"Goblin Kingdom?"

Tang Xiaofan pondered for a long time.

He was no stranger to this Goblin Kingdom.

The first contact between the two sides was when Tang Xiaofan conquered the Goblin tribe in the underground world. Under the influence of Zhan Yi, the goblins of the tribe defected to the Black Technology Castle and became his believers.

That time, the Goblin Kingdom appeared in the information prompt, and as soon as it appeared, it directly blacklisted Tang Xiaofan and his Black Technology Castle, with an extremely high hatred value.

With the continuous development of the Black Technology Castle, the rise of its influence and reputation, the Goblin Kingdom has appeared in almost every event. The

Goblin Kingdom's hatred value for the Black Technology Castle is increasing.

It can be said that the Goblin Kingdom hates the Black Technology Castle very much.

The Goblin Kingdom and the Black Technology Castle have reached the point of no return.

The only possible relationship between the two sides is war, and it is difficult to have peace.

Only when one side is defeated can the dispute stop.

Tang Xiaofan looked up at Zhan Er and said:

"Please explain the situation in detail."

Zhan Er replied respectfully.:

"My Lord, I led a small team of warriors to search for local forces that had escaped the net and monster gathering places around the castle, and I accidentally discovered a group of goblins."

Zhan Er also mentioned those wanderers.

"Those wanderers were captured by the goblins and taken to the goblin kingdom."

"The reason why I didn't save them was because when they were captured by the goblins, they took the initiative to expose the location of my black technology castle in order to beg for mercy. They were a group of disloyal people who were not worthy of being saved. Their words of surrender were not credible."

"You did the right thing!"

Tang Xiaofan nodded to Zhan Er in appreciation.

He didn't expect that wanderers would appear near the Black Technology Castle so soon.

But rather than saying that they came to seek refuge with him, it would be better to say that these people wanted to rely on him as a towering tree and use the resources of the Black Technology Castle to improve their own strength.

Of course, wanderers seeking refuge with the castle forces is a kind of mutually beneficial relationship in itself, and neither side will suffer.

However, Tang Xiaofan didn't want wanderers to appear in his castle.

Although this is a real world, many castle lords and wanderers regard themselves as players who have descended into another world.

"Are"players" loyal?

From the fact that those wanderers were captured and immediately turned their firepower to the Black Technology Castle, it can be seen that these so-called players are unreliable.

Even Tang Xiaofan himself is self-centered and cannot be loyal to other players.

It is very difficult to want other players to be loyal and fight for their own castle forces.

It takes a lot of energy and massive resources to cultivate a group of wanderers who are loyal to the castle forces.

For Tang Xiaofan, this is not worth it.

Instead of spending huge sums of money to build a group of wanderer forces loyal to the Black Technology Castle, it is better to use resources elsewhere, such as upgrading the castle, upgrading the arms buildings, purchasing various building blueprints, expanding the scale of the arms under his command, and enhancing the castle power.

You know, the arms are absolutely loyal to Tang Xiaofan, and the loyalty of the arms can be observed and predicted.

""Players" are full of various uncertain factors. Even loyal subordinates can sell you out in a blink of an eye.

So Tang Xiaofan doesn't want to waste his time and energy on them.

At least at this stage, Tang Xiaofan doesn't want to have too much contact with wanderers.

Maybe when Tang Xiaofan establishes the Black Technology Dynasty in the future, he will allow wanderers to appear in the ruling area of the dynasty and allow them to live in his kingdom under the constraints of the kingdom system.

As for now,

Tang Xiaofan said to the second player:

"Pass on my order and send soldiers to patrol the border of the castle. No wanderer is allowed to enter the territory of my castle. If found, they will be expelled. If they do not obey, they will be killed on the spot."

""Yes, my lord!"

Zhan Er responded respectfully.

Under his expressionless mask, he clearly exuded the aura of murder and death.

He also didn't like those wanderers.

He then pointed at the goblins kneeling on the ground.

"My Lord,"

"These goblins are from the Goblin Kingdom."

"Now they are afraid of our powerful force and dare not resist, so we captured them and brought them back."

When Tang Xiaofan's eyes fell on the goblins, they immediately prostrated themselves and said in fear:

"Spare us, my king. We were forced to come here. Please forgive us!"

Tang Xiaofan waved his hand and said:

"Send them to the temple to receive the judgment of the priest. I will ask a few questions first."

It can be seen that these goblins are very frightened.

Seeing that the iron warriors are respectful to Tang Xiaofan, an ordinary human man, they know that the owner of his black technology castle is the one who decides their fate, and they are even more panicked.

Tang Xiaofan asked:

"The King of the Goblin Kingdom?"

The eighteenth-level Goblin Lord in the lead was terrified and wanted to speak, but

Tang Xiaofan waved his hand to interrupt him.:

"Answer whatever I ask you! I will not punish you for your past, as long as you can pass the test of sacrifice in the temple.!"

"Praise you, merciful master," the 18th level goblin lord said hurriedly.

"Is there anyone in the Goblin Kingdom who is over level 20?"

Tang Xiaofan frowned and asked.

The level 18 Goblin Lord nodded and said:

"Only the Grand Elder is level 20, and he is also the most powerful goblin warrior in the history of the forest goblins!"

The goblin population is widely distributed, not just in the forest, but in many places. There is not just one goblin kingdom.

Basically, there is a kingdom and a ruling power in an area.

The area where the level 18 goblin lord is located is���Kingdom, the area ruled is the forest.

There are many races like the goblins, but only a few powerful races have only one ruling kingdom on the Gods and Demons Continent, such as the Natural Elf Empire.

Except for the core of the Elf Empire, the elves in other places are just branches, and these branches are not allowed to hold the kingship.

The goblins are different.

There are too many goblins, all over the world of the Gods and Demons Continent.

Therefore, there are independent goblin kingdoms in many areas, and each goblin kingdom has its own king.

""A level 20 goblin elder!"

Tang Xiaofan frowned slightly.

The strength of a level 20 warrior was beyond doubt, but that was it. Even if this elder had some special abilities, Tang Xiaofan believed that his iron team could still sweep the entire goblin kingdom. Now it seemed that there were not as many difficulties as he had expected. If he wanted to destroy and conquer the goblin kingdom, he only needed to get rid of the level 20 goblin elder. The other goblins had no power to fight at all. Tang Xiaofan asked:

"How far is your goblin kingdom from my castle??"

"Lord Almighty, I have a magic map for you to check!"

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