Hail the King

1014. Severe Situation

"Elizabeth, you take people to organize the evacuation of the civilians in the city. According to the previous plan, if possible, evacuate to the territory of Chambord City at once," when the soldiers around him were preparing for the battle enthusiastically, Constantine Ding said to his concubine: "The enemy is coming fiercely. I am afraid that the super empires in other great regions have such strength. The war is still coming. Once Byzantium is destroyed, there is no one in the southern border of the empire. I am afraid that no one can stop the invaders. I have a premonition that only by retreating to the north of the imperial capital and relying on the strength of Chambord City can we preserve our strength, and we must preserve a trace of blood for Byzantium." Min Said Baidu Search "Novel"

At this moment, the young and beautiful princess Elizabeth did not panic like ordinary women

He nodded calmly, deep in his slender hands, carefully adjusted the battle armor on his husband, and then smiled and said: "I am waiting for you in Chambord City, you have to survive... our child, cannot be born , there is no father"

"Our child?" Constantine was taken aback for a moment, then exulted: "You mean...you are pregnant?"

Elizabeth nodded softly: "Before the ceremony this morning, after the doctor's examination, I told my dear, I know that you have your own honor and responsibility as a king, but you must also remember that you are still a woman's husband , the father of a child who is about to be born" Min Novels Baidu search for "novels"

Constantine was silent for a moment before he kissed his wife deeply on the forehead

Watching the guards and Elizabeth disappear into the distance in a small boat, the young king tightly held the hilt of his sword, raised his sword eyebrows, and a firm light shone in his star pupils

Son, one day, when you hear your father’s story, you will be proud of him, so let me, here, fight to the death for you and your mother not to become slaves of the kingdom.”

boom rumble

At this time, amidst the last series of crazy and violent explosions, the golden sword energy on the distant sea finally began to slowly dim and disappear continuously.

The void left by King Chambord's boxing spirit has finally been deciphered

The brutal battle is about to begin


"See Lord Pedro"

[Spear of the Sea God] On the flagship of the Navy Vanguard Corps, Montoya and the officers, who escaped from death and were still in shock, knelt on one knee in front of a figure in red and blue battle armor with pale faces

This man is only about 1.7 meters tall, but is very well-proportioned. He has thick short black hair, a square face, and a firm face. He holds a cross helmet in his right hand, and the red and blue cloak on his back flutters in the wind. , but exudes a very high and serious atmosphere

The dou qi flashing on this person is unfathomable, but there are slight ups and downs. This is because the original dou qi was consumed too much just now in order to decipher the terrifying fist spirit on the sea surface and imprint the void sword aura.

This man's name is Pedro Rodriguez

People in the Barcelona Empire would like to call him Pedro, the commander and commander-in-chief of the [Spear of the Sea God] navy. He was born in the Royal Military Academy of La Masia, and he was already the humerus minister of this ninth-level empire at a young age, but But it is extremely tuneful. Compared with Messi, Villa, Xavi and other famous Barcelona coaches, Pedro is not famous, but his strength is absolutely unfathomable. It is said that even the invincible in the Western Regions Young Supreme Leo Messi, all with great admiration for one of the silent navy chiefs

"I know what happened, Montoya, you are too careless. Although Zenit is only a first-tier empire, don't forget that they have a demigod-level Emperor Yassin!"

Although not severely reprimanded,

But Pedro's serious aura still made Montoya and the others tremble.

"Yes, I know I was wrong, brother," Montoya said regretfully

The two are both from the Royal Military Academy of La Masia, but Pedro graduated a few years earlier than him, so the title of senior brother is quite reasonable.

However, upon hearing this, Pedro frowned and said, "Shut up, there are no seniors on the battlefield."

Montoya blushed and said, "Yes, Lord Pedro, I know I was wrong."

"You were careless and missed the entire set of Zenit. The forward army suffered heavy losses. It is hard to absolve yourself of the blame. From now on, you will be relieved of your position as the commander-in-chief of the forward army, and you will go to the rear supply ship to reflect."

