The first time, the second time, the second time.


Someone laughed.

It was Qi Wei, who laughed loudly.

Guo Qilin on the side also laughed.


The audience reacted and laughed.

"Damn, after all this time, it turned out to be unplugging the network cable."

"Who would have thought of this."

"The most powerful hacker uses the simplest attack method. [Laughing and crying]"

"Is this the legendary 'physical hacker'?"

"The boss's operation is really unexpected."


The live broadcast room was also completely boiling, and the barrage of comments came like a tide. Netizens were amused by Su Yang's operation.

"Everyone must be confused, right? I guess you must be wondering what's wrong with this brother Zhang, why would he cooperate with me, right?" Su Yang said.

"Yes, we really want to know what this brother Zhang is, is he a library staff member?" Saning asked quickly.

"Brother Zhang, please explain it to everyone." Su Yang said with a smile.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Zhe, I am the stage manager of the "I am a Geek" program group, but my current identity is the computer room administrator of Tsinghua University Library." Zhang Zhe introduced himself.

"Brother Zhang, please tell everyone how you became the computer room administrator of Tsinghua University Library."

"This matter is also very simple to say. Three days ago, I went to Tsinghua University Library and applied for the position of computer room administrator." Zhang Zhe replied.

"No, the computer room administrator of Tsinghua University Library, can you apply for the position of computer room administrator if you want to?" Su Yang asked back.

He expressed the doubts in everyone's mind.

The computer room administrator of Tsinghua University Library is not someone who can be appointed if he wants to.

"Of course it's not that easy to apply. I was recommended by a dean of Peking University and Tsinghua University." Zhang Zhe explained.

"Recommendation from the dean? Is the dean your relative?" Su Yang asked.

"No, I don't know the dean of Peking University and Tsinghua University." Zhang Zhe shook his head.

"Then how did you get the dean's recommendation?" Su Yang continued to ask.

"I don't know either!" Zhang Zhe looked innocent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Su Yang.

Everyone knew that this matter must be related to Su Yang.

"Okay, let me explain it to you. Please watch a VCR." Su Yang said.

The big screen played the VCR.

The picture was in the office of the director of the library of Peking University and Tsinghua University. The director was a woman in her forties. She was at her desk, processing documents.


The mobile phone on the table rang.

The woman picked up the phone. It was a video call. The caller was "Dean Zhang".

She clicked to answer.

"Dean Zhang, hello." The director said respectfully.

In the video, a white-haired old man in his seventies appeared. He was Dean Zhang.

"Xiao Liu, I recommend a young man to intern in the computer room of your library. Do you think it's okay?" Dean Zhang said.

"Sure, no problem. The person you recommend is naturally no problem." Director Liu said with a smile.

The scene changed, and Zhang Zhe pushed open the door of Director Liu's office and walked in.

"Director Liu, hello, my name is Zhang Zhe."

"Oh, you are the young man recommended by Dean Zhang, please take a seat..."

The VCR ended.

"This video is fake! I have never made a video call to Director Liu, and I don't know this young man!" Suddenly, a white-haired old man stood up in the audience and said loudly.

This old man looks familiar.

"Are you Dean Zhang?" Saning recognized the old man's identity, walked off the stage quickly, and came to the old man.

"My name is Zhang Zelin, and I'm the dean of the School of Humanities at Tsinghua University and Peking University." The old man introduced himself.

"You just said that the person in the video was not you?" Saning asked in confusion.

"It's not me. I have never made a video call to Director Liu, and I don't know this guy either." Zhang Zelin denied again.

"What's going on?" Saning looked at the big screen for help.

Before Su Yang could speak, an expert from the jury revealed the mystery, "Dean Zhang in the video is fake, and should be a virtual character synthesized by AI software."

"That's right, the person in the video just now is not Dean Zhang himself. I used AI software to synthesize his voice and avatar." Su Yang explained, "Now, there is a lot of information on the Internet,

It is not difficult to find a person's video and voice, and then use AI technology to synthesize a video that is indistinguishable from the real thing. If you are not very familiar with the person, it is easy to be deceived. "

It turned out that Su Yang first used AI software to synthesize the virtual character of Dean Zhang, and then called Director Liu with this virtual character. With the recommendation of Dean Zhang, an internship position in the computer room was just a matter of words.

Director Liu did not doubt the authenticity of the video. After all, the position of an intern is not an important position, and she did not think so much.

The answer was finally revealed.

"Pa pa pa..." Warm applause rang out at the scene.

Several celebrity guests and members of the two participating teams applauded.

It's too good.

Who would have thought that it could be played like this.

LittleBoy actually played Infernal Affairs.

After the applause subsided, Yuan Jie commented: "Very exciting.

This case tells us that hackers must not only be proficient in technology, but also understand social engineering. The legendary hacker Kevin Mitnick is a master of social engineering. He has used social engineering many times to successfully hack into the network systems of many large companies and government agencies. "

As Yuan Jie spoke, he looked at LittleBoy on the screen. He became more and more curious about LittleBoy's identity.

Unfortunately, he went through all the friends he knew in his mind, but he couldn't find anyone who met LittleBoy's characteristics.

"Mr. Yuan is right. Social engineering is also an important skill for hackers." Su Yang said with a smile, "In fact, many times, talent is the biggest loophole."

"I realized this when I first started learning hacking technology. I remember that one summer vacation when I went back to my hometown, our family had no network, and I wanted to use the neighbor's WiFi. In order to crack the neighbor's WiFi password, I first created a password dictionary, and then tried to use software for brute force cracking... However, while I was working hard in front of the computer, my mother had already used social engineering to easily get the WiFi password from the neighbor.

Ginger, old is still spicy. "

"Haha! "

The audience laughed.

After the laughter, the host Saning announced the result of the challenge:

"Congratulations to 'LittleBoy' for winning this challenge!"

"Pa pa pa!"

The applause was thunderous.


"Boss, how can you be so showy!"

"So funny!"

"LittleBoy, you are my idol."


The barrage of comments filled the screen again, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room reached a climax.

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