Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[066] The Conspiracy Of The Beautiful Country, Open The Giant Snake Treasure Chest, Everyone Is Slug

The death sword of the soul, armed with color winding!

As Lu Yun opened his mouth gently, a purple-black mist-like thing slowly appeared, winding around the bright silver double-edged sword visible to the naked eye.

The crutch sword spread to Lu Yun's palm from the beginning to the end, and everything became pitch black.

When I saw it suddenly, I was very scared.

It looks like it has a metallic luster.

Accompanied by the domineering entanglement of armed colors.

Lu Yun's face also became more serious than ever, his spirit raised to the highest level, his eyes fixed on the back of the giant snake like an eagle.

The poisonous fog has slowly approached and is close at hand.

Visible purple poisonous mist came from the snake head.

Even everyone outside the forbidden area felt a sense of suffocation.

They held their breath one by one, not daring to catch their breath!

However, Lu Yun smiled softly, "Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho, it seems that we can't live in peace anymore, so I have to forcibly make a way!"

"There is no way in the world, wave a blade and kill a bloody road!"


Lu Yun clenched his cane and swung the sword fiercely.


The pitch-black blade tore through the air, making a rapid and sharp sound.

Swing a sword!

Layers of ripples appeared in the air above Lu Yun's head, like ripples on the surface of water.

One sword!


The world stopped at this moment, and everything froze.

The purple smoke was already close at hand, leaning against Lu Yun two meters away, as if being strangled by someone's throat, it stopped spreading.

next second..

It's like finding a space to vent.

Heading towards the top of Lu Yun's head, they kept squeezing on the top of the two people's heads.

The distance of two meters is as close as the sky.

Intensely compressed air....

Let these dense fogs begin to change in form "810"..

Layer after layer of continuous extrusion, the air is distorted!


next second.

Everyone only heard a sizzle.

The purple poisonous gas that has been compressed seems to have found a place to vent, and raged out.

Frantically charged towards the back of the giant snake.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka ~~~

Ka Ka Ka ~~~

What cracking sound is slowly appearing!

"Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho, Kui Kui Jiang, let's go!" Lu Yun said softly with a laugh, and then slowly bent down to pick up the scabbard.

The voice fell.


It's like flipping a switch!!


The infinitely compressed poisonous gas can be seen with the naked eye, as if the pressure was released in an instant and poured out.


The giant snake was twisted crazily, like an earthquake.



A blue sword wave suddenly erupted, passed through the strongly compressed air, and directly hit the giant snake's back.

A bloodstain suddenly appeared on the back of the tens of thousands of meters long giant snake.

Then a blue sword light blasted out, piercing the giant snake's skin.

Under the stunned eyes of everyone, the giant snake was split into two.

The poisonous mist that was squeezed by strong domineering burst out at this moment!

A purple mushroom cloud appeared above the split serpent.

until this moment.

Only then did Bai Yuekui feel that everything was normal, and he could start to breathe normally!

And the top of the head...

Inside the pitch-black giant snake's belly, there was a gleam of light!

The bright and clean exterior shines in.

Looking up, a scene that made Bai Yuekui's eyes tremble appeared in front of him.

A wound thousands of meters long appeared on the back of the giant snake. ,

This wound is as smooth as a mirror

There wasn't a trace of blood flowing out of the wound, and after a closer look, he discovered that there was a thin layer of ice on the wound, freezing the wound.

In addition to the dead giant snake and this smooth mirror-like wound, it is hard to believe that it was caused by the blade.

It seemed that nothing happened.

And the poisonous mist sprayed by the giant snake itself was also pushed by the powerful sword wave.

Disappeared, vanished into thin air.

all is at peace...

Under the calm picture, it seems that there are bigger turbulent waves hidden.



Bai Yuekui is still like this, Lau Dai who is standing beside Bai Yuekui has already been completely scared to death!

In her perception, that huge beast looks like the most powerful beast in the world!

It was actually split into two by the owner, like a baguette with a knife on the back!

"What the heck! Let's go! It's over!"

It wasn't until Lu Yun opened his mouth softly that Bai Yuekui seemed to wake up, and took a deep look at Lu Yun.

She can also make such scars!

But definitely not in the current state!

At this time, only Changsheng and Tangdao are still in her five major skill packs. She cannot enter the Guiyuan mode, and she thinks that she can't do what she is seeing at all!

And Lu Yun... seems to have more energy?


