The little girl was very happy.

"Oh, it's a handmade product. The little purse in your hand is very beautiful. Did you weave it yourself?" Su Yang asked with a smile.

"Thank you! Yes, I weaved it myself."

"Excuse me, is your face...burned?" Su Yang hesitated for a moment, but still asked the doubt in his heart, and then added, "Sorry, if you don't want to answer, you don't have to say it."

"It doesn't matter, yes, it's a scar left by a burn." Ye Qingqing didn't feel embarrassed, but admitted it generously.

"How much is one of these handmade products?" Su Yang changed the subject.

"5 yuan."

"So cheap?"

While speaking, Su Yang clicked on Xiao Ye's anchor background and found that she had published more than 100 works, but the number of fans was less than 30,000.

Su Yang understood that in this era of appearance, the scar on Xiao Ye's face was undoubtedly the biggest obstacle on her live broadcast road.

At this time, the door of the room suddenly opened and a middle-aged woman walked in.

Xiao Ye quickly turned the wheelchair and stepped back, but accidentally hit the corner of the table.

Su Yang then noticed that Xiao Ye was sitting in a wheelchair.

The middle-aged woman picked up the trash can under the table, turned around and walked out, and gently closed the door before leaving.

"Do you usually sit in a wheelchair?" Su Yang asked.

"Yes, my legs and feet are inconvenient to move." Xiao Ye said softly.

"Is it also caused by the fire?"

Xiao Ye nodded silently.

Su Yang felt mixed emotions in his heart. It was hard to imagine that a girl who should have a beautiful youth lost her face and ability to walk because of a fire.

Su Yang opened his mouth, wanting to say something comforting, but found that his words seemed pale and powerless.

"Little brother, what do you want to say?" Xiao Ye asked when Su Yang was hesitant to speak.

"I want to say... you are a very beautiful girl, really great!" Su Yang said sincerely.

After a pause, Su Yang added: "I am serious, you are much prettier than many female anchors on Douyin."

Su Yang's words were not comforting. In the past two days, he has connected with hundreds of "beautiful" anchors. Without the beauty filter, they all turned into "monsters".

In comparison, Xiao Ye is a real beauty in his eyes.

"Brothers, don't you think that those who support Xiao Ye should vote for '1'." Su Yang said loudly to the live broadcast room.



"Xiaoye is so beautiful!"

"She is beautiful and kind."

"I am a fan!"

"I became a fan."

"@Xiaoye, it's a pity that I only met you now, but I am happy that I met you."

"Sister is so beautiful, muah!"


The comments came like a tide, and the number of people online in Xiaoye's live broadcast room soared from 300 to 6,000, and soon exceeded 10,000.

Xiaoye was a little overwhelmed by the sudden change.

"Brothers, I have connected with hundreds of anchors in the past two days. There are really not many natural beauty anchors like Xiaoye!" Su Yang sighed, "Xiaoye is an optimistic girl, and such anchors deserve our love."

After that, Su Yang gave a carnival without hesitation.

"LittleBoy gave anchor Xiaoye a carnival × 1"

Su Yang's action was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, instantly stirring up thousands of waves.

"Lin Ergou gave the anchor Xiao Ye a carnival × 1"

"Sansao gave the anchor Xiao Ye an airplane × 1"

"Tiantian gave the anchor Xiao Ye flowers × 6666"


The gifts came one after another, almost covering the entire screen.

Not only that, many netizens also spontaneously emptied Xiao Ye's shopping cart.

Xiao Ye looked at the incredible scene in front of her, and was so excited that she didn't know what to say, and could only keep saying "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Xiao Ye, you are really great, come on!"


"Love you!"

"Come on, Xiao Ye!"

The screen was full of heartwarming comments, and Xiao Ye's eyes were wet.

"Let's connect again next time, bye!" Su Yang waved his hand and prepared to exit the live broadcast room.

"Little brother, what's your name?" Xiao Ye remembered that he didn't know the name of this little brother yet.

"My name is LittleBoy."

"Why are you wearing a mask?"

"Can't you see it? Isn't it cool?" Su Yang smiled

Said, "I'm a hacker."

