“No matter what era it is, there will be some cows, ghosts, snakes and gods popping up, and these guys have also been supported by high-ranking officials and a large number of rich people in some countries, and they have become a gourmet organization, and they threaten to occupy all the ingredients in the world, is this brain dead or how to say?”

Chen Yang was a little stunned, from the news he got, these people formed such an organization because of lawlessness, and the meaning of their existence was the same as the previous late-night cooks, or even more serious, using cooking to obtain all the resources they needed, and with the continuous expansion of strength, they had begun to completely do not care about order.

And Chen Yang also got a more noteworthy news from the big league, that is, these people seem to have begun to target them, after all, Yuanyue was the first to appear special ingredients, and Chen Yang’s news was not a secret among the upper echelons.

However, because of Chen Yang’s previous blow, these people did not dare to jump for the time being, but as time went by, these people would also do whatever they wanted, and slowly the deterrent strength would be small, which Chen Yang was still clear.

“Late-night cooks, before the morning sun is also one of them, these guys are indeed a little lawless, and compared to these we encountered, there are many late-night cooks around the world, spontaneously forming such an organization, it is indeed very troublesome and dangerous, this kind of lawless guys, who knows what they will do!”

Seiichiro frowned, he could be said to be the one of all the people here who often dealt with late-night cooks, after all, he had been constantly walking around the world in the past, seeing more than others, and meeting late-night cooks more often, he knew very well how lawless these people were.

When they were in THEBLUE before, because it was a world competition, they did not dare to use means, but after careful understanding, everyone knew what the situation of these people was, unscrupulous means are the basic operation, according to Chen Yang’s understanding, these people are like the dark cooking world in the little master.

It is not a regular competition, there are many means used, even assassination, kidnapping, blackmail and other things, everything is done, it can be said that a group of terrorists who can cook, as these people grow, it will naturally set off a lot of waves, this Chen Yang is very clear, people’s desires are infinite.

And these people are lawless and accustomed, he is not surprised that they will do something out of the ordinary, now there is his deterrent, but when time passes, and the strength of the other party grows rapidly, sooner or later something will go wrong.

But Chen Yang didn’t care too much, now this matter is not enough for him to take seriously, now, the growth of this group of people in the Food Forest Temple can already be regarded as okay, so Chen Yang plans to take them to a ruin, although this relic is also a large ruin.

But it is also a very special ruin, this very special ruin, there are no other ingredients in it, only the same, the fruit of the stinky bomb tree, the giant smelly durian bomb, the ingredient that can smell all species even a hundred kilometers away, this time, Chen Yang wants to take them to see this special magical ingredient.

And it can be regarded as his bad taste, when he first found this ruin, he was shocked, if this thing appeared, it would not stink terribly, but Chen Yang also decided to give these people a mallet.

During this period of time, these people have grown rapidly, and they have completely surpassed the people in the outside world, but they have also begun to become a little floating, this person is like this, not everyone can maintain the mentality of Chen Yang’s several partners.

As Chen Yang’s partner, Xiaohui will not swell, she has been chasing Chen Yang’s footsteps, and several other people have been chasing Xiaohui’s footsteps, Xiaohui’s progress they naturally will not ignore, so there is also a pressure, under this pressure, how to expand? How to float? And this time Chen Yang took them over, also to cook special ingredients.

In the future, the ingredients will become more and more strange, not ordinary normal ingredients, just like the existence of giant smelly durian bombs, in fact, this is also a trial, a trial of willpower, to be honest, Chen Yang feels very good.

It’s a little torturous, but it can be used to temper willpower, coming out of here, this willpower is absolutely tempered like steel, and the kind of ingredients encountered after another is definitely not Xiaohui alone.

The willpower required here people do not have it, they are different from Chen Yang and Xiaohui, Chen Yang has a training space, resisting this kind of temporal torture is to temper willpower, and Xiaohui can also temporarily enter the inner world through Flozer.

There, the flow rate of time also became impassable, and it was also a way to temper willpower, but others were completely different, so this time, Chen Yang also planned to give others a trial in terms of willpower.

And this kind of ingredient, after capture, can also be used as a special weapon, it is estimated that few people can withstand such a stench explosion, and the strangest thing about this fruit is that it will only fall after people get close.

If the smell after falling is placed in this world, it is estimated that it can be all over the world, people are not close, the fruit will not fall, this thing is a special cooking ingredient, people can accept the smell, will ripen, fall, but if it is not acceptable, then it will directly rot, when the smell explodes, and the ingredients cannot be eaten.

Although this fruit is strangely smelly, the taste is still very good, just like ordinary durian fruit, it smells smelly and tastes fragrant.

Moreover, Chen Yang told everyone at the beginning that for a period of time after today, a trial was needed, a trial on willpower, which almost did not make a group of people collapse directly.

“Obviously, when I learned food righteousness, it was already a torture, and as a result, what kind of trial in willpower, it was too much, and I suddenly felt that the course of Yuanyue was really easy!”

Yoshino Yuji’s whole person is in a state of weakness at the moment, the cultivation of food righteousness in the food forest temple is already a torment in torment for ordinary people, it is completely a training in willpower, and now Chen Yang actually said that this is pediatrics.

The real trial is still ahead, they really can’t imagine what terrible things will happen later, it must be quite terrifying.

(Thanks to Huanyuewuqu, Lanre, Leaving Song for the monthly pass)

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