Guoyun: King Of My Soul, Teammate Bai Boss

【085】Transfer The Cold Air Of Huangquan To This World【Subscription】

Everyone in the live broadcast saw the cold air on Lu Yun's blade!

It's getting thicker and thicker, and this place has been unknowingly surrounded by the cold air released by Lu Yun!

There are faint snowflakes on some buildings!


The bodies of these sea people who fell on the ground gradually hardened, and finally they all froze like ice sculptures!

see this...

Many people suddenly reacted as if they had just woken up!

Sharma of the Three Kingdoms was frozen to death by such cold air!

No wonder...

No one saw the giant snake using the ice-like moves!

At first, I thought it was Lu Yun who dealt with the giant snake too fast and couldn't release it.

did not expect...

It turned out that Lu Yun killed it!

Of course.. In fact, by now, everyone has understood that the forbidden world is not as harmonious as the blue star world!

This is a world of the jungle!

This is true for the indigenous residents, and the same will be true for the Blue Star personnel!


In fact, it can also be said that Sharma's greed and selfishness is not wrong, if he meets players from other countries.

That might actually work!

But whoever made him knock down an iron plate, it's not good to offend anyone!

Offend the two killing gods of the Great Xia Kingdom!

Everyone in the Great Xia Kingdom seemed to have just woken up, and they responded one after another, but they did not say anything, they glanced at each other, and no one mentioned the players from the Three Kingdoms.

But in the live broadcast room of Daxia Kingdom, there are many foreigners watching all the time!

The first time I saw this picture.

Someone jumped out!

[Axi! Why do you players have the ability to freeze ice! Axi! The Sharma of the Three Kingdoms was killed by Lu Yun! And He Guangzhu from our plastic surgery country! Your contestant is a murderer!】

【Murderer Smecta! We demand compensation! You must compensate us for all the losses of our plastic surgery country!】

Soon, the contestants from Plastic Surgery Kingdom went to the live broadcast room of Ah Sanguo to spread the word!

A San Guoxuan, who was looking at their new contestants, saw the barrage!

Without saying a word, they swarmed to the Daxia Guo'e live broadcast room!

In the picture, the coldness of Huangquan is getting stronger and stronger!

Although the cold air in the picture looks more severe, people with a discerning eye can still see that these are similar to those that solved Sharma before!

【Murderer! Your Great Xia Kingdom is a murderer! If you don’t pay us compensation, our Three Kingdoms will choose to start a war with you!】

[Big Xia national elections hold the strong and bully the weak, completely ignoring the Blue Star World Convention! Players from all countries should be harmonious and loving in the forbidden world! Help each other!]

【??? It's obviously you, the Three Kingdoms and the plastic surgery country, who are shameless! We in Ukraine support the Great Xia Kingdom!】

[White Goose Luo Kingdom also supports Great Xia Kingdom!]

【Babastan also supports Great Xia Kingdom!】

In the official program group of the Great Xia Kingdom, Miss Dai watched more and more bullet screens appear, and there are still many contestants who support the Great Xia Kingdom!

Dai Xiaomei smiled and said: "It can be seen that the eyes of the people are sharp!"

"We, Mickey Country, also support Great Xia Country! Of course... I hope that if Lu Yun and Bai Yuekui meet our players, they can help them out!"

"Besides...the Forbidden World and the Blue Star World are two different worlds! Although the Sea Clan people are very disgusting, but...I agree with what the Sea Clan people say! This is the world where the weak eat the strong! The Dragon Scale Clan people It’s not necessarily true when dealing with the weak, but there’s a big gap between them and the Hai Clan people!”

"Of course! I hope everyone treats it rationally, and don't be biased just because the architectural style of the Longlin people is somewhat similar to that of the Great Xia Kingdom!

"However... if there is only one branch of the Dragonscale Clan, it may become history!"

Master Bei sighed, he still very much hoped to see the Dragon Scale Man!

After all, this is still the dragon scale race, which is the closest to human aesthetics among the three humanoid creatures encountered so far!

"We should see you again in the future!"

"Such a vast forbidden area, it doesn't mean that it exists here!"

Lei Long said, he doesn't think he won't meet in the future!

Even if you don't meet the Dragon Scale Clan, there will still be Dragon Tails, Dragon Clans, descendants of the Dragon Clan!

on screen..

live broadcast...

Lu Yun, who beheaded the dozen or so Hai people in front of him with a blank expression, ignored their corpses.

Go further inside the tribe!

Under the induction of his knowledge and domineering!

These sea people are divided into one team after another!

Keep raiding in this tribe, Xia looks to see if there is any work left!

