At 7:30, Su Yang opened the DDoS attack tool, controlled 100,000 zombies, and was ready to launch a fierce attack on Japan's network at any time.

That's right, Su Yang prepared 100,000 zombies for this operation.

Zombies are equivalent to hackers' bullets. One hundred thousand zombies attacking at the same time are enough to destroy most of the websites in the world.

The first batch of targets of the "4.18" operation included 60 official websites of Japan's Coast Guard, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, etc.

The second batch of targets included Fuji TV, East Whale TV, "Nikkei Shimbun", "Asahi Shimbun", Yahoo East Whale and hundreds of other mainstream TV stations and websites.

The third batch of targets are large companies such as Sony, Nintendo, East Whale Subway, All Nippon Airways, and websites of important transportation departments such as subways and airlines.

The scale of this operation is larger than the hacker war in China in 2000.

"Brothers, two hacker groups in Japan, Killnet and BlackSuit, are shouting on the Internet that they want us to have no return and to kill us all. They are very arrogant!" A group member sent a message.

The actions of the Red Hacker Base were not deliberately kept secret. The hacker groups in Japan got the news early and naturally responded.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was less than five minutes before eight o'clock.

"Fuck! The brothers of the Hawk Alliance took action before us! They have hacked the official website of the Japanese Coast Guard!" A message popped up in the group.

Can they still steal the work?

Su Yang opened the official website of the Japanese Coast Guard.

The page of the website has turned into a red background with an eagle's head on it, which is the logo of the "Hawk Alliance".

The Hawk Alliance is another famous hacker organization in Longguo, and it also participated in the "4.18" action.

In addition to the "Red Hacker Base" and the "Hawk Alliance", many hacker organizations in China have spontaneously organized actions. No one wants to fall behind in their daily lives.

"Oh my god, there are really people who are trying to grab the work. Let's get started!"

"@Administrator, there are 5 minutes to 8 o'clock. Can we act in advance?"

"Yes, if it's a little later, the good work will be taken by other brothers, and we can only drink soup!"

"Hurry up and get started!"

"@Administrator, please fight!"

"Please fight +1"


Members in the group asked for the fight.

"@All members, please stay calm, everything should proceed according to the plan, don't lose your composure!" Administrator Brother Yuan came out to maintain order.

Well, this is not a game, and the plan must be executed.

Everyone can only wait patiently.

At this time, Su Yang saw someone in the group share a BBC live link.

He clicked the link and jumped to a BBC live room.

In the live room, the live scene of the Japanese Coast Guard exercise was being broadcast:

Four warships were scattered on the sea, and in the distance, an anti-submarine patrol aircraft was hovering at low altitude.

Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

At 8 o'clock, the attack began.

More than a dozen chat groups with 2,000 people in the Red Hacker Base, more than 20,000 hackers, like a rolling torrent, swept into the Japanese network.

Just one minute later, the first battle report came back:

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs raised a bright red flag.

At 1 minute and 5 seconds, the official website of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism successfully raised the flag.

At 1 minute and 12 seconds, the official website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology successfully raised the flag.

At 1 minute and 20 seconds, the official website of the Japanese Imperial Household Agency successfully raised the flag.

In an Internet cafe in Dongjingdu.

Noda just sat down, turned on the computer, and habitually browsed the Fuji News website.

"What?" Noda's eyes widened suddenly, in disbelief.

The homepage of Fuji News turned into a bright red background, with a striking slogan in both Chinese and English:

"Fishing Island is the territory of Dragon Country, fuck you! (Fishing Island is the territory of Dragon Country, Little Japan is the mother of my mother)"

"What's going on? Has the website been hacked?"

Noda refreshed the page several times, but the webpage was still the same. Then he opened several other major news websites, and they were all hacked.

What's going on.

Noda was confused.

Could it be that... Dragon Country declared war on Japan?

Waseda University, male dormitory building.

There were three boys in the room, a flat-headed boy was lying on the bed and browsing his phone, and a boy with glasses was sitting in the desk.

Reading a book at the table, a boy with dyed red hair is sitting in front of the computer playing games.

"Wow wow wow! Big news! Big news!" The boy with a flat head suddenly screamed strangely, sat up from the bed, and shouted to the other two boys.

He stood up and walked in front of the red-haired boy, "Yoshino, open the Yahoo website!"

"What's wrong?" Yoshino asked doubtfully.

"I just read the news, saying that hackers from the Dragon Kingdom attacked our website. Many websites have been hacked, even Yahoo has been hacked. Come and see if it's true?" Daisuke, a boy with a crew cut, spoke very quickly. quick.

Yoshino minimized the game window and opened the Yahoo website.


On the Yahoo East Whale website page, there is a bright five-star red flag and a Chinese and Japanese bilingual slogan:

"The fishing island is the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. Get the hell out of here, little life! (鱼岛は竜の国の国的 Territoryで、小さい日はあなたのお motherさんを転がして)"

"It's really been hacked! Look at East Whale TV again." Daisuke urged.

Yoshino opened the official website of East Whale TV and saw a five-star red flag.

They opened several more websites in succession, and without exception, all were hacked.

"What on earth is going on?" Kenta, the boy who was reading, also came over and stood behind the two of them with a shocked look on his face.

"It is said online that hackers from the Dragon Kingdom launched the attack, and many of our portals have been paralyzed."

"Dragon Kingdom hacker, damn it!"

An angry curse came from the male dormitory building of Eastern Whale University.

A boy wearing a basketball uniform named Takeuchi was sitting in front of the computer and found that several websites he frequently visited had been hacked.

He clicked on the school forum, where students were discussing Longguo hackers.

"Take back the fishing island."

“East Whale TV, Fuji News, and Yahoo were all hacked.”

"What are our hackers doing? Why don't they fight back?"

"Fight back."

Neon's hackers have fought back.

However, the level is not very good, and the Dragon Kingdom hackers are well prepared, so the strength of the two sides is not at the same level.

Facing the torrent of hackers from the Dragon Kingdom, they retreated steadily, unable to fight back.

Nagoya City.

In an apartment building in the city center, Shotaichiro sat in front of the computer, typing frantically on the keyboard, which almost started to smoke.

"Baga! Hold on! You must hold on!" He kept yelling and cursing, his face covered with sweat.

Shotaichiro is a member of the Killnet hacker organization and is struggling to fight back against the attacks of Dragon Kingdom hackers.

The offensive of the Dragon Kingdom hackers is too powerful. They are like a small boat in the stormy sea, and they may be swallowed by the huge waves at any time.

"Baga!" Shotaichiro roared in despair again.

On the computer screen, the background of the website he was responsible for defending suddenly turned red, and a bright five-star red flag fluttered in the wind in the center of the screen, which was particularly dazzling.

Failed again.

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