The two of them were so excited that they couldn't help laughing.


In the rental house, Gao Meng and Monkey laughed so hard that tears came out.

Su Yang couldn't help but smile.

Hehe, what a famous scene!

"Lao Su, did you record the screen?" Gao Meng asked while laughing.

"Of course!" Su Yang snapped his fingers.

"Send me a copy." Gao Meng said impatiently, "I'm going to post it online so that more people can appreciate the beauty of Her Highness Qiao Biluo!"

Su Yang made an "OK" gesture, "I've sent it to you."

After Gao Meng got the video, he immediately uploaded it to Douyin. Not only that, he also topped up 1,000 yuan for Douyin Plus, which is paid promotion, and pushed the video to more people.

He wanted Qiao Biluo to be "popular" all over the Internet.

"Hey, she turned off the live broadcast." Monkey pointed at the screen and said.

Of course the live broadcast had to be turned off. If it wasn't turned off, would it still be waiting to be ridiculed by netizens?

"The host completed the hacking mission for the first time, and was rewarded with a gift package."

At this time, the mechanical voice of the system rang in Su Yang's mind.


Su Yang was excited and was about to see what gift package the system interface rewarded, but was interrupted by Gao Meng.

"Old Su, thank you so much today. I finally got rid of my anger." Gao Meng was so happy, "Come on, I'll treat you to a midnight snack to celebrate."

"Midnight snack..." Su Yang originally wanted to study the system... No hurry, eat a midnight snack first, and it won't be too late to study it when you come back.

So, the three of them walked out of the rental house happily to have a midnight snack.

When Su Yang returned to the dormitory, it was already past one in the morning.

"System!" Su Yang called out the system.

The light screen appeared-

Name: Su Yang

Hacker ID: LittleBoy (LittleBoy)

Hacker Toolbox: [Ice Trojan] [Gift Pack]

Popularity Points: 6000


The points have increased a lot.

Just eating a midnight snack for a while, from the initial 1200 points, it has increased to 6000.

It must be the points brought by Qiao Biluo's exposure incident.

With points, you can redeem hacker tools, right?

But, how to redeem?

As if sensing Su Yang's thoughts, the system interface refreshed and a prop exchange mall popped up:


[Virus Library]

[Vulnerability Library]

[Knowledge Base]


It turns out that there is also a prop mall in the system.

Su Yang clicked on the [Tools] column and saw a dazzling array of various hacker tools:

Ghost Trojan, 150,000 points

Shield Encryption, 200,000 points

Decompression King, 200,000 points


Su Yang was dazzled by so many hacker tools.

Continue to click [Virus Library] and [Vulnerability Library].

These two libraries contain a lot of virus codes and vulnerability information, many of which Su Yang has never heard of.

What this means is self-evident.

This is simply a huge treasure.

Finally, there is the [Knowledge Base], which is full of theoretical knowledge and algorithms related to hacker technology and artificial intelligence.

The more Su Yang looked at it, the more excited he became. This system is simply too amazing.

With it, I feel like I'm about to take off.

By the way, the system rewarded a gift package before... Oh, Su Yang saw it, there is an extra gift package in the tool column.

"Open the gift package."

"Congratulations to the host, reward: CVE-2024-30078 vulnerability"

The gift package opened a vulnerability.

The so-called vulnerability is the BUG in the computer hardware and software system. Hackers can attack the target system by exploiting these vulnerabilities.

In the hacker world, vulnerabilities are equal to money. A new vulnerability can be sold for hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions of dollars on the dark web.

Su Yang clicked with curiosity.

"Vulnerability number CVE-2024-30078

Danger level: ★★★★ (the vulnerability danger level is divided into 1 star to 5 stars)

This vulnerability is related to the Android gateway driver, which allows attackers to exploit this vulnerability to connect to the target's network and remotely execute code without any user interaction."

This is a brand new Android gateway driver vulnerability that Su Yang didn't know about.

80% of the world's mobile phones, including laptops, are installed with the Android system, which means that this vulnerability can be exploited to easily invade 80% of the world's mobile phones and laptops, unless the relevant vulnerability patches are installed.

Is it that powerful?

You will know after testing it.

Next, Su Yang downloaded the vulnerability code and instruction document to his computer.

After reading the code document carefully, Su Yang typed on the keyboard and wrote a code to use the CVE-2024-30078 vulnerability to invade.

The code was concentrated in a vulnerability scanning tool written by Su Yang himself.

After finishing, start scanning.

Scan the WiFi network on the floor where you live directly.

After a few seconds, the scan results came out: (vulnerability found) (vulnerability found) (vulnerability found)


More than 60 IP addresses were scanned, and each IP represents a terminal device, which may be a mobile phone or a laptop.

Without exception, every device has the CVE-2024-30078 vulnerability.

Including Su Yang's own mobile phone, the laptop also scanned the vulnerability.

Su Yang randomly selected an IP terminal and ran the vulnerability intrusion code he had just written.

One second, two seconds...


A message popped up on the screen: "Intrusion successful, successfully connected to the terminal, and obtained system administrator privileges."


That's it!

Su Yang couldn't help but sigh, this vulnerability is too powerful.

Of course, with his technology, even without this vulnerability, he can still successfully intrude, but it's a bit more troublesome. He needs to crack the password of the WiFi router first, then enter a mobile phone, and also need to implant a Trojan... Not to mention other things, just cracking the router password is difficult, and sometimes you need to rely on luck.

He remembered that he once cracked the password of an Internet cafe router, which took him a whole week.

It's not as easy and comfortable as it is now, it's effortless.

So, vulnerabilities are the sharpest weapons of hackers.

Su Yang tapped the keyboard a few times, and a window popped up on the screen, showing the desktop of the terminal.

Haha, this laptop is playing an island love action movie.

Su Yang did not disturb the gentleman's interest and exited the system.

He just tested the effect of the vulnerability, not really wanting to peek into other people's privacy.

This test gave him a deeper understanding of the loopholes rewarded by the system, which were indeed extremely powerful.

He had previously exposed Qiao Biluo. If there was this loophole, it would not be so troublesome. When she was live streaming, she could directly scan the mobile phone IP address, and then use the Android system-level loophole to easily invade her mobile phone without anyone noticing.

In contrast, the method of implanting a Trojan horse is more risky, easy to leave traces, and the probability of being discovered is also relatively high.

Of course, Qiao Biluo herself does not understand technology, so she did not notice it, but if she were replaced by a network security expert, it would be easy to find the problem.

The CVE-2024-30078 vulnerability is a new, unknown vulnerability, which is difficult to detect even for top hackers.

This shows how valuable an unknown vulnerability is.

And in the system's vulnerability library, there are tens of thousands of such unknown vulnerabilities.

Thinking of this, Su Yang couldn't help but get excited.

If he could redeem all these vulnerabilities, wouldn't he be able to roam freely in the world of the Internet?

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