Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

【192】Finger Rebirth 【Subscription】

blue star!

Great summer domestic!

Inside the Shangdu, Li Long is a member of the local special police, and even participated in the war in the Elephant Kingdom when he was young.

On the battlefield at that time, his left thumb and little finger were accidentally blown off.

After that, he could only be discharged from the army and became a small policeman in the local area.

You can only come in after being greeted!

And at this time...

Because of the manifestation of the mirror of reincarnation, hundreds of reincarnation powerhouses will be born, so he was also deployed by the superior to start the search mission of the place.

Familiar with the pistol dagger 08 and other items on the body.

Touching the severed finger on his hand, he still couldn't help but sighed, what he wanted more was to go to the military life in the army.

Instead of becoming a criminal policeman in a small place now.

I think back then, when I was in the army, I used to win the first place in various awards many times!


He is a left-hander and is extremely good at pistols and left-handed daggers!

An inch is short and an inch is risky.

A dagger used to be able to play a hundred different shapes in his hand.

"I really want to shoot with my left hand again!"

He has almost forgotten the feeling of shooting with his left hand!

The name of the left-handed gun god...

It seems to be forgotten!

"Our task is to look for white light everywhere, of course it doesn't have to be white light, it may appear in other forms!"

"In short, if there is any abnormality, it must be reported immediately!"

The person in charge of the activity is talking on stage.

Suddenly Li Long felt as if some kind of light appeared in his eyes.

Then his expression changed.

His brows were tightly wrinkled together, and the expression on his face suddenly changed, because he felt that his fingers were very itchy now!


Very itchy!

And it's getting itchy!

Makes him want to scratch it uncontrollably!

Li Long couldn't help but reached out and scratched his itchy fingers, but the fingers became more and more itchy, and there was no feeling of needing links at all!

This discomfort made him twitch uncontrollably.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with the wound?"

Li Long was sweating anxiously, if there was a problem, it would be a big trouble!


Li Long's eyes widened, and he looked at his IDE fingers in disbelief.

At the place where the finger was broken, it began to crack slowly, and there were granulation-like things drilled out of it!

Fingers are slowly forming!

Where has he seen such a scene before, he couldn't help but come out!

"What's the noise! ​​What's the noise!"

The captain in charge of the operation came over, and was immediately stunned. He also saw the strange wound on Li Long's hand, with fingers growing out slowly!

"You are..."

"Reincarnation mirror?"

"It should be....I just saw a bright light appear in front of my eyes." Li Long said truthfully, and then looked at his wound with doubts.

How can a finger that has been broken for several years still heal!

This is too amazing! 857


Everyone just heard a poof!

A white bone was drilled out of the granulation.

Then around the periphery of the bone, granulation sprouts slowly surrounded it, and along with it came blood vessels that spread out one by one!




Show up little by little!

Soon, a complete finger grew out completely.

Looking at the brand new finger, Li Long widened his eyes, looked at it in disbelief, then slowly stretched out his finger, and found that it was very easy to use!

There is no difference from before!

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