Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[136] Self-Destruct! Brightly Repair The Plank Road And Secretly Hide Chencang! 【Subscribe】

next second!

A slash volleyed towards the tree of desire.

Desire Zishu, who had been exhausted for a long time, could only watch the arrival of Slash!


This slash!

Almost split his body in two!




Hundreds of mouths screamed at the same time, and the white liquid sprayed out was replaced by something like dark green tree sap!

The dark green liquid spilled onto the ground, eroding the ground into small holes one by one.

White smoke like skeletons rises up one by one!

"Mother God will not spare you! Damn it!"

Xiong Zishu backed away in pain.

That sword just now...

Almost split him in two.

The entire incision was very smooth, and Xiong Zishu worked hard to stick the wound together.

Then he found out in despair..

In the wound, there is a strange substance that is constantly eroding him, and he can't let his body recombine! "Zero Zero Seven"

He hadn't been injured before.

But this is the first time that the wound cannot heal!

Their plant beasts have their own unique advantages...

That is, their vitality is very strong, and some wounds can be healed!

But at this time, he suffered an unprecedented trauma!

Now it's not just that the dragon scales will be lost, if this continues, his life may be lost!


"Must run!"

"Must escape!"

Desire Zishu is really panicking now.

Looking at the slaves controlled by the Desert Hunter, the tree of desire is on my mind!

He was very glad that Lu Yun didn't attack the slave just now!

Now as long as his body is attached to the slave.

There is still a way to leave in the future!

next second!

His body began to swell violently, looking like he wanted to explode!

In fact, the main body is quietly going underground!

Have you ever seen a big tree grow crazy like it's about to explode?

This picture looks like it all came together.

The audience in the live broadcast room of Daxia Country were all stunned, and all of them wiped their eyes and watched the scene in front of them!

Whale burst??

tree burst??

【Fuck, is this going to explode? Did Lu Shen push others to this point?】

[I see! This reminds me of the corpse of a whale. There is too much gas in the stomach and it is about to explode! Why is this guy so crazy! And is the green liquid just now his blood? The white viscous What is the thick liquid? It’s disgusting!]

[Fuck! Although it has strong physical resistance, it is completely useless when it meets Lu Yun! What the hell is going on? I haven’t realized it until now! Why can Lu Yun split him in two with one knife? Half! Doesn’t it mean that the resistance in the house is very high!】

【That slime's resistance is even more terrifying, I don't know what Baishen will do!】

[I feel that Baishen should not try his best! If this really exploded, he would probably be very arrogant! It would be bad if he got injured!]

【Those upstairs, what are you guys talking about? Lu Shen hastened to make up for it now, just kill him directly!】

[It’s easy to say! You don’t know it! At this time, his state is very unstable! It will explode with a light touch, and the best way is to avoid it! The attack needs distance!]

【Good guy! So that’s how it is! You’ve learned a lot! My brother is mighty! If it were me, I’d rush straight up while you’re sick and killing you!】

Lu Yun also frowned slightly, indeed!

It's the same as many viewers and water friends have said!

at this time...

Attack is not appropriate!

Because the desire subtree can control the degree of its own explosion.

If Lu Yun stepped forward at this time, Desire Zishu would definitely explode without hesitation!

After thinking about it, Lu Yun stepped slightly and chose to back away.

Seeing Lu Yun backing away, Xixiu Zishu was overjoyed!

Pretending to be desperate, he roared angrily, and immediately urged his body to grow bigger and bigger!



There was an earth-shattering loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt that the entire tribe was trembling violently.

Everyone in the live broadcast room of the forbidden area was surprised to find that the live broadcast of the forbidden area seemed to be shaking!

Everyone looked at the picture in front of them in disbelief, they didn't expect the power of the explosion to be so huge!

This is the first time this has happened!

The mysterious cameras in the forbidden area are trembling!

Because of the self-explosion of the Desire Tree, the entire tribe was filled with smoke and dust, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread from it to the surroundings!

Smoke and dust swayed, gravel flew everywhere!

The buildings of these long-hand tribes collapsed one piece after another!

The booming explosion rang for more than a minute!

After the sound fell, a huge deep pit appeared in the center of the explosion!

The corpses of many long-handed clansmen all disappeared in the explosion just now.

There are many gravel and sand piled up around the deep pit, and there are still a lot of sawdust in the deep pit.

There are also traces of eyeballs and mouths on these pieces of wood.

Obviously this is the corpse of the previous Desire Subtree!

In the self-explosion just now, it finally shattered into pieces!

A hundred meters away, Lu Yun stood quietly.

Just happened to stand around the explosion, only 20 centimeters away from the explosion circle!

I have to say that Lu Yun's strength can control the explosion range just right!

If Desire Zishu knew whether or not he would be in despair!

"Is this disgusting terrifying beast finally dead?"

Dai Xiaomei was relieved to see that there was no trace of the big tree in the picture that had finally returned to calm!

Although the monster just now was not powerful, its appearance was too ugly!

Looking at him, little girl Dai was very uncomfortable, and the goosebumps all over her body never stopped 0......

"Hmm! It's dead! Look at the position where Lu Yun is standing! It's not too far or too close!"

"The strength of Lu Yun is even stronger!"

Bing Wang glanced at Lu Yun and spoke in admiration.

"To tell you the truth, this plant monster is very powerful! It's just that I met Lu Yun, and I just gave her restraint to death!"

"I'm very surprised. Just now Lu Yun waved his hand, and a group of white mist floated towards the strange giant tree. What is that?"

Lei Long scratched his head, now he feels like a curious baby, as if he is very curious about everything!

"According to what the tree demon just said, it should be a corrosive thing, like a burning flame!"

Mr. Pei scratched his beard and looked at Lu Yun's guess.

He heard the Zishu of Desire screaming in pain, as if it was a kind of flame.


The flame in the mist state, isn't this a bit unbelievable!

"It should be something like a flame. Do you remember that when Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui met the Banyan Tree Demon, this scene also appeared!"

"Contestant Lu Yun slashed his blade lightly, and burned a lot of the air roots of the banyan tree. Now it should be after eating the dragon yuan in 5.1, his strength has improved a lot, so he is more relaxed!"

He Lao said softly.

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard the words, and after much deliberation, this possibility is the greatest!

"Speaking of which, it's really unlucky for Yuxi Zishu. With such strength, even if he can't beat anyone he meets, he should be able to retreat easily!"

"Everyone saw just now that even if he was cut open with a knife, since he is working hard to fit the wound together, it seems that even if he is in a desperate state, let her rest for a while, and she can return to her original state.

"But player Lu Yun's strength is too strong, which directly made him despair! In desperation, he chose to blew himself up!"

In the screen, in the live broadcast.

In a place that no one can see, tens of meters deep underground.

There is a vine-like plant quietly heading towards where the slaves are!

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