Pedro is decisive

"My lord, I..."

Montoya was in a hurry, and wanted to say something, but a confidant beside him gently pulled him, gave him a wink, and had no choice but to salute, get up and leave

After leaving the deck far away, Montoya asked dissatisfiedly the confidant who wanted to signal to himself just now: "Derren, why did you stop me just now? I lost the command of the fleet, how can I make up for it? Alves Old dog, will you have to ride on our brother's head every day to shit and pee?"

"My lord, Lord Pedro and you are brothers in the same school. He did this to protect you." Deren, his confidant, said with great certainty: "This time, you fell into the trap of the Zenit people and lost warships, large and small. There are more than 800 ships. If the news gets back to the royal family, they will be severely punished, or even imprisoned. Alves, the old man, will definitely make trouble, but Lord Pedro, as the commander of the [Sea God's Spear], You have already been punished in advance, so it is not easy for the royal family to say anything, just push the boat along the way, and you don’t need to worry about this in the future.”

"That's true." Montoya suddenly realized, and then frowned again: "However, I'm in confinement now, how can I take the blame and make meritorious deeds?"

"Hey, don't worry, my lord. Your Excellency Pedro didn't say how long you will be imprisoned. After all, he is your senior brother. He has the blood of the Catalan royal family flowing in his body. He is probably just pretending. When the opportunity comes, you will definitely Take control of the Legion again, and a lot of credit will be waiting for you at that time."

on the distant bridge

"Although the talent is extraordinary, it still needs to be tempered. Montoya, grow up quickly. After all, Barcelona is the world of Catalan blood. Don't let some outsiders control the military and politics. Don't let Puyo Master Er is disappointed."

Pedro watched Montoya and others disappear in the distance, then turned around, looked at the Byzantine fleet that had not yet withdrawn in the distance, slightly surprised, and immediately ordered the remaining 200 surviving warships, No trimming, turn the bow and attack with all your might

"Emperor Yassin, you must have set up this boxing spirit to imprint the void? Could it be that you are hiding in the Byzantine fleet now? That's really great, let me see the demeanor of the legendary emperor of the Northern Territory."

Pedro is furious

The astonishing aura at sea earlier alarmed him who was sitting in the main fleet at the rear, and then the flying speed arrived in time to rescue the crisis of the vanguard army


boom boom boom

At a distance of more than 500 meters, the two navies fired at the same time

The roar of the magic cannon and the colorful magic light bullets in the sky opened the prelude to the war

The fleets on both sides have put up their protective shields, and the soldiers on the deck are busy running like ants, performing their duties, all kinds of shouts and semaphore signs are mixed together noisily, making the space between heaven and earth Filled with an indescribable murderous aura and clamor

After passing through Chambord City [Madman's Laboratory], the Byzantine fleet armed with advanced technology has a relative upper hand in the long-distance bombardment. Not only is the protective cover harder than the Barcelona battleship, but the armor-piercing magic gun It can also be sharper. In the ten minutes from the distance of 500 meters to less than 20 meters, three Byzantine warships sank, and the Barcelona people paid ten times the price.

When the distance is reduced to less than ten meters, the magic cannon is useless

Because the violent explosion and destruction caused by such a close-range magic bombardment will affect the warships of one's own side, the two sides stopped the bombardment in a tacit understanding and prepared for close combat

At this time, all language is superfluous

The previous battle had brought the killing intent between the two sides to its peak, and they wished they could die together


"Empire of Barcelona"

After the battleship approached, Constantine finally saw clearly the logo on the armor of the opposing soldier, which made his heart sink uncontrollably

The Barcelona Empire is the giant of the Western Regions. In recent years, geniuses have emerged in large numbers, and its national power has skyrocketed. It has a faint tendency to become the number one empire in Azeroth. Why would such an invincible empire suddenly launch an attack on the Zenit Empire? ?

