Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[143] Two Major Clues! Floating Boats And Sky Cannons! 【Subscribe】

Watching the desert hunting cat suddenly jumped more than ten meters high.

Everyone in the live broadcast room thought that the desert hunting cat could really fly, until Lauder fell from mid-air.

The studio froze for a minute.

Then get paid instantly!

【Haha! I laughed so hard! Is this the way cats think? Oh my god! I laughed so hard!】

【Hey, let me give you a bitch! This is my cat! My baby is like this at home. The branch will not reach that high!]

【Hahaha! I laughed so hard! Stupid cat! This is too cute!】

【Stop paying attention to cats! Take a look at the permanent pointer! Didn’t you notice that this is an island in the sky?】

[I noticed it! I noticed it a long time ago! But how could there be an island in the sky? It should be the place name of a place. 】

【I also think... How is it possible to float in the air? Even if this is a forbidden world, it is impossible to exist. Didn’t you find that the law of matter is also in line with that world? How much energy is needed to keep floating?】

"Did you say there really is an empty island?"

In the live broadcast room of Daxia Kingdom, the little girl blinked her eyes when she saw the permanent pointer that Lu Yun took out.

Which girl didn't have fantasies when she was a child.

Why is there no island in the sky?

Why can't the house fly!

Why so many balloons, still can't tie people up to the king of heaven?

But as I grow up, all childhood fantasies are shattered by reality!

But now I see a place like this!

for a while!

On the face of little girl Dai, the brilliance of her childhood reappeared!

Seeing the longing and longing on her face, Bing Wang shook his head and smiled wryly, he really couldn't bear to open his mouth to break his fantasy.

"I want to see it too! I've never seen an island floating in the sky!"

"Do you think the island is above the clouds?"

Bing Wang didn't speak, but Lei Long spoke directly.

He had the same thought as Little Sister Dai, the island in the sky, the island should be in the sky, right?

"I don't think the island in the air is in the air, it may be on a huge cliff, or a very high place!"

Mr. Pei shook his head, he didn't believe that there really would be islands floating in the air!

"This defies basic physics, to float in the air requires a huge upward buoyancy `]!"


"The island is in the clouds!"

Master Bei shook his head lightly, not believing such a situation!

A cloud is just a mass of water vapor, how could it be an island?

"What if, you have to know that this is a forbidden world, and many things are different from those on Earth!"

The little girl said stubbornly, why did she think it was impossible to be on the clouds?

Everyone shook their heads and smiled, feeling that this was a bit too nonsense.

live broadcast..

Lu Yun took the permanent pointer from Bai Yuekui, and shook it slightly from side to side a few times.

It is found that although the pointer is slightly tilted up in the air, the pointer is still facing the parallel direction.

Lu Yun guessed that it should be still a long distance!


How to get to the island in the sky?

In the world of One Piece, Lu Yun and others were blown up by using the upwelling current of the ocean.


in this world.

Lu Yun couldn't figure out where the empty island should be, could it be above an ocean?

He shook his head, thinking that this possibility was unlikely, and it was a bit outrageous!

Is it possible to build another ship?

It should be another way to go to Sky Island, right?

Think about it.

Lu Yun looked at the slaves in front of him, maybe these slaves know something!

"Do you know a way to go to heaven?"

After Lu Yun finished speaking, he looked at the bewildered faces of the previous slaves and couldn't help shaking his head. It seems that these people probably don't know about it!

Just after Lu Yun gave up hope, a weak voice suddenly came from among the people.

"That... I might know something, but I'm not sure!"

Taking a closer look, Lu Yun found that it was the elf princess who spoke.

Being watched by Lu Yun, the princess of the elves blushed again for some reason.

I owe to recall the previous picture.

"I've heard that there are two races that can make things that fly high in the sky!"

"I don't know if it will help you?"

"Oh? Two?"

Lu Yun was overjoyed when he heard the words. He thought it would be enough to have a little clue, but he didn't expect to have two races.

"Dwarves and goblins!"

"I heard my father say that these two races have invented a way to go to the sky! It seems that the dwarves are a kind of cannon aircraft, while the goblins can build goblin airships. These two They can all fly high into the sky, I don’t know if there is any one that can help you!”

Lu Yun thought for a while after hearing the words, and asked again: "How high can a goblin airship fly, have you probably heard of this?"

Hearing the cannon aircraft, Lu Yun felt that this kind of thing should be relatively dangerous.

So after thinking about it, I asked the elf princess about another flying tool, the goblin airship!

"This..." The elf princess with a shy face was silent for a while, and then continued to speak with an uncertain tone, "It seems to be two or three hundred meters away, and I don't know more about it!"

"Two or three hundred meters?"

Lu Yun lowered his head and pondered slightly, Bai Yuekui glanced at him and didn't say anything.

To be honest, she herself was surprised, before she knew it, she seemed to start focusing on Lu Yun.

Not long after, Lu Yun raised his head and said decisively: "Then let's find a group of dwarves!"

"`"The goblins seem to"

The princess of the elves was half-speaking, and suddenly froze for a moment, staring at Lu Yun with wide-eyed eyes, fluttering.

Lu Yun couldn't help feeling amused, and explained.

"Two to three hundred meters is too short, we need to fly higher, how high can the dwarf cannon aircraft fly?"

"I don't know about this!" Elf Princess Yaya shook her head, her long golden hair was extraordinarily dazzling.

"The dwarves seem to be in the south..."

"That...that needle of yours is pointing south.

Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui looked at each other and nodded at each other. It would be much more convenient if they were on the way!


The two embarked on a new journey with the desert hunting cat Lauder.

As for the succubi...

In the north of the Changshou clan.

Lu Yun didn't consider going back again, and he wasn't really an emissary of Satan.

As for whether to find something to eat in the tribe of the Changshou tribe.

After thinking about it, Lu Yun gave up. The tribe of the long-handed tribe is already in such a mess at this time, and it is not certain whether there is a problem with the food!


The two looked at each other, nodded (Nuo Wang Zhao), and both chose to continue on their way.

Lu Yun has no effect on their physical strength at all.


Lu Yun picked up the cane sword and tapped Lauder's head lightly, "Lazy cat, let's go to the south when we get bigger, well, just follow the direction pointed by this pointer."

The desert hunting cat Lauder glanced lightly, and then slowly grew larger in the surprised eyes of these slaves.

Take the two of them and head south.

After confirming that the two left, these former slaves suddenly separated one by one, and the lattice crystal watched.

They have some racial antagonisms before.

It is not hostile, but I have heard the name of the other party.

So they looked at each other vigilantly, and someone in the place suddenly started reading!

"Everyone... I think we were all slaves in the Long Hand Clan but were rescued again."

"Can we temporarily put aside our grievances?"

The words of the princess of the elves made everyone nod their heads slowly, and finally they separated and lost each one!

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