Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

【196】Return, The Strength Soared 【Subscription】

at this time..

The moon has darkened...

The light in the deep forest slowly dissipated, and the previous dazzling light was no longer there.

Lu Yun, the Desert Hunter and Loli the Fawn were sitting by the mirror.

Quietly waiting for Bai Yuekui to appear.

Riyuekui has been in the mirror world for ten minutes since just now!

According to Lu Yun's Lu Yun, it's coming out soon!

As for why it came out, it must be here.

Lu Yun is "zero three zero" because the big spider guessed it!

"Uncle... Sister, sister, she will be fine!"

After the fight just now, Little Deerman Lolita has completely fallen in love with Bai Yuekui.

At the same time, he also saw Bai Yuekui's strength.

Now I admire Bai Yuekui to the extreme.

So she is very worried that something will happen to Bai Yuekui at this time, if that is the case...

My own tribal family seems to be over.

Although it sounds a bit bad, but now all his hopes are placed on Riyuekui. L

in his mind!

There is a big gap between Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui's strength!

She never thought that Lu Yun was more powerful than Bai Yuekui!

After all, in her perception, Bai Yuekui is already too powerful to be human.

If it was stronger than her...

How terrifying that must be.

So she didn't dare to imagine it at all.

Glancing at the little deer man, Lu Yun said lightly: "Don't worry, she's very strong, nothing will happen to her!"

"It looks like we're going to rest here tonight!"

Lu Yun has already started watching, ready to sleep in his own place!

He chose a place far away from the eight-eyed ghost spider.

Then let the desert hunting cat find a pile of firewood, and he came to the river to catch some fat carp again.

Then clean it up and hang it on the fan of the campfire to smoke it.

He is going to save some dry food in case he cannot find food for a long time.

As for that big spider...

But it was directly given up by Lu Yun, even if there is meat in this thing, he doesn't know how to eat it!

Finish these.

Lu Yun came to the place he had found in advance and fell asleep slowly.

the other side...

The little deer man glanced at Lu Yun who was slowly falling asleep, got up quietly and went to the river, "Ten baths comfortably.

On the way to run, he hasn't bathed for a long time!

That's why when Lu Yun was sleeping, he hurried to take a shower secretly.

As for why not wash it sooner....

Although Lu Yun is just a picture of a skeleton, how can I say that Lu Yun is also a man......

Showering next to a male...

He felt so embarrassed!

After taking a shower.

He glanced at Lu Yun, looked at the Desert Hunting Cat, thought for a while, and the little deer man came to the Desert Hunting Cat and lay down to sleep.

The desert hunting cat on the side glanced at her.

He didn't speak, and played with the bugs on the ground.



after an hour....

Bai Yuekui walked out of a vortex.

His face was full of spirits.

Just now, her overall physical fitness has been greatly improved inside.

Lu Yun felt the movement around him, opened his eyes slightly, took a look, and then closed his eyes slowly again to rest!

the other side!

Bai Yuekui, who was excitedly on his head, sat on the ground, and then took out a treasure box that was slightly emitting golden light,

This B+ level treasure chest [already has the feeling of a golden treasure chest!

It was the treasure chest obtained by solving the eight-eyed demon spider before.

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