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"Who is Ma Meng?"

"Two days ago, didn't the boss have a live broadcast with a female anchor named Ma Meng? I thought that woman was fake at the time!"

"Is it the emotional anchor on Douyin with 6 million fans?"

"Yes, that's her! A guy who specializes in selling courses to make money."

"Death to all liars!"

“Anyone who sells courses on Douyin is a liar.”

"Brother Zhou, we support you!"

"Brother, you also buy 18888's class? You are really stupid and have a lot of money!"

"There are still people who believe in emotional anchors like Ma Meng? It's really funny."

In the live broadcast room, barrages poured in like a tide. Netizens expressed sympathy for Zhou Jiming's experience, and also strongly condemned Ma Meng's behavior of "selling dog meat over sheep's heads."

At this moment, dozens of people appeared in the camera, holding a long banner in their hands.

"Brother Zhou, who are those people behind you?" Su Yang asked knowingly.

Zhou Jiming turned the camera of his mobile phone behind him and said to the camera: "These friends behind me, like me, all purchased Ma Meng's emotional courses, but were deceived by her."

"Have all these people been deceived by Ma Meng?" Su Yang said in mock surprise.

"Yes, we were all deceived by her."

"Ma Meng is a liar."

"We were all screwed."

The crowd behind Zhou Jiming shouted accusations at the camera.

"Wow, Ma Meng actually deceived so many people?!" Su Yang's tone was full of disbelief.

"Isn't it? So many people have been deceived?"

"I just took a look at Ma Meng's Douyin account and found that there are quite a few people buying her courses."

"Ma Meng seems to be a gentle and kind person, but I didn't expect him to be such a person."

"I originally thought that no one would believe this kind of emotional anchor, but I didn't expect that so many people would be deceived! It's really shocking!"

"Brothers, I have already left a message on Ma Meng's Douyin account to scold her."

"Let's go, let's spray her together!"

"Count me in"

Netizens were talking a lot, and many netizens spontaneously left messages on Ma Meng’s Douyin account.

Next, Zhou Jimin and a group of 70 people took two buses and headed to Ma Meng's company.

While Su Yang was paying attention to the movements of Zhou Jiming and others, he was listening to Ma Meng's movements on his headset.

At this time, Ma Meng was having a meeting in the company conference room.

Half an hour later, two buses slowly stopped in front of the Dream Media Company building.

More than 70 victims filed out of the car. They gathered at the door of the building and pulled up a long banner that read:

"Ma Meng, an emotional blogger with 6 million fans on Douyin, return my hard-earned money!"

This scene immediately attracted the attention of passers-by, and many people stopped to watch.

In the conference room on the sixth floor of Dream Media Company, Ma Meng was still having a meeting with the company's senior executives, discussing how to further expand the company's scale and increase course sales.


The door of the conference room was pushed open from the outside.

A young female assistant ran in in a panic and said breathlessly:

"Ma...Mr. Ma, no, something happened! A group of people came downstairs from the company, holding banners saying that they want...you to pay back their hard-earned money!"

"What?" Ma Meng heard this and was confused, "What did you say? Who wants me to pay back their hard-earned money?"

Before the assistant could answer, he heard deafening shouts coming from the window:

"Ma Meng! Give me back my hard-earned money!"

"Ma Meng! Come out and face it!"

"Ma Meng! You liar!"

Ma Meng stood up quickly, left his seat and walked to the window, looking down.

I saw a dark crowd of people standing downstairs in the company. They were holding banners in their hands and shouting slogans at the top of their lungs. The voices were so loud that they could be heard clearly even though they were several floors away. .

What shocked Ma Meng even more was that there was an interview car from Yancheng TV station in the crowd.

"They... who are they?" Ma Meng looked confused.

"They are all students who purchased your emotional course." the female assistant replied.

"Ah?" Ma Meng suddenly panicked. She had never encountered such a situation before, and for a moment she didn't know what to do.

"The leader seems to be named Zhou Jiming. He was here two days ago." He said.

The person who spoke was a woman standing next to Ma Meng. She was Ma Meng's agent, pointing to a familiar figure in the crowd downstairs.

"Zhou Jiming?" Ma Meng looked down carefully and saw Zhou Jiming in the crowd.

This Zhou Jiming came to the company once two days ago. At that time, Ma Meng thought that as long as she ignored him, he would give up.

Unexpectedly, he was so persistent. Not only did he not give up, but he also gathered so many people and ran downstairs to the company to make trouble.

"Boss Ma, do you want to call the police?" asked the female assistant.

Ma Meng shook her head. Calling the police would not solve the problem at all. This was a civil dispute. The police would only mediate and could not solve the problem.

The most important thing was the current scene. There were so many people downstairs, holding banners. This matter would definitely be exposed on the Internet.

Maybe it would be another hot search news.

The anchor relies on fans and traffic.

If it is so big, everyone on the Internet knows about it. Who would buy her course?

Wouldn't her personality collapse?

The severity is no less than that of sweetheart Nini being reported by netizens for tax evasion.

What to do?

Ma Meng didn't know what to do for a while.

She was the boss and didn't know what to do, let alone others.

"Quick, notify the security guards and ask them to go down and stop those people. They must not let them rush into the company." Ma Meng ordered the assistant.

"Yes, I'll go right away!" The assistant ran out in a panic.

After a while, seven or eight security guards blocked the door of the building to prevent the rioters from entering the company.

The crowd did not rush into the company.

They just gathered at the door of the building, holding banners, shouting slogans, and surrounding the company's door.

As time went on, more and more people watched, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more tense.

At this time, the number of people online in Su Yang's live broadcast room had exceeded 100,000.

The live broadcast effect was full.

"Haha, it's so cool to take advantage of this wave of traffic." Su Yang looked at the numbers on the screen and was very happy. "Teacher Ma, I'm sorry to take advantage of your popularity."

Time passed by minute by minute, and in a blink of an eye, it was 11 o'clock in the morning.

The crowd downstairs had been gathered at the entrance of the company for more than half an hour.

And what about Ma Meng?

She was hiding in her office at this time, sitting on pins and needles, extremely anxious.

"What should I do? What should I do now?"

Ma Meng was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but she could not think of a perfect plan.

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