Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[051] Tear Your Skin, Let's Do It! [Coming Soon, Please Subscribe]

The release of this announcement!

It's like pouring water into hot oil, and it exploded immediately!

It made the audience of Great Xia Kingdom, who were already filled with righteous indignation, even more annoyed.

It's like I'm weak and I'm reasonable!

You force you to let me go!

As everyone knows, this will only make people more annoying!

All of a sudden, several neighboring countries began to denounce their shameless behavior!

The live broadcast room of Great Xia Kingdom was full of passionate words.

Looking at Sharma in the picture.

Everyone wished that they were Bai Yuekui, so they went up and beat him up!

【Oh shit! Even made an announcement! Mother Gan Lin! Draft eight generations of ancestors! After reading this announcement, I feel even more disgusted with Ah Sanguo! I will never travel to the Three Kingdoms in my life! 】

【snort! Fortunately, I plan to play this November! Go to your uncle and go to the hammer! Will not go in the future! 】

[Looking at this old man Sharma gets angry! Fuck! What is Baishen doing! Why not go up and kill him directly! This kind of monkey without civilized evolution is really like a pig raised in a backyard! 】

【brother! You don't insult pigs! Piggy is very cute! It is a good friend of our mankind! 】

[Damn, why didn't Baishen hit her! Isn't it obvious that the other party is cheating? At least grab the scorpion meat back, and give this man a good blow to vent his anger! 】

[I don't know, I guess Baishen has his own plans! Otherwise, he is a Sharma and not Bai Shen's opponent! 】

【snort! Damn it! I originally said that I would take my daughter-in-law to travel to the Three Kingdoms to relax, but now it seems that I have to change my plan! Going to the Three Kingdoms will increase their tourism economy? I don't do it! Going to this country affects your good mood! I hope that some companies can set an example and refuse to export materials like the Three Kingdoms! See what happens to them! 】

【brother! Someone is already doing what you said! Rice has announced that it will not sell any rice phones in Asanguo in the future! 】

【My giao! This wave is fine! Ah San is Rice's home field! 】

【Michelle also said...】

【Flowers for the sake of it also said...】

[Many companies have begun to announce....]

[That's right! Let's see how long they last! 】

[So many large companies are like this, some people in the barrage even want to clean themselves up! Tsk tsk tsk...]

[Raw dogs of the same feather are not good things! 】

[I opened the history of the Three Kingdoms and saw that the history was very glorious. The words "disadvantaged groups" were written crookedly. I couldn't sleep anyway. After reading it for a long time, I could see it from the cracks in the words. The book was densely packed. It's all written shameless! 】

[Hmph, shamelessness is their national purpose! 】



No matter how passionate the barrage in the real world is, Sharma and Bai Yuekui don't know anything about it.

Bai Yuekui tilted his head and glanced at the other party's backpack, and said softly, "Your water... did you bring it in the Ganges River?"

"Of course not...I, a high caste, must drink some imported water..." Sharma took out two bottles of water from her backpack with a proud face on her face.

Bai Yuekui nodded, then froze, this water is not the Daxia country porter mineral water that can be seen all over the street!

Seeing Bai Yuekui froze for a moment, Sharma bowed her head.

Seeing the body of the bottle, Sharma was also taken aback. He had completely forgotten that what he was drinking was not the water from the Great Xia Kingdom.

But so what!

It is said that he is an import, then it is an import!

"Cough..." Coughing twice, Sharma said cheekily, "The water source that your Great Xia country exports and sells domestically is not the same water source!"

heard the words.

Bai Yuekui raised his eyebrows.

There is such a thing?

Who are you blinded by?

When I was a three-year-old fur kid?

But Bai Yuekui didn't care about it, as long as the water...wasn't Lu Yun's footwashing water.

That's right!

Bai Yuekui is for these two bottles of pure and pure water without the smell of stinky feet!

Although the natural porter does not necessarily mean that no animals have drunk it.

But out of sight, out of mind!

Speaking of Lu Yun, Sharma glanced at him, and found that the skeleton around him still looked lifeless.

Haven't come back yet.

"This guy... What tricks did he hide just now?"