In Constantine's memory, there has never been any grievances between the two sides?

The enemy turned out to be the empire

Constantine was shocked and began to worry about the fate of the Zenit Empire

If it were other enemies, with the existence of the two peerless geniuses, Emperor Yassin and King Chambord, the Zenit people would be absolutely fearless, but if it was Barcelona...who can stop them?


too hanging

Today's battle is probably the last day of Byzantium's existence in this world

He looks back to the north

King Chambord, if I die here, I hope you can save a bloodline for the Byzantines and a bloodline for the Zenit Empire


Constantine yelled loudly, jumped up in the air, [Seven Injuries Fist] shot with force, and flew towards the opponent's battleship

Behind him, there are densely packed Byzantine warriors, roaring, following behind their king, without hesitation, and attacking the powerful enemy without fear of death


"Emperor Yaxin, where are you hiding?"

There was the sound of fierce fighting and roaring, and the battleships slammed into each other fiercely. The soldiers on both sides brandished their swords and started the killing. Standing on the bridge, did not shoot

He is waiting for the action of Emperor Yassin who is 'hidden' among the Byzantines

Previously, it took him a lot of strength to crack the void sword formation imprinted by the spirit of the fist, and it also increased his fear of Emperor Yassin. Pedro didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest. He understood that facing such a Horrible enemy, if you don't deal with it with all your strength, you may be in danger of defeat

The killing of ordinary soldiers is done by themselves

This is the destiny of a soldier

Pedro believes that the warriors of the Barcelona Empire can definitely defeat the bumpkins of this first-class dependent country in front of him

However, the facts were just beyond the expectations of the proud naval commander

More than a hundred Byzantine warships showed strong combat effectiveness. The not so powerful Byzantines seemed to be crazy, fighting bravely and fearlessly. Even if their bodies were pierced, they would jump into the sea with Barcelona soldiers in their arms. And even if they fall into the sea, they will catch the Barcelona warriors who also fell into the water. Even their teeth are used up. As long as there is still a breath, they will fight to the death, just like a group of wild beasts

In terms of morale, the Byzantines have the complete upper hand

"Seven Injury Fist"

In the distance, a handsome king who was only in his twenties and wearing a crown was roaring. His body was shining with golden flames. However, more than a dozen Barcelona star warriors exploded, and everything they passed was simply irresistible

Even if it is a moon-level powerhouse wearing red and blue armor, almost no one is his enemy

"What a domineering punch. Could it be that this is the Zenit master Chambord King who is known as [One Punch] in the legend? Sure enough, a hero born a boy"

Pedro sighed secretly

For a small first-tier empire to be able to show such morale really shocked the aloof naval commander

However, he did not intervene in this level of battle

He has been looking for Emperor Yassin who is 'hidden' among the crowd

Pedro did not dare to be negligent in the previous boxing spirit imprinted void sword array, and firmly believed that Emperor Yassin must be here. According to the previous information about the strength of Emperor Yassin, Emperor Yassin must arrange it within a day to be so powerful

This is why he is so sure that Emperor Yassin must be in the formation

It's a pity that Pedro never imagined in his dreams that the person who arranged the fist spirit imprinted void sword array was the Chambord King Sun Fei whom he ignored, and the person he thought was the Chambord King was just the Byzantine King Constantine

The Barcelona Empire thought it was a ninth-level empire, ruling the world. Although it was because of that reason, it did not investigate the Zenit mercenaries carefully, and suffered a big loss here.


When the white belly of the sky was exposed, the shadow of the land finally appeared in the place where the sea and the sky meet in the distance

The giant goose Lianna uttered a cheerful name, resounding through the sky

The drowsy orcs immediately jumped up, Pigg patriarch Artest snorted twice, opened his drunken eyes, shook his head, was overjoyed, and came to Fei's side, flatteringly said: "Ah, come, Your Majesty Look, the [Land of Exile] is ahead..."

2 in 1

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