After entering the ruins, everyone appeared at the entrance of a huge cave, this cave seemed to be an endless abyss, there was no light in it at all, and it was pitch black like a bottomless abyss.

“This cave looks too dangerous, there is no light at all, are you sure we can see clearly when we go inside?”

Everyone asked with some doubt, this kind of place, not to watch anime, because to let people see clearly, so there will be light, now this kind of place after entering is to reach out and not see five fingers, very scary.

“Since I know where I am coming, I will naturally prepare what I need, this potion, dripping directly into the eyes, will not have any discomfort, allowing you to see things clearly in the dark, simply put, it is a night vision potion.”

“If your gourmet cells evolve to my level, then you don’t need to use this potion!”

Chen Yang said that the things he prepared were naturally very complete, and there were a lot of antidote potions, and his own eyes could see the things in them clearly, although he did not evolve the ability of Coco to see electromagnetic waves.

But night vision is a trick that’s too simple.

“Things that can make people see at night, the good things in you are really endless!”

Xiaolin Gentian took it and clicked it in his eyes, and found that the hole that was still dark just now could already be cleared to see the things inside, and it was very clear, and several other people also felt very good after dripping.

“This kind of relic can not be underestimated, in short, you must follow me closely, don’t get separated, it’s quite troublesome to find someone in here.”

Chen Yang said that he does not know Zebra’s echolocation, not to that extent, so it is better to be leisurely.

“Don’t worry, everything is at your command, I really look forward to venturing in this kind of place!”

Unlike the worries of several other girls, Xiaolin Gentian this guy’s list is really fat, not afraid at all, Chen Yang has to wonder if this guy does not have fear of this emotion exists, sure enough, this person, is diverse.

After entering the cave, several girls followed behind Chen Yang, but the other three were looking around with some worry, afraid that something would pop out, while Xiaolin Gentian was completely unafraid and walked swaggering.

“This can be regarded as a good start, pay attention, something is coming!”

Chen Yang’s ears soon heard a sound of a squeal, and he didn’t need to think about it, he knew that something was coming, and there were a lot of feet, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to make such a sound.

Soon, a group of huge centipedes appeared in front of everyone, one of the specialties of the beach cave, the giant centipede.

“It’s a giant centipede, although it is gregarious, but the capture level is only 1, even you can handle it, do you want to give it a try?”

Chen Yang asked, and a few girls shook their heads quickly, not daring at all, as for Xiaolin gentian, just awakened the gourmet cell, Chen Yang will not let her go directly, although it should be no problem to deal with one, but here is a large group.

“If you don’t get on it, then I’m welcome, little bugs, you climbed in the wrong place!”

The food demon deterrent released, the huge leader slime this time also shrunk a little, otherwise the passage of this cave is really not enough, the food demon deterrent, for low-level things is like a natural disaster, the big centipedes that were still approaching, were so frightened, collectively turned their heads, and fled at a very fast speed.

“Is this your gastronomic demon? It’s amazing that it can be released! ”

Xiao Lin Gentian seemed to have found some new toy, and his eyes were about to shine.

“Okay, you can do it in the future, but now you are not even an opponent of them, in addition, there is something to eat, do you dare to eat?”

Chen Yang suddenly asked, and then came to a corner in front, and in the corner was a mushroom, these mushrooms looked strange, and the color was quite strange, as if it was very clear to tell everyone that it was poisonous.

“This mushroom, no matter how you look at it, you shouldn’t be able to eat it!”

Looking at the shape and color are extremely strange, and the mushrooms that grow in this place, crimson sand, which specializes in medicinal food, this should not be eaten, as long as a normal person sees such a thing should not be able to mouthful.

“Wrong, using common sense to face the ingredients of the food era, this is not a wise move, this mushroom also has a name, called crispy mushroom, the capture level is less than level 1, it looks very strange, ten people will think that this thing is poisonous, but this thing is a very good taste thing, can be eaten directly.”

Saying that Chen Yang got one and stuffed it into his mouth, no wonder and things are called crispy mushrooms, this crunchy taste, just like eating cookies, very good, and the taste of mushrooms is also very good, raw can be eaten completely.

After hearing Chen Yang’s introduction, several other people finally knew that this thing could be eaten, so they all picked some and ate it, if someone came in now, and suddenly heard the sound of something being chewed, it is estimated that they would think that there were ghosts who were directly afraid and fled.

Encountering this kind of thing in such a place is not much different from encountering a supernatural event.

Soon, this crunchy mushroom was scavenged by everyone.

After eating the crunchy mushrooms, everyone continued to move forward, and now Chen Yang had no way to find the right way, his sense of smell and vision were not strong to this extent, and he had not yet smelled the smell of seawater.

He could only continue walking for a while, as long as he found the Demon Great Snake, then it was almost not far from his destination, where he should be able to smell it.

But before that, he could only walk around, but he wrote down the route, there would be no getting lost, and depending on the luck of the food, it should not be too bad.

“Cave Citrus!”

Soon, Chen Yang found another kind of orange in the cave, and Xiaolin gentian couldn’t wait to pick one and eat it after he said that it could be eaten, and as a result, he almost collapsed with sourness in one bite.

“I haven’t finished talking yet, the cave citrus capture level is less than level 1, but it is not eaten directly, but used for seasoning, because the sour taste of this thing is not something that ordinary people can bear!”

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Yang’s mouth, it is good to have a strong appetite, but it is also necessary to control a degree, he rushed up without finishing speaking, she does not suffer a loss.

(Thanks to Senbon Sakura and Hanaraku for the change ticket, and the monthly pass for the early autumn)

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