After putting away these dropped giant smelly durian fruits, Chen Yang used a potion to isolate the smell, and then temporarily closed the sense of smell of others, now in this situation, a large group of people here, he is not easy to transport alone.

Now that the ingredients have been captured, don’t get used to this stink here, and run away.

“Well, what’s wrong with us? How did you faint? ”

Everyone who slowly woke up was confused, completely unable to understand what happened, the previous memories had been broken by the smell, and at this moment they naturally ignored the memories that were fainted by the smell.

“Just now everyone was fainted by the smell, I temporarily closed your sense of smell, the ingredients have been captured, since everyone is awake, then leave quickly!”

After Chen Yang saw that everyone came to their senses one after another, he immediately left with a group of people, today, it will be a very tasteful day in history, fortunately, after this relic landed in this world, it is bordered by a certain country, Chen Yang also used his identity as a grand alliance to take everyone to go back for a few days.

After leaving the range of smells, Chen Yang eliminated the smell on everyone, otherwise everyone would become a stinky walking source, although eating the fruit can get rid of the smell, but as a regenerator, this deodorant potion can still be made, and everyone was surprised after knowing what happened on this day.

Because on the news, every corner of the world has been invaded by this stench, and it can be regarded as the most flavorful day in history.

“I didn’t expect that the power of this durian explosion was so great that it affected the whole world, it was really terrifying!”

Looking at the news broadcast on the news, everyone was speechless, shocked, the smell of feelings is spread to the whole world, and the nearest city, although the smell did not faint, but most of the people vomited, fortunately there is no smell fainting, otherwise it is estimated that there will be a huge car accident scene.

For a few days, Chen Yang and the others were resting in the Food Forest Temple, this period of time, it can be said that they have suffered to the extreme, and finally have a time to rest, which is already very good, where there is still the mind to do other things.

And Chen Yang did not directly take out the giant smelly durian fruit to eat, after all, this thing can not be eaten just like that, he also thought about making it into Huifang sushi rolls to eat, but there are other ingredients that need to be captured, but how many of these ingredients Chen Yang can determine the location, so only need to capture.

He will not make such a huge Huifang sushi roll, there is no need, there are many ingredients needed to make Huifang sushi roll, and several of the most important, ecological seaweed, lady fish, king vinegar, giant smelly durian bomb, and other various ingredients, are not too limited, but these are the most important, there is no way to omit.

And if you want to catch these kinds, you have to go to different ruins, the hot pot pool where the lady fish is located, but whether it is frozen now Chen Yang is not clear, so if you have to do so, you can only use special methods to go down.

King vinegar is on Jiuchao Island, Chen Yang does not like wine very much, but there are also very advanced creatures there, the giant smelly durian bomb he already has, as for ecological seaweed, some of the ruins developed in the past are indeed solar tortoises.

As for the other bits and pieces, he has them here, he doesn’t need to make too much points, so he doesn’t need to use that kind of wrestling technique, although it is indeed a cooking technique, but to be reasonable, Chen Yang still feels a little soothed.

There is a small part of the food era that he has never been able to accept, too strange, which is not too much to blame him.

“Then the next destination is the hot pot pool, just my current skin strength should be able to resist that high temperature, although it may still be a little reluctant, but it will not be directly cooked!”

Chen Yang’s current skin strength can indeed resist that high temperature, but just in case, he made a little ointment to prevent burns and set off for his destination.

However, the ingredients caught this time are not simple, although the lady fish is not too aggressive, but its own level is as high as eighty-three, and the place it perches is in the hot pot pool, Chen Yang does not expect to be able to catch it directly.

The food luck required is too strong, he is not comparable to Komatsu, so he plans to go directly to find it, but fortunately, his strength is strong enough now, it should not be too big a problem, and this time the capture naturally cannot bring other people.

Chen Yang soon came to the location of the ruins, opened the ruins, and after entering them, he first appeared on a grassland, but when he looked over, he could see the hot pot pool that was constantly boiling.

“It’s really boiling, but unfortunately, when I don’t encounter freezing, my body should be able to carry it!”

Chen Yang put his hand in, and then found that this high temperature can indeed be resisted, and it is not difficult, it seems that his ointment is prepared in vain, but Chen Yang said that it is necessary to be prepared, this is just in case.

Soon, Chen Yang jumped directly into the hot pot pool, which is equivalent to swimming in the hot pot, basically few people can do such crazy things.

However, because the eyes are fragile, Chen Yang still uses calories to protect his eyes, he doesn’t want to become blind, and the key parts such as the eyes and ears are protected by him.

Now his strength is not yet able to do it, and even his eyes can be perfectly strengthened.

The pool was huge, and Chen Yang could only turn on echolocation to find the location of the lady fish.

“This is, Devil Sea Moss? Sure enough, it was cooked, nice ingredients! ”

Soon Chen Yang found the first ingredient, evil ghost seaweed, which looks like a devil, and some look like little devils, which themselves belong to seaweed, the level is not very high, but the taste is good.

Since Chen Yang has found it, there is no possibility of staying, and this seaweed is very special, it is already cooked, but even if it is cooked, it can grow naturally, which is a very special ingredient.

“Nori moss is cooked, but the fish here are quite heat-resistant, and they can survive under this kind of invitation, because they slowly evolved such resistance in order to adapt to the environment, and there is a special film on the body, and it is also relying on this to block the heat of the hot pot pool.”

Looking at the fish still swimming inside, Chen Yang said that it was really a long insight, in order to adapt to the welcome, these creatures can do things you can never imagine, and the creatures of the food era are even more incomprehensible existences.

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