"Let's connect again next time. Come on, you're really great!"

Su Yang quit.

In Xiaoye's live broadcast room, there are still more than 10,000 people online.

The number of fans also soared by 100,000 in just a few minutes, more than her efforts in the past year.

All the goods in the window were also swept away by enthusiastic netizens.

All this made Xiaoye feel like a dream.


After ending the connection with Xiaoye, Su Yang then connected with two female anchors.

One of them recognized him with sharp eyes, while the other was caught off guard and fell on the spot.


"I'm dying of laughter. I love watching this kind of car crash!"

"Oh my god, is this face full of freckles serious?"

"This is too...real, it's really eye-catching!"

"I suddenly feel that I can be an Internet celebrity. Once the beauty filter is turned on, I am the most handsome guy on this street!"

"Is this anchor a fool? Does turning on the beauty filter bother you?"

"You're still broadcasting like this? Go home and take a shower!"


There was constant laughter in the live broadcast room, but some discordant voices gradually appeared. A few minutes after the broadcast started, there began to be sporadic abuse mixed in with the cheerful barrage, and the number was increasing, and it seemed to be getting more and more intense.

At first, Su Yang thought it was a water army leading the rhythm, but after careful observation, he found that it was not likely.

Most of these accounts are female users, and clicking on their homepages will find that they are neither anchors nor private accounts, but ordinary netizens.

Su Yang pondered for a moment and suddenly realized that it was the action of turning off the beauty filter that annoyed some female groups, making them feel that their "love of beauty" was offended.

In addition, there were several trolls who had been tirelessly blasting him since the start of the show.

Su Yang didn't care about this at all, just thinking that they were free traffic to contribute to his popularity, and even welcomed it.

At this time, a "Apply for connection" popped up in the lower right corner of the screen.

Su Yang clicked to agree.

A woman in her thirties appeared on the screen, who was the famous emotional anchor of Douyin - Teacher Ma Meng.

"Little Boy." Ma Meng got straight to the point, "You connected with the female anchor and turned off her beauty filter. Do you think this behavior is appropriate?"

Oh, a contestant came to criticize him.

"What's inappropriate?" Su Yang asked back.

"First of all, your behavior itself is illegal." Ma Meng said righteously, "I know you are a very skilled hacker, but no matter how skilled you are, you cannot override the law. You invaded other people's live broadcast rooms without permission and turned off the beauty function, which has seriously violated the female anchor's portrait rights and privacy rights."

Ma Meng paused and continued: "Take a step back, even if I don't mention the legality of your behavior, just the matter of 'beautification' itself is the personal right of every anchor. Why do you deprive others of the right to use beauty?"

"According to what you said, it is also the right of those anchors to use beauty to deceive netizens and make profits?" Su Yang asked with a smile.

"I didn't say that 'cheating' is right, and I personally firmly oppose any form of deception." Ma Meng was a little excited. "What I emphasized is that using beauty filters is everyone's right, including male anchors. I am curious, why don't you connect with male anchors, but instead keep staring at female anchors?" Ma Meng sneered and pointed out incisively, "After all, isn't it because connecting with female anchors has more traffic and more topics?"

Obviously, Ma Meng was implying that Su Yang deliberately created gimmicks to attract attention.

"In the final analysis, is wearing a mask a kind of 'beautification'? Why don't you dare to show your true face?" Ma Meng sneered.

"Teacher Ma is so right. [Applause]"

"Teacher Ma has really spoken my mind."

"Who is bothered by us using beauty filters? Are we eating your rice?"

"Everyone loves beauty, why should we be pointed at by you?"

"Well done! Support Teacher Ma!"

"@LittleBoy, aren't you hyping and attracting attention? Explain it!"


More and more voices in support of Ma Meng appeared in the comments. Su Yang knew without a closer look that these were basically female netizens.

"Since you said I was attracting attention, can I also question whether you are supporting the likes of Sweetheart Nini? Do you want to whitewash them?" Su Yang was unmoved and still kept smiling.

The online world is like this. Once you take it seriously, you lose.

This teacher Ma Meng keeps saying

He is trying to attract attention, so what is her behavior of rushing to connect?