Bai Yuekui came to his senses, snorted softly, and walked past Lu Yun, looking for his Tang Dao!

"It's not bad...Half the strength of my prime state!"

"Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho~~ Kui Kui-chan in a tsundere state is also so beautiful that it makes my eyelids tremble!"

"Ah! Although I don't have eyelids, I only have eye holes! Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho~~"

Watching Bai Yuekui walk away, Lu Yun gently bent over and hugged the cat in his arms, and gently stroked her chin with the slender white bones.

"Lau Dai... Women can't be fierce... It would be great if you could become a human."

"You can wear women's fat times, Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

"Ah~~ What am I thinking! Yohohohohoho!"

In the official program group of Great Xia Kingdom, Dai Xiaomei and all the guests all look the same!

At this moment, they couldn't think of any adjectives, or any words to describe their shock!

For a while, the atmosphere of the program group became quiet.

Even a needle hanging on the ground can hear it!

After a long time, Miss Dai came back to her senses and looked at everyone with a pursed smile.

"Too many things have happened in the past two days, and I don't seem to be too shocked! But I still want to say: Damn!"

Dai Xiaomei's voice finally broke the status quo of a pool of stagnant water.

The King of Bing nodded, and after a long time, he also smiled brightly: "I seem to have seen that the Great Xia Kingdom is getting better and better! But..." The King of Bing, who was always serious, also smiled playfully, and continued: "I also want to Say hello!"

"Fuck! Fuck!" Two craps with different tones came out of Thunder Dragon's mouth.

After speaking, he rubbed his face to relax his muscles stiffened by surprise.

But no matter what, he couldn't erase his serious look of shock.

"Lu really surprises people every time!"

Everyone shook their heads and smiled wryly when they heard the words, who is not?

Not only the guests, but also the audience of the Daxia Kingdom in the live broadcast room are all the same shit!

For a while, the barrage in the entire live broadcast room was swiped!

Occasionally a few ohmygods drift by.

Many times, Lu Yun's name has once again appeared on the hot spots of major platforms around the world.

In fact, the previous hot spots have not come down yet!

In short, in less than ten minutes, apart from babies who don't understand the human language, from 80 to 3 years old, there is no one in the world who doesn't know Lu Yun!

The news related to Lu Yun is also enriched everywhere on popular websites around the world!

The power of one man!

Comparable to the gods!

Of course, the most exciting thing is to belong to the officials of the Great Xia Kingdom, they just found and captured all the octopuses.

Even though the damage of these octopuses has been reduced by ten times, they still fully armed the Great Xia army!

After arresting all of them, an all-round research on them began immediately!

The breeding hall conducts breeding research to determine the possibility of survival!

Academy of Sciences conducts ingredient research!

There are also some weird departments that are responsible for research on the feasibility of tentacles regeneration, research and development of military equipment, etc.!


All researchers in these studies performed three generations of treatment!

In order to ensure absolute safety!

Eliminate any possibility of disclosure of research results.


Statements on pressure from foreign countries and attempts to study.

The Great Xia Kingdom ignored them all and made a solemn statement.

want to?

Then let your players grab the forbidden ground!

As for getting something in exchange?

Diamonds? Come on, some carbon molecules!

Gold? I'm sorry! Great Xia has no shortage of gold reserves at all!

Of course, for a while, many national team buildings held grudges.

At the same time when the Great Xia Kingdom refused to share the research rights of the octopus.

Many countries, large and small, such as the beautiful country, the third country, the cherry blossom country, the plastic surgery country, and the old nest country, secretly started an online meeting.

"Great Xia's current players are too strong! If we don't align and stop them, it is conceivable that in a short time, Great Xia will become the world's most powerful country. At that time, I am afraid it will have a great impact on the world structure. I think Everyone understands!" Trump, the former president of the beautiful country, opened the meeting in place of the current president.

"I agree with the big brother of the beautiful country. Now the Great Xia Kingdom doesn't care about us! An octopus refuses to share! Everyone knows the role of an octopus. If we don't care, it won't be long. Wait. Ours is the Great Xia Kingdom, whose physical fitness far exceeds that of our army! So...we must find a way to weaken them!"

"How to weaken it?"

Kill the contestants from the Great Xia Kingdom!"


"So we have to use barrage to let them unite secretly! I think Blackwood Forest is a good choice!"

"I agree……"

"Okay, I agree too!"

