Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[041] The First Attribute Reward, All Attributes +10

"What but...don't forget, you have a commoner name..." Sharma looked at Gandhi speaking arrogantly, and paused, probably realizing that this is a forbidden area, and he can't treat Gandhi as before. He opened his mouth again and said, "Besides, look, there are no other ants around here! Maybe many army ants have been traumatized by this sandstorm."

"That's fine." Gandhi looked around and found that there were no other ants around.

The two reached an agreement.

Immediately, without hesitation, Sharma took a machine gun and started shooting at the desert army ant queen.

chug chug!

A round of bullets came down, and a thick green slurry flowed out from the huge worm-like belly of the desert queen ant.

Accompanied by more and more thick pulp flowing out.

A mysterious voice rang in the ears of the two.

[Congratulations to players Sharma and Gandhi for killing the queen of the desert marching ants. The score is being estimated. After the estimation is completed, a D+ treasure chest will be rewarded! 】

As the sound fell, a wooden box almost identical to that in Lu Yun's hand appeared in front of the two of them.

Ciel immediately took a step forward and picked up the treasure chest.

Open it without saying a word.

[Congratulations to Sharma, a player from the Three Kingdoms, who successfully opened the D-level treasure chest and received a reward of +10 for all attributes! (Normal adults have attributes of 5 in all aspects, and all attributes are strength, physique, and speed)]

Falling with the sound.

A white ball of light appeared in Sharma's hand.

Obviously this is the attribute light group that can increase all attributes by 10.

As long as you use it, you can get full attribute growth!

In other words, not only strength but also physique, that is to say, the movement speed will increase a lot.

If you encounter some low-level beasts again, you won't be so embarrassed.

Seeing this ball of white light, Sharma's voice kept trembling, he was so excited!

Resisting the idea of ​​using it immediately, Sharma looked at Gandhi who was on the side.

"Gandhi! I will use this attribute light group first! I will give you other things later. What do you think? My attributes have been improved, and we are more likely to get new things."

After a pause, Sharma spoke again, "Not only that, but your family can also become a higher caste, and you don't need to continue doing civilian work. How about it..."

Gandhi glanced greedily at the white light ball, then at Sharma, and finally nodded with difficulty.

He has already felt the charm of this forbidden place, and it is very likely that being here can really change his life.

But he is not alone.

his family.....

Just now, Gandhi even had the idea of ​​robbing.

But Sharma's words woke him up, yeah!

His wife, daughter and children are still outside the forbidden area.

Even if he was moved, Gandhi could only suppress it secretly.

Seeing that Gandhi agreed, Sharma nodded with a smile, and then swallowed the white light ball without hesitation.

Just after swallowing, a touch of warmth spread from the lower abdomen.

Feel the physical changes.

Sharma's joy can be seen, and the whole person is in excitement.

[Fuck! Can you still get attributes in the forbidden area? ? ? Isn't this thing equivalent to making a comprehensive adjustment to a person? You need to know a healthy adult, that is to say, the attributes of 5, but how many people in the world are in sub-health! All attributes +10, basically doubled the physique! 】

[This Sharma's physical fitness must have reached the level of special forces! 】

【snort! The special forces in our beautiful country are not comparable to monkeys like Ah San! Even if all her attributes are +10, her foundation is too bad after all! 】

[Now I feel that the forbidden area is really good, no wonder I am a lucky player! 】

[Tut tsk tsk, but this is the disadvantage of forming a team! I understand why players from one country are separated from the forbidden area. It is easy to snatch something that has been obtained! 】

[No, I have seen the greed in Gandhi's eyes just now, it's a pity...he is of a low caste. 】

【Hmph, the backward Three Kingdoms are still using this outdated caste system, which should have been abolished long ago. Do princes and generals have any kind? 】

【yes! It's me, I may not be able to resist killing this Sharma, Gandhi has paid all the way, now... tsk tsk]

【Look at it, wait until later... that's really a shit pocket, don't mention it, Gandhi still wants to get something? It's all Sharma's own! 】

【Well... Then Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui are also teaming up now... What should I do if I meet something good? 】

【grass! Oh shit! But it is! It's better not to form a team! Both are so good! 】

【Hey, hey, have you guys forgotten that all Lu Yun is left with a white skeleton, and the body repair agent is given to Baishen! 】

【You fart! Father Lu doesn't need flesh and blood to cultivate immortality! When he ascended to great success, the flesh and blood returned! 】

[Oh oh oh? Buy Karma! God, that Lu Yun contestant from Daxia Kingdom is really a butthole, opened my eyes! 】

【...You are a foreigner, this epilogue is not bad! 】

【Tsk tsk tsk...】

In the Three Kingdoms live broadcast room, because of the announcement of attribute points, many viewers flooded in for a while.

At this time, I saw Sharma using the authority of the high caste to squeeze an ordinary person.

The audience of Great Xia Kingdom immediately felt how good their system was.

Although there will still be some imperfections.

But it's better than this class system!

Others felt that Lu Yun and Baishenwan met something good in the future.

What if we fall out?

However, there are only a few people like this.

On the other side, Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui also encountered sandstorms.

Fortunately, the area where the two are located is on the periphery of the sandstorm.

The two ran away as soon as they saw the sandstorm, which was too much.

"It was really dangerous just now, my heartbeat almost stopped!"

"Ah...I don't have a beating heart anymore!"

"Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

Lu Yun shook the sand off his body, a lot of sand got into his skull just now.


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