Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[140] Elf Princess! Final Kill! Solve The Desire Subtree! ! 【Subscribe】

Soon, Lu Yun, Bai Yuekui and others had already arrived by his side.

Lu Yun silently glanced at the many slaves below.

He said softly, "You can leave directly, saving you is just a matter of course!"

After these slaves regained consciousness, they were shocked by Bai Yuekui's methods!

Although I don't know how Lu Yun solved the desire-Zi Shu!

But come to think of it, the strength is no better than the women's clothes in front of me!

They are such powerful human beings, they are all ready to step out of the tiger's den and then enter the wolf's den!

At this time, I heard that Lu Yun wanted to let them go!

Look left and right one by one, can't believe it!

In the end, a tauren came out. His body was as strong and thick as a calf, and the muscles in his chest were raised high, as hard as it could withstand bullets.

The strange thing is that his head is not a human head either, it still looks like a bull, and there are two huge horns!

Looks like an upright bull!

But he can open his mouth to spit out words.

At this moment, he couldn't help but look at Lu Yun and said softly!

"Are you sure... you want to let us go!?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Yun glanced at him, then looked around and continued: "The two of us are just adventurers passing through here, "so I won't treat you as slaves to continue to control!"

Lu Yun looked at each other blankly. There are many kinds of human races here.

I don't know if it's because of too many races.

This time, there is no mysterious voice and mysterious subtitles!

He also didn't know what race the other party was for a while!.


Even so, his gaze was drawn to a woman in the crowd.

She has a pair of cicada-like wings on her back.

A head of long golden hair was gently scattered on the back.

Compared with the Western countries in the blue star world, the most surprising thing is that she has a pair of pointy ears!

"Yo ho ho ho ho..."

"What a beautiful lady!"

"Beautiful lady... may I ask you a question?"

" said..."

Watched by Lu Yun, the little elf girl became visibly nervous, and her hands twitched uneasy.

"Yohohoho, although it's a bit rude, but Miss, can you tell me what color your fat times are?"

"Fat times․.."

The elf woman didn't react immediately, but after the translation of the forbidden world, her face immediately changed.

Her little face was flushed and she cursed loudly!

In the elves, they regard chastity as the most important thing.

If she didn't feel that she was no match for Lu Yun, she really wanted to go up and teach Lu Yun a lesson.

"You...we elves..."

"Don't pay attention to him...she's a pervert!" Bai Yuekui walked over at the right time, looked at the elf woman and said, she didn't expect this race to exist in the forbidden world.

The reputation of the elves is super super famous in Blue Star!

This race is the darling of nature!

"How did you get caught here as slaves?"

Bai Yuekui took a look, and there were actually two or three elves in the crowd!

After some understanding, the two finally understood.

The elf woman in front of her accidentally went out to play and fell into the trap of the Shadow Clan.

Then it was sold to the slave market.

After going through a lot of ups and downs, I came here!

Only three are still alive.

"Were you arrested together?"

Bai Yuekui suddenly interrupted and said.



The elf girl in front of her and another person spoke at the same time.

As a result, Bai Yuekui couldn't help but laugh.

"Grand... Miss Yaya... I told you before!"

That person hurried up and came behind the elf girl.


Lu Yun let out a light snort, and looked at a man two feet away.

He was ignored just now, since they all came together, why didn't this person say a word.

Moreover, Lu Yun found that the opponent's position was very strange.

look carefully..

It seems to be the easiest place to escape!

This person has a problem.

Lu Yun kept an eye on Bai Yuekui and then turned his eyes to Bai Yuekui.

"Your status in the elves is not small!"

Bai Yuekui said coldly.

"Actually... Actually, I am the princess of the elves..."

"My name is Yaya!"

The elf girl said, Bai Yuekui nodded slightly, she guessed her identity!

0………seeking flowers…………

Caught together!

How coincidental is this possible?

Obviously, princesses travel with some protection from humans!

That's how everyone got caught!

in addition..

The temperament of the elf girls in front of me is different from others, it is obvious at a glance that they are not ordinary people!

"This is Doyle."

"That one is Andrew.

The elf girl spoke to Bai Yuekui, only then did she notice that the other person hadn't come over.


The elf girl didn't notice anything wrong at all, and turned towards Andre.

She didn't realize that Andre was no longer the Andre she knew!

Andre, who was leaned over by the desire tree, saw that he was waving at him, and his face changed slightly.

Then he walked over here.


Just as he was about to walk over, Lu Yun suddenly reached out and stopped him.

"This..." The spiritual girl froze for a moment, not understanding why.

But Bai Yuekui has already reflected it.

She is extremely clever, and has already discovered something is wrong from a little clue.

Seeing being intercepted by Lu Yun, Xixiu Zishu's face changed drastically, and he ran away without saying a word!

However, he is still not Lu Yun's opponent when he is in a full state.

Not to mention his current state of less than one hundred.

"Damn...Damn... bitch!"

"Why are you calling me..."

Xixiu Zishu gritted his teeth and said, Andrew's face gradually changed, it looked like tree bark.

"Death is imminent...more to say!"

As soon as Lu Yun's voice arrived, the double-edged sword under his hand was already waving!

One knife!

cut out!

A slash went directly towards the desire tree.

"Just wait... the mother tree will give me the reward..."

The words are not finished.

The blue slash passed by in a flash, directly cutting it in half.

After the two sections of the body fell, the appearance of the Desire Tree slowly appeared.

It's just compared with the behemoth before.

Much smaller now!


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