Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

[078] Why Is It The Great Xia Kingdom? Sea People? 【Seek Full Order】

Bai Yuekui didn't think so much, after being slightly surprised, he didn't answer the Dragonscale Clan's question.

After all, it is too complicated!

How did it come about? I won’t be able to finish talking about it for a while!

Moreover, the Longlin clan in front of him was seriously injured, and his current appearance should be back to the light.

Seize this opportunity to ask the most important thing.

"It doesn't matter who we are, I want to ask you, how much do you know about the Blackwood? Are the dragons strong in the Blackwood?"

Bai Yuekui spoke the language of the Great Xia Kingdom, but to the surprise of the Longlin tribe in front of him, he could understand it.

Bai Yuekui knew this was because the forbidden live broadcast had just activated the language translation function.

But the Dragon Scale Clan didn't know.

Hearing Bai Yuekui's words, he was stunned..

These human beings in front of me...

Why can he understand the words?

He doesn't remember learning a foreign language!

The pain in his lower abdomen brought him back to his senses, and he finally remembered to answer the other party's question.


He still begs for the other party!

"The Blackwood Forest is full of dangers, and there are many D-level creatures. Our Dragonscale Clan is a weak existence in the Blackwood Forest..."

However, our dragon clan is the descendant of the dragon god! We have the blood of a real dragon in our body.

When it comes to what the Dragonscale Clan is, there is a ray of faith in the eyes of the man in front of him!

"It's just..." The light in his eyes slowly faded, "It's just that we can't find a chance to return to our ancestors, and it may be even more impossible now!"

The blood of a real dragon? If it was the blood of a real dragon, how did you get injured like this?

Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui looked at each other slightly, then shook their heads.

Sometimes ignorance and ignorance can be scary!

The mysterious subtitles have already explained that it only has extremely thin dragon blood.

But they themselves believe that they can return to the past, return to the past...

Is this just a word of mouth?

"Then you are"

"This... I was captured by the water monkey! The water monkey is a captive creature of the river overlord, the sea people..."

I don't know if it's the wound caused by a lot of talking, or the time for returning to the light is about to pass.

Before finishing this sentence, the Dragonscale clansmen began to vomit blood wildly..

"If you... meet... other Dragonscale people, can you... save us, we... were...|||

The words came to an abrupt end here.

The dragon scale man in front of him has died.

"Sea people?" Lu Yun murmured, thinking that the overlord of this river would be a group of water monkeys, but now he didn't expect that the water monkeys turned out to be captive creatures of intelligent creatures.

That is to say..

Is it equivalent to a pet in Blue Star World? Or a hunting dog?

"Unexpectedly, in the forbidden area, there are not only intelligent creatures, but these intelligent creatures also have captive creatures?"

"Isn't this the same as we raise cattle and sheep in captivity? It seems that this cave is not formed naturally, but a nest built by the Hai people for the water monkeys?"

"Besides, that tribe called the Sea Clan seems to be very powerful!"

"At least it looks much stronger than this dragon scale clan!"

Dai Xiaomei suppressed the surprise on her face, and watched the conversation between Lu Yun and Bai Qiequi and the Dragonscale player.

Immediately, I have a lot of guesses of my own!

"I don't know if players Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui will help the Dragonscale Clan!"

"'s really hard to say!" Bing Wang frowned, on the one hand, he felt that Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui should be very loving.

But starting from his own selfishness, he doesn't want the two of them to do this!

"I believe in players Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui! I support whatever decisions they make!"

Thunder Dragon is not as entangled with grid connection, he feels that you can do whatever you like.

Start from your own ability!

Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui key feel they can do it, then do it, don’t go if you don’t want to go 1

Hearing this, Bing Wang's eyes lit up, and he looked suddenly enlightened!


Let Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui not be able to do it by themselves!

What am I worrying about so much?

【Do you think Lushen Baishen and the others will help the Dragon Scale Clan?】

[I think it's best not to! From the mouth of this Dragonscale Clan, it can be seen that the Sea Clan is very powerful! There's no need to go there!]

【I think so too! Intelligent race! And why do they have to be mixed in between two intelligent races? Are dragonscale people necessarily good people?】

【Ghost knows! I suggest Lushen Baishen not to believe too much in intelligent races, after all, they are likely to lie!】

【But if you don't go, you won't be able to get the resources in this area! It's very tangled!】

【If you don’t tell me, I’d have forgotten it. That’s right, this freshwater resource belongs to the Sea people!】

【I feel that this Sea Clan is not a good thing, because they actually keep water monkeys in captivity!】

【That's right! Look at the bloody gash on the dragonscale man's stomach! It's so bloody! The liver and internal organs are all damaged!】

the other side.

The news that the contestants from the Great Xia Kingdom discovered intelligent creatures in the forbidden area quickly spread throughout the entire Blue Star World!

When everyone is still discussing the appearance of the dragon scale people, and whether to go to the sea people!

This news has spread like wildfire, boarded the world's major forums!

After all, this is the information age, any entertainment news will spread all over the world, let alone such explosive news!


The live broadcast room of Daxia Kingdom is overcrowded!

As the official broadcast room!

They all felt a bit of pressure!

For the first time, I feel that the live broadcast screen is a little bit stuck! (Zhao De's)

And when other countries see the Dragonscale people in the picture.

I really do...

Why is it a Daxia country player again?

Why is it always a player from the Great Xia Kingdom?

What and everything are players from the Great Xia Kingdom?

Why is there such a big difference!

What are our players doing, why do they seem to be a version behind and understand the coldness?


Except for a few countries that are full of hatred against the Great Xia Kingdom, such as the Plastic Surgery Country, the Asan Country, the Sakura Country, and the Beautiful Country.

More countries after the envy just now.

They all chose to lie flat!

What a love!

PS: Dear reader dad, do you feel that there is any poisonous or poisonous point in this book? I will avoid or modify it later, and you can point it out in the comment area. .

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