This meeting lasted only fifteen minutes, and the Forbidden Land Squad against the Great Xia Kingdom from multiple countries was born!

Attempt to use Darkwood as a treasure pick!

At the same time, the countries that can be sent must be contacted in a unified way......

Let them unite!

Dig to the treasure in the Darkwood!

the other side

At the edge of the desert, Lu Yun, Bai Yuekui and Miao Mi finally got out of the giant snake's belly.

The reason why he wasted a bit of time was because Riyue Kui wanted to study the civilization inside the snake's stomach.

Even though the giant snake is dead, the desert hunting cat still has a physical reaction when it sees the giant snake.

It was not easy to calm down.

Just at this time.

Mysterious voice!

The mysterious hint is coming again!

[Announcement reminder: Warm congratulations to Lu Yun, a contestant from the Great Xia Kingdom, for finding the lost treasure house in the forbidden area, and successfully killing the lord ancient, and obtaining the treasure house resources. 】

【The specific realization multiple will be determined by throwing!】

[Throwing, points 99, with

The current multiple is 9 times. 】

[Congratulations to Lu Yun from the Great Xia Kingdom for killing the ancient giant snake. The score is being estimated. After the estimation is completed, the reward will be rewarded with a B-treasure box!】

[Great Xia country players successfully killed ten thousand snakes with one enemy, and the treasure chest reward was upgraded to a B+ level treasure chest!】

With the end of the mysterious sound, a silver-colored treasure chest appeared in Lu Yun's hands.

I saw a box inexplicably appearing in Lu Yun's hand.

The desert hunting cat tilted its head and looked.

This box looks the same as the box containing the things that allowed me to evolve last time.

"Meow~~~" The desert hunting cat thought it was the light ball, and meowed excitedly.

"Why is it still a silver treasure chest?" Lu Yun muttered, and then handed the treasure chest to Bai Yuekui.

Looking at the treasure chest in his hand, Bai Yuekui froze for a moment, then looked at Lu Yun and opened his mouth in confusion.

"You are..."

"I used the treasure chest last time, so you can open this one!"

"If you have a conscience, let me do it! I hope it's something useful!"

Glancing at the Desert Hunting Cat, Bai Yuekui nodded, and a clear and pleasant voice came out.

"Something useful..."

Lu Yun muttered when he heard the words, and realized that he couldn't help but move onto Riyuekui's long legs.

Then he couldn't help but look up.

He didn't know that his every move was clearly recorded by the camera!

[Holy shit, God Lu! What are you doing! It’s inappropriate, it’s inappropriate! How can you look up and down! Damn! You think of us as your own! Do you think we can’t see it?


【Hahaha, very strong combat power with seven legs! Baishen's combat power can be seen at a glance! These legs are thin and long!】

【... No wonder Lushen is such a dick! After all, Lushen's legs are thinner and longer... 】

Lu Yun didn't know that his sneak peek was clearly seen.

I heard that Yuekui hoped to open something useful on 2.4.

Lu Yun couldn't help sighing softly and whispered, "That must be a bunch of fat people, oh, black silk, it really doesn't work, white silk can also work!"

"What if I don't have clothes on?"

A crisp but cold voice came to mind.

Lu Yun nodded subconsciously, "White silk is precious! Black silk is more expensive. If you are tempted by fat times, you can throw away both. You still have to wear it. It's better to wear less!"

finished talking.

Lu Yun was stunned suddenly, "Well...I'm going to take a shit"

After speaking, Lu Yun hummed a ditty and left, pretending not to see Bai Yuekui's cold eyes staring at him.


"come here!"

Bai Yuekui spoke coldly, not planning to let him go.

"Huh? Kui Kui sauce, Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho, people have three urgencies~~ Yo Ho Ho Ho Ho.

"Let's go after driving!" Bai Yuekui didn't let him go, he glanced at him calmly, and reached out to stop him.

Lu Yun's head shook like a wine glass.

at last...

Still under Bai Yuekui's gaze, he sat down obediently.

"Cough... let's go!"

Bai Yuekui nodded slightly, and then opened the silver treasure chest in his hand without hesitation.

A blue light that was stronger than before burst out from the box.


the light fades...

Bai Yuekui:...

Lu Yun: …………

Audiences of the Great Xia Kingdom:  …

For a moment, time stops and everything stands still.

The desert hunting cat tilted its head, staring at a pair of innocent big eyes.


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