Hail the King

One thousand ninety-eight, the roar outside the palace

Once the eyes of the high-ranking emperor fall on any plate, the girl holding the plate will immediately crawl over on her knees and hand the plate in front of His Majesty the Emperor.

Less than forty days have passed, and Huang Christo, who was indulging in wine and sex, looked even paler from his already pale face.

The deep-set eye sockets and dark circles make this originally sinister look even more eerie.

"The army of Barcelona has besieged Chambord for nearly forty days. It is said that Alexander, the king of Chambord, never showed up. Hehe, I'm afraid he was scared to death and fled. Maybe within ten days, Chambord City will fall. At that time, I , it can be regarded as getting rid of a heart disease." The smallest novel Baidu searched for "novel"

Christo drank a glass of red wine, and the wine stains remained on the corners of his mouth, like blood. He wiped it off with a white handkerchief, and said with a proud smile

"Your Majesty is wise, the city of Chambord is nothing to worry about. One day, sooner or later, Alexander's head will be displayed at the north gate of the city."

"Your Majesty, your wisdom and martial arts are far ahead of the emperor. Under your governance, Zenit and Barcelona have formed an alliance, and the national power has flourished. It will not be long before the Zenit Empire will become the overlord of the Northern Territory. , Your Majesty, you will also become the first emperor of the Northern Territory." Minimum novel Baidu search "novel"

"Haha, I guess, there may be good news tonight, coming from the north"

On both sides of the lower part of the main hall, the officials of the puppet empire sat, and they tried their best to flatter them when they heard the words. All kinds of flattering words flowed out from the mouths of these people without blushing or heartbeating.

"Your Majesty, this morning, General Masip, the general of Barcelona stationed in St. Petersburg, sent a message to the empire to provide a large amount of military rations and weapons and equipment, as well as all kinds of weapons sent to the imperial capital by the city of Chambord in the past. People from Barcelona came to keep it, I don’t know what His Majesty means..."

A minister in military uniform hesitated and said

"There is no hesitation, of course it must be done in accordance with the wishes of Barcelona's allies"

"I see, we should double down on making things easier for the Barcelona allies"

There are several ministers who can't wait to intervene

Christo nodded, and was about to say something, when suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and when he looked up, he saw that outside the hall, the sky suddenly became brighter, wisps of golden rays different from the sunlight. The light, slightly dazzling, came from behind the stone pillar outside the window of the main hall

"What happened?" Krystal was shocked.

A group of ministers also looked sideways, followed His Majesty's gaze, turned around and found the existence of the golden light

"Golden light? This is..."

"Haha, Your Majesty, good news, this is an auspicious sign."

"Ah, that's right, that's right, the auspiciousness descended from the sky, this is a good sign."

"It must be Your Majesty's sincerity that touched the heavens, so there is such a sign. When I was illuminated by this golden light, I felt as if I was many years younger."

In the hall, the ministers were flattering again

at this time

"A group of sycophants is really disgusting. How can the fate of the empire be entrusted to you, a group of little people like dogs?"

A clear and angry voice overwhelmed the flattery of the courtiers and rang in everyone's ears

"Who? So bold?"

"Damn it, slander His Majesty, you should be dragged out immediately and shredded into pieces"

"Who said that? Stand up? Come, someone, immediately arrest him in the black prison and torture him."

Haven't heard a different voice for too long,

And this sentence is still so ironic, the ministers of the empire are like ants that have exploded their nests, one by one flushed and screamed angrily, looking for the person who spoke

"No need, I just came back from the black prison"

sound again

This time, everyone heard the direction of the sound clearly.

When they looked back, they were stunned for a moment, and all the words they were about to swear just now were choked in their throats

Because they saw someone who shouldn't be here

Former Commander of the Imperial Police Station, 【Red Beard】Granero

Huang Christo, at this moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and an unbelievable light burst out from his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost

"Why do you..." Krystal was shocked

"Why did I appear here, didn't I? My legs and hands, why did they grow back?" Granero laughed, with anger and hatred in his eyes, like two jets The flames scorched the nerves of everyone in the hall, making everyone feel as if they were suddenly placed in an ice cave for thousands of years

"Come on, come on, where is the guard, take him down for me, arrest him..." Feeling extremely bad in his heart, Christo suddenly got up from the throne and screamed

Hasty footsteps came

Thousands of soldiers in black magic armor poured in from all over the hall like a tide

At the same time, sharp sirens resounded throughout the palace

A stream of lights flickering

Wearing a Barcelona military uniform, the moon-level Dzogchen powerhouse appeared in the hall with a flash of light and shadow

Such a change made the officials and Emperor Christo in the hall finally heave a sigh of relief, the sense of security returned to everyone's side, and the smiles on their faces became ferocious again. up

"Haha, there are some people who don't know how to live or die every day, come to assassinate me, but unfortunately they end up turning into a pile of meat, Granero, I don't know how you escaped from the black prison, But, you shouldn't come to the imperial palace to die."

Surrounded by the warriors, Emperor Christo calmed down and smiled contemptuously

"Really? What if you add me?"

Another voice came from behind Granero

Ripples like water ripples in the air, Sun Fei stepped out of the void step by step

Christo's smile instantly froze on his face

"It's you? King Alexander of Chambord?" He exclaimed, "How is it possible? The city of Chambord is besieged by members of the Barcelona army. How could you escape?"

"Barcelona's 400,000 troops have all been defeated by His Majesty Alexander, Christo, you despicable regicide, the most shameless traitor of the empire, your backer has collapsed, and your end has come." Granero He shouted angrily: "Put up your dog ears, listen carefully, and listen to the voices outside the empire"

As if responding to Granero's shout, thunderous shouts and roars came from outside the palace


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