The next morning, Su Yang placed more than a dozen second-hand mobile phones in the living room of the rental house, including mainstream mobile phone brands on the market such as Samsung, Huawei, Honor, OPPO, vivo, Xiaomi, etc.


Su Yang successfully unlocked a Xiaomi 14 mobile phone in his hand.

All brands of mobile phones were tested and found that they could all be unlocked with an IC card.

This method works.


Su Yang tidied up the table.

So many mobile phones, even though they are second-hand, cost more than 10,000 yuan. Can the program group reimburse them?

Thinking in his heart, Su Yang sent a message to Director Ouyang: "Director Ouyang, I bought some second-hand mobile phones to test unlocking. Can the program team reimburse the money I spent?"

Soon, Director Ouyang replied: "It can be reimbursed. Just take a photo of the invoice and send it to me."

"Okay." Su Yang said, and took a photo of the invoice with his mobile phone.

Almost sent it.

Su Yang reacted and sent it directly. The program team could find out his identity through the invoice information.

Sometimes it is easy to make such low-level mistakes.

Su Yang erased the sensitive information such as the address and name on the invoice, and then took a photo and sent it to Director Ouyang.

That's it.

"Master, how can I pay you the reimbursement money?" Director Ouyang sent a message to ask.

"I'll give you an account." Su Yang replied.

He sent Director Ouyang an overseas bank card account.

This is an anonymous bank card he bought from the dark web. His real identity cannot be found, which can effectively prevent hackers from tracking his real identity through the bank card.

His gift income on Douyin is also withdrawn to this bank card.

Time unknowingly reached 11 o'clock in the morning. It was time to go to lunch. At noon, he had a live broadcast.

Su Yang packed up his mobile phone and walked out of the rental house.

Time passed quickly, and it was Saturday in a blink of an eye.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, in the rental house, Su Yang was live broadcasting.

The live broadcast came to an end.

"Brothers, today's live broadcast is over. By the way, at 8 o'clock tonight, I will record the variety show "I am a Geek" on CCTV-1. Everyone, please support me."

"Host, are you going to participate in "I am a Geek"? "

"I have seen the promotion of this show, and it seems quite interesting."

"What show, why haven't I heard of it?"

"Look forward to your wonderful performance, host!"

Su Yang ended the live broadcast.

The background data showed that the total duration of this live broadcast was three hours, and the points increased by 1.2 million.

The total points were 57 million.


Su Yang yawned. He didn't take a nap at noon and felt a little sleepy.

Take a nap first, and record the program in the evening to keep up your energy.

Set the alarm for 2 hours, and Su Yang lay down on the bed to catch up on his sleep.


Night fell.

Su Yang washed his face, just woke up to make himself more awake, and then sat in front of the computer.

Turn on the computer.

First joined the column group sent to him by Director Ouyang.

There were more than 30 people in the group, including three groups of guests participating in the challenge, ten members of the jury, and staff of the program group.

Three groups of guests, one is a team of four students from the Department of Computer Science of Peking University and Tsinghua University.

The second group is Green Alliance Technology, a team of three security experts.

The third group is Su Yang, the lone ranger.

Su Yang joined the group, but no one greeted him.

It wasn't that everyone was cold, but that except for Su Yang, everyone else had already arrived at the TV station's program group and was busy testing the equipment.

Next, Su Yang tested the network channel provided by the program group and confirmed that there was no problem.

There was still half an hour before the program officially started live.

The live broadcast channel of the program's official website had been opened.

Su Yang clicked on the live broadcast page, and the number of online users showed 3 million.

"Eat melons in the front row!"

"What program is this?"

"I came from Douyin to support LittleBoy."

"Come to see LittleBoy's show."


Su Yang saw his fans in the barrage.

"Brother is still a little famous." Su Yang laughed, and laughed very arrogantly.

As the program started, the number of online netizens exceeded 5 million.

In the studio, the 500 seats were full.

In the front row, a few red chairs

, sitting in the first row were three celebrity guests, "Genius Eyes" Wang Liheng, crosstalk artist Guo Qilin, and "Nine-ball Queen" Pan Xiaoting.

In the second row, there were ten jury experts.

The stage was semicircular, with three areas, corresponding to the three teams participating in the challenge: Tsinghua University and Peking University team, Green Alliance Technology team, and LittleBoy.

LittleBoy did not come to the scene, and his position was replaced by a display screen, on which LittleBoy appeared on the show with a mask and a hood.

At this time, many audiences in the audience whispered to each other, and most people's attention was focused on the mysterious "LittleBoy".

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the show officially began.

A host in a suit and tie walked onto the stage. "Good evening, dear audience friends! I am the host Saning. Welcome to watch the first domestic network security reality show, "I am a Geek", jointly created by CCTV Comprehensive Channel, Tsinghua University, Shuimu University, Shangdan University, Green Alliance Technology, 360 Security Noah Lab, Alibaba Damo Academy, and Red Hacker Base!"


Warm applause broke out at the scene.

"Thank you for your applause!" Saning bowed and thanked, "Our show is live throughout. Friends in front of the TV can watch it online through the live broadcast platform of "I am a Geek" on the official website of CCTV-1."

After the opening remarks, Saning introduced the celebrity guests and the ten jury experts.

"Guo Qilin!"

"Guo Qilin!"

"Guo Qilin!"

When Guo Qilin was introduced, the audience in the audience was boiling.

The atmosphere is different when there are celebrities on the scene. This is also why many variety shows invite celebrities, naturally to attract traffic and popularity.

"Next, I will introduce to the audience the three groups of contestants participating in the challenge today." Saning said, "First, there are four students from the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University and Peking University. Welcome!"

Four young boys stood up from their seats and waved to the audience.

"Pa pa pa!" The applause was warm.

"The second group of contestants, welcome the three security experts from Green Alliance Technology!"

Three middle-aged men in suits stood up and waved to thank them.

"The third group of contestants is a hacker with a mysterious identity." Saning said, "He is the TikTok hacker anchor LittleBoy, who has more than 3 million fans... No one knows LittleBoy's real name and identity. LittleBoy is also the only contestant who participated off-site among the three groups of contestants today.

Mr. LittleBoy, can you say hello to everyone?"

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