“Regarding the things that the tamer needs, you can come to me, this is also the place where I can help you as a regenerator, I have all the materials to make all kinds of perfumes here!”

Chen Yang said that these professions are really a link, and the various perfumes needed by this tamer also need to be extracted from some plants and creatures, and this regenerator is the best choice, and this ability will be strengthened with a regenerator.

“A lot of perfume, healing, relaxing, stimulating, detoxifying, is completely the inheritance of a potion master, is this really a tamer?”

After accepting this inheritance, Yoshino Yuji couldn’t help but complain, she now knew why Chen Yang said that she could find him, it was completely because of these potions inside, in fact, beast trainer was more like a more comprehensive profession.

On the one hand, use this potion for domestication, but on the other hand, they must also have some strength, otherwise it is difficult for them to control if the monsters go berserk, and secondly, they need some other knowledge, such as the trick of pointing, and they need to be all-round.

Especially when domesticating a more advanced existence, this demand is higher, but just receiving the inheritance is indeed like a potion master, the auxiliary things in it are perfumes, all kinds of perfumes, but this effect is still very strange, there are all types.

“It is indeed a beast trainer, so it depends on how you use it, some of the beast trainers I know, although their strength is not very strong, but they can domesticate the kind of beast of level eighty or ninety, which requires you to experiment yourself, and then let the double-jawed dragon accompany you for domestication, start simple!”

Chen Yang said with a smile, and Yoshino Yuji couldn’t wait, she just got this ability and she was eager to try it, of course, at the beginning, she still had to prepare perfume, but the equipment to release the perfume was there, and it was left.

This is also a convenience, simply equipped with some potions, such as excitement perfume and quiet potion.

Chen Yang also went with him to see how the effect was, the first to take out the test was the Friday ape, this kind of ape has been put here in Chen Yang for a long time, this thing originally Chen Yang planned to find an opportunity to throw out, but has been so busy and forgot.

Now it’s just handed over to Yuhime Yoshino, a low-level creature that can be done after being stimulated with ordinary perfume.

To put it bluntly, this kind of beast taming is to use perfume to let them relax first, and slowly let these creatures accept themselves in a special way, many animals are, you serve it comfortably, it is naturally more than recognizing you as the master.

The same means, of course, can also use violence to subdue it, for example, the double-jawed dragon is like this, the existence of the double-jawed dragon can be done in this way, which is very convenient, but sometimes they can’t fight, then you need to use some perfume.

Use the hyper type of perfume to make yourself stronger, use the quiet type of perfume to make the beast weaker, and then beat it, if not, go again, hit the subdued position, this method is very useful, after all, most creatures retain such a concept of the law of the jungle.

If you beat it up a few more times, it’s not a problem.

After the Friday ape was unsealed by Chen Yang, because of his timidity, he planned to run when he saw people, and at this time, Yoshino Yuhime, who had already prepared, directly launched a quiet perfume, which directly slowed down the Friday ape.

Then the consciousness also became a little confused, very comfortable to lie down and rest, in this case, the creature approached, showed that there was no malice, and it was very simple to be received.

And Yoshino Yuki took some fruits and sent it to Friday Ape, who was extremely relaxed, saw that someone brought him food, and subconsciously regarded the other party as his friend, so when the perfume slowly dissipated, Friday Ape would no longer be afraid of Yoshino Yuhime.

It’s just that the appearance of the Friday ape is indeed worse, and the strength is also weak, the courage is also small, and it will definitely run first when encountering any danger, so it is not necessary to domesticate such a creature at all, anyway, Chen Yang is not optimistic.

“It worked, it really worked!”

Yoshino Yuki patted the Friday ape next to him with his hand with his eyes, but the Friday ape was like a pet and didn’t care at all, and Yoshino Yuhime followed wherever he went.

“Then try another one, the Balon saber-toothed tiger, the level is not high, but the appearance is still okay!”

Chen Yang said and made out a Balon saber-toothed tiger, this thing has a level of only 3, but the appearance is much better than the Friday ape, of course, it is not the selling appearance of the comic, the comic is only hideous in addition to the hideous, but the Balon saber-toothed tiger in the anime is still a little cute.

Although the level gap is not very large, the Friday ape has no combat ability, and it is completely different from the Balon saber-toothed tiger.

After using perfume to relax the Balon Saber-toothed Tiger, Yoshino Yuhime, who had planned to repeat the old technique, was warned this time before he could fully get close to the Balon Saber-toothed Tiger.

“It seems that the Balon Saber-toothed Tiger did not recognize the Lord so simply, beat it up and try it!”

Chen Yang spoke, while Yoshino Yuji squeezed his fist with a bad smile, and then rushed up to press the Balon Saber-toothed Tiger to the ground with a blaster.

The Balon Saber-toothed Tiger, who was originally very comfortable and relaxed, was suddenly smashed down by an old fist and directly smashed, completely confused about what happened.

But when it wanted to fight, it found that its body did not listen to the command, and its awareness of speed and attack power was reduced a lot, and it was beaten by a fat meal, so that the saber-toothed tiger directly learned to bark.

This scene almost didn’t make Chen Yang die of laughter, and he was beaten to the point of learning to bark a cat, which is simply a shame……… No, it’s a tiger drop.

After a fat beating, the Balon saber-toothed tiger did not dare to resist, and at this time, it was the best opportunity for big sticks and sweet dates, and Yoshino Yuki took out some meat and threw it to the Balon saber-toothed tiger.

Seeing that there is food, the Balon saber-toothed tiger began to slowly transform, and after eating and drinking, it completely accepted Yoshino Yuhime, in fact, it is more because of the deterrent and does not want to continue to be beaten, so don’t die, obedient, obedient and delicious, why not?

This Balon saber-toothed tiger is so simply tamed, to put it bluntly, it is because the level is too low, if the level is higher, Yoshino Yuki will be fine, but at the moment this Balon saber-toothed tiger is already her mount, although there is a two-jawed dragon, which is stronger, but this Balon saber-toothed tiger is also trained by herself.

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