The Desert Hunting Cat looked at Lu Yun's back, hesitating whether to follow him or not!


The desert hunting cat blew softly towards Bai Yuekui.

Then he spread his legs and flung towards Lu Yun's back!

Then before taking two steps, she felt that someone grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up.

In the next second, he came to Gentleness.

"Good boy! We'll be in charge outside!"

"Come on, let's take a detour to the side!"

Bai Yuekui caressed her back and said lightly.

Say it.

Bai Yuekui started to move along the tribe!

In Lu Yun's domineering sense of knowledge.

He found that some parts of the tribe slowly rising fire!

It's what these sea people did..

After checking that there were no living people, they lit the flames without hesitation...

For a time, a tribe began to slowly catch fire in all directions.

After arson, these Hai people gathered towards one place.

"It also saves me a lot of effort!"

Said landing headed for where they turned!

ten minutes later..

Lu Yun stopped in his tracks, and a super strong killing intent emanated from his body!

In front of him, hundreds of Hai Clan people gathered together!

Some sea people are petite and look like lobsters and crabs..

Some of the skin is covered with mucus, it should be some strange deep-sea fish...

There are also some that are huge and full of muscles, such as super-large creatures such as whales...

It wasn't these sea people who made Lu Yun's killing intent explode!

But in front of the Hai people...

There are hundreds of corpses of female Dragonscale tribes, and undiscovered male stumps..

And entrails piled together in one place..

[Holy shit! I'm going to throw up! I'm going! What the hell is he doing? These sea people really treat the dragon scales as food? What is that man next to him doing? I'm going! The male dragon scales are dead If you die, why do you have to dismember the body?]

【...Don't tell me, these are all women's internal organs on the ground! Damn! There seems to be a baby in there!'s a fetus!】

[Fuck! I can’t eat tonight! Vomit! I want to vomit! These people actually picked up the internal organs and stuffed them into their mouths! Damn! Eat them raw!]

【The previous one, I can’t stand it even if I eat it. Do you think this is stewed?】

【It's so fucking disgusting! And that sea tribesman, doesn't he wash his face? He's covered in barnacles, and he doesn't clean it up? It makes me suffer from trypophobia! 1

【These sea people are all cold weapons, it seems that they don't know how to use hot weapons!】

[It's normal, I can play hot weapons. 】

【No, I can't take it anymore! Assi! It's disgusting! Go away!】

【I can't stand Smecta anymore! Vomit~~!】

【Baga! Why do I think it’s no big deal?】


【Sun Country "..."】

【Shit! Because you people from Sakura Country are not worthy of being human!】

When the audience in the live broadcast room of Da Xia Kingdom saw the scene in front of them.

One by one pale.

Some of the weaker ones vomited on the spot.

Some foreign audiences shouted and retreated when they saw this scene!


The live broadcast room originally had 3 billion popularity, but after this picture appeared, it directly dropped to about 1 billion!

The number of people dropped by one-third directly.

It is enough to explain how chilling the scene in the picture is!

Just looking at it is horrifying!

The actions of the Hai people are so horrific.


In the live broadcast room, Bao Xiaomei yelled.

In the next second, he covered his eyes, and the microphone fell to the ground with a bang!

"This... these sea people are not worthy of being human!"

The little girl who covered her eyes gritted her teeth and cursed angrily!

She really covered her eyes this time, and she didn't peek at the mountain of corpses in front of her eyes!


Even the soldier king's face changed drastically, and he took a few deep breaths to suppress the nausea!

"These sea people are not worthy of being human at all, and they treat humans with the same wisdom as food..."


"Hmph! Let's see Lu Yun make a move!"

Bing Wang searched for a long time but couldn't find a suitable adjective, which is enough to see how shocking this scene is!

The same goes for Lu Yun..

Even though he had thought about it before coming here, seeing such a picture still made him full of anger!

I don't know if it is related to the fruit of Huangquan..

Lu Yun can clearly feel the resentment left by the Dragonscale Clan here!

It has basically become materialized!

"You... damn it!"

Even Lu Yun, who is out of character, became serious for the first time at this time!

Lu Yun put on his camouflaged eyes from his pocket with a blank face.

Then he slowly pulled the double-edged sword out of the crutch, and the cold air on his body was constantly rising!

The power of the underworld fruit!

Crazy mobilization in his body!

"Let me pass the cold air of Huangquan to this world!"

"The Death Sword of Soul!"

Every word and sentence spit out gently with the chill like hell, Lu Yun swung the chilly soul mourning sword and stabbed forward fiercely!

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