"Could it be that the immortal cultivator... the soul is out of the body?"

Forget it, ask him later.

Bai Yuekui turned his gaze to Sharma, and glanced at the natural porter, there was indeed no Queen of Kaifeng.

Gently nodded.

Give the other party another chance.

Can you hold it.

Then it's up to the other party!

"Give me the water, and then the meat will be yours!" Bai Yuekui said lightly, as if he didn't know about his shamelessness.


The corner of Sharma's mouth was cracked, revealing a malicious smile, she looked at Bai Yuekui and said softly, "It's just that if I give you these two bottles of water...then I don't have any water... .”

"I've been thinking about's inappropriate, I can't let myself die of thirst!"

"Then you can give me a bottle of water, and you take half of the food in the backpack." Bai Yuekui nodded and said.

"Half a package of food is frugal and can only be eaten for less than a week. What if I don't encounter edible food in this week..."

"Then I'm going to starve to death!"

heard the words.

Bai Yuekui shook his head, "Then what do you say?"

Sure enough, this man was full of malice.

If you are not satisfied after getting the food, you will still make progress!

I gave him several chances, but he gave up all of them!

"What should I do?" Sharma glanced at Bai Yuekui.

"Actually, it's easy to handle! I'll take the water, and let me carry the food, but I can take you..." Sharma wiped the gun in her hand...

"I have a gun, it's safer for you to follow me, and I can protect you..."

"It's just... Jie Jie, if I want to protect you, I'll have to charge you extra! As for the fee, if you have nothing to give, your body is also fine..."

"Human flesh doesn't taste good..." Bai Yuekui said lightly.

"How do you know... Bah... How could I mean that!"

For this sake, Sharma simply tore her face apart.

The corner of his mouth cracked, and he stuffed the scorpion meat and bread directly into his bag.

Then with a sinister smile on his face, he raised the submachine gun in his hand and pointed it at Bai Yuekui.

"To tell you the truth...I want food...I want water, even you...Anyway, it's boring in this forbidden area, so just stay by my side to relieve boredom!"

"Don't think that you are lucky, and you are great if you get a resource. Let me tell you, the beasts inside are very dangerous!"

"Forming a team with me is good for you and me..."

"Ah...I'm sorry..." Before Sharma could speak, a man's voice came in suddenly, "Kuikui sauce, we need to take one more person on the road..."

"Why bring an extra...just the two of us..huh? Something..."

Halfway through the words, Sharma realized and was taken aback!

Why is there a third person here?

Who is speaking!

Eyes move.

He saw the other side...

The skeleton that I kicked just now.

At this moment, he actually sat up, with green will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes...

stared straight at him.


Seeing this horrifying picture, Sharma screamed in horror.

Goosebumps all over his body couldn't help but rise.

"Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

"Ah! I scared people!"

Lu Yun straightened his top hat, and was kicked away by Sharma just now!

"go to hell..."

Startled by Lu Yun's magical voice.

Sharma came back to her senses and pulled the trigger directly, and the submachine gun emitted a yellow light.

Countless bullets poured out towards Lu Yun.

Sharma no longer concealed her malice, and pointed her submachine gun at Bai Yuekui.

Then they fired crazily at Lu Yun!

All the viewers of Great Xia Kingdom, all the viewers of Asan Kingdom, and all the viewers who joined in the fun in the live broadcast room were all stunned at this moment!

Everyone loves never thought of!

This guy didn't even bother to hide anything, and pointed his submachine gun at Bai Yuekui.

Then they shot at Lu Yun!

[Fuck, God Lu is all right! Fuck! Why did this guy shoot directly! 】

【It should be fine... Seeing Bai Shen's expression is so indifferent, Lu Shen should be fine! 】

[That's good, that's good! I was shocked! Shocking! 】

【Who is not...】

Not only the audience of Great Xia Kingdom were stunned, but also the monkeys of Ah San Kingdom were all dumbfounded at this moment!

At this time, everyone in Ah Sanguo could feel hotness on their faces!

Not long ago, they said that it was all voluntary transactions!

At this time, Sharma took out a pistol and pointed it at the two of them!



All the audience of Ah San Kingdom were stunned....

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