The underground battlefield was littered with the corpses of goblin warriors.

Some goblins were turned into hornets' nests by machine guns.

Some goblins were cut into pieces by giant axes.

The battle lasted less than ten minutes, and the goblin tribe suffered heavy losses.

When only seventy or eighty of the three hundred goblin warriors were left, the camp of the goblin army suddenly collapsed. The surviving goblin warriors began to flee.

Some fled to the depths of the jungle.

Some fled to the underground world.

But most of the goblins failed to escape and were caught up by the mecha warriors and killed one by one.

No more than twenty goblins escaped.

As for the goblin leader Wusha, he had been killed by Zhan Forty-one alone.

The other four level 14 goblin commanders were killed by other warriors.

This was a glorious victory! The goblin army was almost wiped out, and none of the warriors in the warrior team were injured. Because the warriors were protected by powerful Mark II armor, even a few elite commanders, who burst out with extraordinary force, did not cause any damage to the armor.

���What damage?

In comparison, the goblins didn't have such treatment.

They relied almost entirely on brute force.

Even the 16th-level goblin leader Wusha didn't have many skills.

There was no way to fight against the Mark II armor.

During the fight with Zhan 47, he was suppressed by strength and defense everywhere. He was killed in just 20 rounds.


"Get ready, fix it now!"

""Set off in 5 minutes and continue the attack!"

The soldiers took a short break, but there was nothing to rest for.

They didn't even sweat.

After all, they had machine guns in their hands, and the flexibility and defense of the Mark II made them basically invincible. With so many soldiers, it was rare for someone to get injured!

However, while recovering, the soldiers also upgraded their levels.

Zhan Er and others were still level 12.

But many other soldiers were promoted to level 11.

Most of the soldiers reached the peak of level 12.

The overall strength of the warrior team increased significantly!

The reason why so many soldiers were promoted was that there were too many goblin warriors killed this time, nearly 300.

Among them, there were not only a large number of elite goblins. There was also a level 16 goblin commander and four level 14 goblin commanders.

Even if it was shared, the experience gained by the soldiers was very terrifying.

Enough to complete the level promotion


"It's break time!"

"Clean up the battlefield!"

"Leave the goblin's equipment and soul stones where they are, and transport them back to the castle and hand them over to the lord after the battle!"

"As ordered!"

No one has cleaned up the battlefield. The battle is still going on. The enemy's lair has been disturbed, and the war has lost its suddenness.

Zhan Er said to the soldiers:

"Our mission is to wipe out the goblin tribe! Zhan Yi will be in charge of the 18th level goblin chieftain. We will handle the rest of the goblins!"

""Yes, sir, Zhan Er!"

In the battles outside, commanders are often born at the grassroots level.

Because all the soldiers were summoned by Tang Xiaofan, they were almost the same at the beginning.

Except for the special ones, everyone fought and grew up together, but after all, there are differences between people. Zhan Yi and Zhan Er gradually grew up in daily combat.

Level is one aspect, and the other is the kind of convincing ability and temperament.

Tang Xiaofan did not interfere with the birth of such commanders.

He himself was not as clear about the command system as Jarvis, but he had his own understanding of the profound logic behind it.

A strong combat team, as long as it guarantees overwhelming combat effectiveness, will naturally have a leader.

Not to mention, These warriors and farmers are fighting for the Black Technology Castle with one heart and one mind. They have no messy thoughts and are very simple.

The warriors obeyed the order respectfully and were full of confidence.

Among them, there are a large number of level 10 warriors and ten level 12 warriors.

In addition, all members are equipped with Mark 2 armor, all members are equipped with M249 machine guns, and there are several sniper guns used to deal with long-range attacks of special arms. For such a team, slaying a dragon is a piece of cake.

It is not difficult to deal with the only remaining level 16 goblin commander of the goblin tribe and other goblin warriors.

If they are fast enough, they can rush back to the Black Technology Castle for dinner after the battle.

If nothing unexpected happens.

The warrior team is enough to wipe out this goblin tribe.

""Let's go!"

Zhan Er gave the order.

The soldiers entered the underground cave with a diameter of more than ten meters and headed straight for the goblin tribe located a hundred meters deep underground.


In the underground world, in the huge stone palace of the goblin tribe, a dozen goblins covered in blood were kneeling in the hall.

They lowered their heads.

They dared not face the angry eyes of the tribal chief.

They were defeated!

The elite troops composed of 300 goblin warriors were killed by the enemy and collapsed.

In the end, only these people escaped alive.

It can be said that the whole army was annihilated.

They were the shameful losers!

"Lord Chief!"

"This is a conspiracy!"

The only level 10 elite goblin said angrily:

"The most powerful enemy is definitely not less than level 13! He must be much stronger, at least level 16! He hides in the dark until the war begins, and then he suddenly appears."

"Commander Wusha is very brave"

"Fight the enemy to the death!"

"The final level is not as good as the opponent, and is killed by the enemy"

"We failed, three hundred brave soldiers died on the battlefield!"

""Chief, you must avenge the great commander Wusha and the dead tribesmen!"

The wailing sound resounded through the hall.

The goblin chief did not speak.

His expression was extremely gloomy.

He was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart to prevent it from erupting.

Two battles.

One attack, one frontal fight.

The goblin tribe was completely defeated!

All five of his level 14 commanders died.

Only one of the two level 16 commanders was still alive.

The brave goblin warriors lost 300.

The tribe was greatly weakened!

If he had not been promoted to level 18, he would have to worry about being annexed by other goblin tribes.

Damn it!

That group of enemies from another world caused him to lose a large number of warriors loyal to him and the tribe.

This revenge must be avenged!

At this moment, a goblin sentry ran into the hall in panic and screamed:

"Chief, something terrible has happened! Those creatures from another world are coming to kill us!"

"It's you again!"

The goblin chief recognized this sentinel.

It was he who lied about the enemy situation before, claiming that the strongest enemy was only level 13, which resulted in heavy losses for the tribe.

Thinking of this, the goblin chief was furious and slapped the goblin sentinel to death.

Then, he stood up angrily and looked down at the trembling goblins in the hall.

"Call all tribal warriors to defend the tribe!"

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