it is the ugliest creature that everyone has encountered after entering the forbidden area!

These messy facial features are blended together, which is more resonant than the most abstract art in Western Europe!

Immediately afterwards.

Mysterious beeps and mysterious subtitles appear again!

After seeing the mysterious subtitles, everyone realized why this weird big tree said it wasn't enough!

【Ding! The players from the Great Xia Kingdom discovered the creatures in the forbidden land and are analyzing the types of creatures... The analysis is complete!】

【Name: Desire Subtree (B-)】

[Characteristics: Plants are ferocious beasts, germinated from the seeds of the Mother Tree of Desire, and are the messengers of the Mother Tree of Desire of the Church of the Abyss. Different from ordinary biological beasts, these beasts have extremely strong vitality and their bodies are very hard. It has half resistance to physical attacks of the Mother Goddess of Desire, and is ineffective against magic attacks such as wood and water! The resistance to fire magic is halved!]

When they saw the information about the Desire Tree, everyone understood why this tree monster was so calm!

"I didn't expect to be immune to wood-type and water-type magic attacks! The method Lu Yun played just now should belong to wood-type magic! No wonder they weren't injured! So they are immune!" Dai Xiaomei's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it. Looking at the subtitles on the screen, I exclaimed in amazement: "There is also this beast called the Desire Child Tree. What is the Desire Mother Tree? Is it really a god so powerful that it became 570 the forbidden world?"

"This is not easy! I am immune to physical attacks!" Bing Wang also frowned, this situation is very unfriendly to Lu Yun!

"Besides, this is the first time an immune beast has appeared. Doesn't that mean that there may be more such things in the future?"

Bing Wang's expression is very solemn, these news are not good news for Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui!

"It can be said that this is the most powerful beast that the two contestants encountered upon entering the forbidden area!"

"Not only water and wood types are immune, but also have strong resistance to physical attacks. I can only say that physical resistance is not particularly strong!"

Otherwise, it's really not good news for the players!

Hey! I pray that the players will perform better!

Everyone nodded, and turned their attention back to Lu Yun again!

Forbidden world.

With the integration of the desire tree, the whole air is filled with evil breath!

Even the temperature dropped a lot.

"You made me angry! You ruined all my food at once!"

"How dare you waste my food!"

"I'm going to tear you apart now, put you in my mouth and chew slowly, so that you can feel the pain of death! And that dragon scale pendant will eventually become my

"You have made the apostle of the greatest existence in this world lively! My anger has been successfully aroused!" (aich) "Roar!!"

"Night Devil! Come out with you too!"

Fall with his voice!



Everyone felt the temperature in the air drop again!

Then I saw a huge monster falling from the sky and hitting the ground heavily!


Only a deafening sound was heard, and the buildings near Bai Yuekui were smashed down!

It almost hit Bai Yuekui.

As the gigantic object landed, the dust that rose up slowly receded and dispersed.

Everyone finally found out what the night demon in the mouth of Xixizishu was.

See this thing!

Everyone froze for a moment!

Including Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui as well!

if only..

Not far from Bai Yuekui, an arrogant green slimy, slimy creature stared at Bai Kui with two huge eyes!

[Fuck! What is this thing! I look so disgusting! Damn it! It’s like a ball of snot, damn it! It’s disgusting! I’m like a huge QQ candy!)

[What the hell is this shit! The legendary slime? Is this a slime? Damn! Is there such a thing in the forbidden world? I was shocked to death!]

【Don’t you guys think this thing is cute? It’s very interesting to be soft! At least it looks much better than the ugly monster on the other side!】

【Then you... really know how to find someone for comparison!】

【According to my two-dimensional experience, this is a slime. I didn’t expect this to exist in the forbidden world!】

With people's discussions, the information of this slimy, slime-like creature was finally exposed to everyone.

【Ding! The players from the Great Xia Kingdom discovered the creatures in the forbidden land and are analyzing the types of creatures... The analysis is complete!】

【Name: Ice Slime (B-)】

[Characteristics: One of the messengers of the Church of the Abyss, a viscous vicious beast, this viscous soft-bodied creature can transform into various shapes, and can move forward on the ground, walls and ceilings by wriggling, not due to its soft body and Resilient and capable of jumping attacks. Because the body is very soft, it is immune to physical damage! If you have no solution! Please choose to escape immediately. 】


Before everyone could react, the ice slime sent a bunch of ice spikes at Bai Yuekui!

Since he came out, Bai Yuekui, who had been on guard for a long time, stepped on his feet slightly and jumped away!

Poof! Poof!

One by one, the ice picks fell on the wall and even directly poked in!

This is a wall made of granite!

When encountering these ice picks, it was as easy as poking into tofu.

"What's going on! Didn't we promise that these useless long-handed clansmen are useful? Why are they all dead now?"

A strange and cold sound came out from the mouth of the ice slime.

Much clearer than Desire Subtree!

"Hmph! A bunch of trash, this bone-like man actually has a means of attacking in a large area, and he took care of all the rations!"

"Huh?" Ice Slime glanced at Lu Yun, with a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes, "Bone Clan?"

"Do you want me to deal with this skeleton man?"

The ice slime looked at Desire Tree and said.

"No need! My method just restrains him!"

Hearing Xixiu Zishu's words, Ice Slime stopped talking, nodded, and looked at Bai Yuekui!

He felt a cold gaze locked on him.

Bai Yuekui turned his head slightly!

Quietly look at this group of slime slime in front of you!

Although she felt that she was enveloped by an evil breath, she almost couldn't breathe.

But her expression is still as calm as ever!

"I noticed you last night. Your body... contains a very powerful force. If I can swallow you up, maybe I have a chance to break through the first layer again, you...

As he spoke, his eyes kept sweeping over Bai Yuekui's body.

"If I didn't see humans one by one, I would have thought you were a panacea!"

Bai Yuekui's tone was very calm, "Really? But in my eyes, you are just a slug of mucus!"


Ice Slime smiled disdainfully, and didn't care about Bai Yuekui's statement, but the colder temperature around revealed his thoughts!

"Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

The temperature dropped by a full twenty degrees, but Bai Yuekui in front of him still looked calm.

This made him unbearably surprised!

Could it be that this woman is not afraid of the cold?

"Forget it, anyway, in my eyes, you are a delicious food, come and swim in my stomach! I will digest you slowly! Be my food! Don't you think that the one in your hand A knife, it works for me, I can tell you! I am completely invulnerable to physical attacks! No matter how you cut me, my body can automatically recover!"

talk room!

A few more ice cones flew towards Bai Yuekui!

This Ice Slime actually possesses intelligence not inferior to that of humans, and it is very cold and weird!

Actually sneak attack 1 while talking

But these ice cones were all avoided by Bai Yuekui!

There was another extremely deep hole in the wall behind him.

"It seems that I can only use this trick..."

Bai Yuekui's expressionless face finally moved, and then he sighed slightly.

An item was removed from the waist!

It was the cupping that she hadn't used for a long time!

Ever since she was with Lu Yun, she has unknowingly developed a kind of attachment to Lu Yun!

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