To put it bluntly, it is not just to take advantage of the popularity.

" actually said that I whitewashed Sweetheart Nini?" Ma Meng seemed to have heard an incredible joke, "First of all, let me make my point clear. Sweetheart Nini is a complete liar. There is nothing to whitewash! What I am talking about now is the "beautification" itself. Do we women have the right to turn on the beauty filter? Your behavior of turning off the beauty filter without permission is illegal in the first place. The platform does not have this right. Why can you do it? You are just relying on your own technical skills to do whatever you want. Isn't this bullying?"

Good guy, even the word "bullying" is used. The fighting power of this teacher Ma is really not to be underestimated.

"Wait a minute." Su Yang interrupted her endless complaints, "There is a troll in the comment area who keeps spamming. I'll deal with it first."

"My friend named 'Xiao Sao', you have been trolling me since the start of the live broadcast, right?"

A netizen named "Xiao Sao" has been spamming like crazy for more than an hour since the start of the live broadcast, "The anchor is a idiot, a shit eater."

His perseverance made Su Yang amazed. Even professional water army may not be as dedicated as him.

"Come on, I'll connect you, you come up and troll me in person." Su Yang initiated a connection request to him without hesitation.

The other party seemed to be startled by this sudden invitation and did not accept it immediately.

"Why, you don't dare anymore?" Su Yang continued to use the provocation method, "You have been criticizing me since I started broadcasting. Now I give you a chance, why are you scared? Come up quickly and let me see your "brilliant ideas." "

Perhaps Su Yang's provocation method worked, "Xiaosha" accepted the connection request.

A new window popped up, and the screen was dark. Obviously, the other party did not turn on the camera.

Then, a voice with a heavy accent and a bit of stuttering came out: "Little... boy... you... what right do you have to... slander... spread rumors... sweet... sweetheart Nini..."

"I spread rumors?"

Su Yang was amused by his words, "What did I spread rumors? Tell me!"

"You... you said... sweetheart Nini... is... a 60-year-old aunt." Xiaosha's tone of voice seemed to have suffered a great injustice.

"Sweetheart Nini is a 60-year-old aunt, isn't this the fact?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

"Sweet... sweetheart Nini... said... said... she... she... turned on the old-age special effects... you... you know nothing!" Brother Xiaosha said angrily.

"What? What did she turn on?" Su Yang wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Old... old-age special effects!"

"What special effects?" Su Yang still didn't understand.

Even Teacher Ma Meng beside him showed a puzzled expression: "What special effects?"

Brother Xiaosha's Mandarin is really not flattering. Su Yang and Ma Meng looked at each other, completely unable to understand what he was saying.

"What the hell is this?"

"What kind of contestant is this? How dare he go on the microphone when he can't even speak clearly?"

"Hurry up and get off, don't embarrass yourself here."

"Brother, go home and straighten your tongue first."

Netizens started to mock, and few people could hear what Brother Xiaosha was saying clearly.

"Old age special effects! Old age special effects! You idiot, can't you understand Mandarin?" Brother Xiaosa said angrily.

This time, Su Yang finally heard what he said clearly.

"Old age special effects?... Me, hahahahaha!" Su Yang couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Xiaosa, you are so funny!"

Even the always calm teacher Ma Meng couldn't help but chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?!" Brother Xiaosa yelled dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, okay, don't laugh." Su Yang tried to hold back his smile and asked, "Brother Xiaosa, where did you hear the saying of 'old age special effects'?"

"Sweetheart Nini said it in the video she posted herself." Brother Xiaosa said confidently.

"Then do you believe what she said?" Su Yang asked back.

"Why shouldn't I believe it? If I don't believe her, do I believe you, an idiot?" Brother Xiaosa chose to stand on the side of his goddess without hesitation.

"Brother Xiaosa, can you speak properly?" Su Yang held his forehead helplessly.

"You idiot, hurry up and apologize to sweetheart Nini!" Instead of restraining himself, Xiaoshage became even more arrogant.

"Spreading rumors... idiot...%#¥*..."

Xiaoshage completely ignored Su Yang's words and started the crazy output mode.

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