The video is just for reference.

"This video is enough. It's more than one minute long, which is enough for us to sample Mr. Xie's real voice." Su Yang said as he operated the computer to download the video.

After the download was completed, he imported the video into the synthesis software, simply set a few parameters, and then clicked the "Synthesis" button.

In less than a minute, the sound synthesis was completed.

On the software interface, a virtual synthesized voice named "Xie Dong" was displayed.

"Okay, the sound synthesis is completed. Isn't it simple? The operation of this software is very simple, and anyone can learn it." Su Yang said.

"Now, let's test the effect. What I say now will automatically be converted into Xie Dong's voice." Su Yang said, clicking a button on the software: "Enable virtual synthesized voice (Xie Dong)".

"Hello, guests..." Su Yang said something to the microphone, and his voice was simultaneously transformed into Xie Dong's voice!


Xie Dong heard his own voice coming out of the screen, and he opened his mouth in surprise.

"I am Xie Dong, thank you for the invitation from the organizer..." Su Yang continued to speak, his voice was still Xie Dong's voice, and the tone and intonation were exactly the same as Xie Dong's.


"It's exactly the same!"

"This is Xie Dong's voice!"

"Is artificial intelligence so powerful now?"

"This is too explosive!"


The guests at the venue were amazed.

They didn't expect that the synthesized voice could be so realistic just by using a video on the Internet.

If you are not very familiar with Xie Dong, you can't hear any flaws at all if you carefully distinguish it.

Of course, familiar friends can still hear some subtle differences if they listen carefully, such as the synthesized voice lacks some emotional color and sounds a little "stiff".

However, this can already be mistaken for the real thing.

"Why is there no applause? Is it so unpresentable for me, Xie Dong, to speak?" Su Yang... no, Xie Dong's voice said with a smile.

"Pa pa pa!"

This time, warm applause broke out at the scene.

Even Xie Dong himself was applauding.

LittleBoy only used a video on the Internet to synthesize such a realistic sound.

The effect was explosive, beyond the expectations of all the guests.

"Thank you for your applause." Su Yang switched back to his own voice and said, "Just now, everyone heard it. It's just a simple synthesis, but it has such an effect. If more voice data is collected and some fine-tuning is added, the effect can reach more than 97% similarity with the original. Even Mr. Xie himself will find it difficult to hear the difference."

Su Yang paused and continued:

"Next, let's synthesize a virtual AI character. This is a bit more complicated and requires more video data. Let's grab Mr. Xie's video from the Internet."

Su Yang opened the browser, searched for "Xie Dong", and then selected a dozen videos with relatively high definition and downloaded them one by one.

"Now, start synthesizing the virtual character." Su Yang said, "Synthesis takes 6 to 7 minutes. If the guests on the scene need to go to the bathroom, they can go now. Hurry up, and wait for the exciting things to come soon."

While speaking, a guest stood up and walked out of the venue.

The vast majority of guests did not move.

The entire venue was very quiet, and the guests were waiting for Little Boy's "performance".

Seven minutes passed quickly.

"OK, the synthesis is done." Su Yang said, "Let's see the effect."

Clicked the mouse.

On the big screen, a virtual Xie Dong appeared.

Not to say it's exactly the same, but there is a 90% similarity.

"Hello, friends on the scene, hello, I'm Xie Dong." The virtual Xie Dong smiled.

"Wow~~ Too similar!"

"Isn't this too realistic?"

"It's exactly the same as the real person!"

"I was a little scared."


"In fact, if you look closely, you can still tell some differences. However, in real scenes, everyone's attention is often attracted by other things, and it is easy to ignore these details."


The guests were shocked again.

Pay attention to Xie Dong himself

's expression, obviously shocked, he turned to look at Liu Yanlin, the boss of Blue Factory beside him. Blue Factory has invested more money in the field of artificial intelligence among domestic Internet giants, and Liu Yanlin is also an expert in this field. "Mr. Liu, has the current artificial intelligence reached this level?"

Liu Yanlin nodded, and he was the only one who was not surprised.

"If you look carefully, you can still tell some differences between the virtual character and Mr. Xie himself. But I want to ask, what if you don't look carefully?" Su Yang asked back.

Many guests asked themselves, if you don't look carefully, you really can't tell the real from the fake.

"Next, I'm going to demonstrate a scam on the spot. Mr. Xie, I found some information that you have a dinner party tonight, inviting more than a dozen Internet company bosses to dinner.

I'll use this as an excuse, use the virtual character I just synthesized, make a WeChat video call to your secretary, and ask her to transfer the money to see if it works."

Su Yang paused and continued:

"Some time ago, I broadcast live on Douyin and connected with many netizens who were defrauded by telecommunications. I found a pattern: the simpler the scam, the higher the success rate, while the more complex the scam, the easier it is to be exposed."

"So, we use the simple reason of 'Mr. Xie invites friends to dinner and needs the secretary to transfer some money' to demonstrate. The amount of money is not much, just 1 million, and see if it works."

Su Yang opened WeChat while speaking, and at the same time, opened a plug-in software... Similarly, the name of the software was blocked by mosaics.

"Let me explain first. I sent a fake QR code to Mr. Xie's secretary, so the money can't be transferred. We are just demonstrating." Su Yang added.

"I will now video call Secretary Zhang. As for how I know Mr. Xie's secretary's WeChat, I won't say it... For real scammers, let alone WeChat, there are many ways to get the phone number, name, ID card, home address... I won't demonstrate it here." Su Yang said, "Okay, I will start a video call now."

After speaking, Su Yang clicked "Video Call".

"Beep beep..."

The video call ringtone rang three times and then it was connected.

Two video windows appeared on the big screen, one was a virtual Xie Dong, and the other was a woman in her thirties.

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