“Finally came up, the air here is so good, it’s not at all like at tens of thousands of meters in the air, everything in the food era is so magical, and how did this aerial vegetable garden come about?” And how can it appear in the air? How strange! ”

The most famous thing about the food era is incomprehensible, now after coming here, everyone is also shocked by this scene, at this moment, there is a huge land under their feet, and above the land, there are some clouds and fog, as for the distance, this is a large number of vegetables, and when everyone can’t wait to get closer, they are frightened by these vegetables in front of them.

“This is a tomato, it’s so big, and there are no other ingredients, just such a tomato is half my size!”

Looking at the huge tomato in front of him, Xiaolin Gentian couldn’t help but hug one, in fact, large tomatoes are very common, especially some special, what kind of barbecue tomatoes are such a thing, but simply such a huge tomato is the first time he has seen.

“It’s true that they are all normal vegetables, but they are all very large, and they seem to be basically eaten directly!”

Xiaohui picked up some vegetables, and the ingredients told her that they could be eaten directly, and this scene also attracted Erinai and Scarlet Sand, cleaned them with the clean water brought by Chen Yang, and then stuffed them directly into their mouths.

“It’s delicious, it’s completely unprocessed and cooked, and although many vegetables can be eaten raw, the vegetables here have a fruit-eating feeling, which is really amazing!”

After Erina’s bite into it, the tongue passed the sense of satisfaction again, after all, this is the vegetable of the aerial vegetable garden, not everyone can eat, just that section of vine does not know how many people to persuade back, want to use the plane to parachute up, is undoubtedly a fool’s dream.

“And it contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients, it can be said to be the king of vegetables, and the soil here is very suitable for the growth of this type of vegetables!”

As a medicinal chef, Crimson likes to match balanced nutrition, and these vegetables, a normal person can eat vegetables even if they eat, do not need other meat to supplement nutrition, vegetables have terrifying nutrition.

“The taste is good, but don’t eat too much, be careful of diarrhea, the vegetables here are indeed very good vegetables, and when this relic comes, if you want to come over to pick vegetables in the future, just let the Lightning Fire Phoenix bring us over.”

Chen Yang said that there will be no need to be so troublesome in the future, as for the people from the outside world want to come up, he will hehe, the science and technology of the food era is developed, it must be much more developed than the world he is in now, but people can’t directly parachute into the aerial vegetable garden, people in this era naturally have no way, at most let those food hunters come.

But those food hunters want to adapt to everything here, it takes a lot of time, and not everyone has their food luck, one does not pay attention to it can directly be destroyed, it can be said that this has almost become the back garden of Chen Yang and others.

After hearing what Chen Yang said, although everyone still wanted to continue to eat, but they still held back, this thing will have diarrhea if you eat too much, it is better to be leisurely, and now the most important thing is still on the ozone grass.

Their purpose this time is also for ozonated grass.

“Let’s spread out to find ozone grass now, and notify the others when we find it!”

After Erinai finished speaking, she planned to look for it, but was directly stopped by Chen Yang.

“No thanks, I’ve found it!”

Chen Yang said with a smile.

“Found it? How is it possible, weren’t you here all the time just now? When did you go looking for it? ”

Everyone was stunned, just now Chen Yang had been staying with them, when did he go to find the ozone grass? Why don’t they know, so they are also in a state of some confusion now.

“Using sound, echolocation I opened it as soon as I came to the Sky Vegetable Garden, although it is not enough to scan the entire Sky Vegetable Garden, but the amount of ozone grass is also quite large, so it is easy to find!”

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he also said the effect of echolocation by the way, causing several girls to roll their eyes for a while, sure enough, Chen Yang is the one who can open and hang the most, this kind of operation that uses sound to simulate an echo map in his mind is unimaginable.

In the end, several girls followed Chen Yang to find the location of the ozone grass, which was still open when it was seen, but as soon as it sensed that someone was coming, it directly retracted and turned into the shape of a flower bud.

“It seems to be in an open state just now, why did we retract it directly as soon as we came?”

Looking at the scene that happened in front of her, Xiaohui asked with some doubt.

“Ozone grass is also a special cooking ingredient, just like the giant smelly durian bomb we captured before, that kind of thing, can not resist its smell, then can not be captured for a lifetime, this ozone grass is the same reason, Xiaohui, the next will be handed over to you, listen to the sound of the ingredients, this is your specialty.”

“The leaves of this ozone grass must be opened by two people at the same time, and the order of opening is random, and once any one fails, it will be directly retracted and become a seed state, so please!”

Chen Yang gave a thumbs up to Xiao Hui, while Xiao Hui straightened his face, and then came to the side of the ozone grass.

“It’s a special cooking ingredient, but it’s hard to listen to the sound, it’s a little more difficult than the previous ingredients!”

Looking at the ozone grass in front of her, Xiaohui still had some difficulty hearing the sound, these ozone grasses are quite delicate.

Soon, after Xiao Hui heard clearly, he began to instruct Chen Yang to open the leaves of the ozone grass.

“The one on the left, no, a little further to the left, that’s the one!”

After Xiao Hui grabbed one leaf, he instructed Chen Yang to open another leaf, and the two pulled down at the same time, and the leaf easily opened directly.

“Next is……………”

Xiao Hui opened the leaf while listening to the sound, but after opening more than a dozen pieces, Chen Yang felt that the leaf in his hand suddenly became extremely hard, although it was also pulled away, but he also knew very well that this time it failed.

With a burst of smoke, the entire ozone grass directly retracted, from a stage of bud form to a seed, and I don’t know how long it will take to grow again.


Xiaohui looked at the ozone grass seeds in front of her with some sadness.

“Anla, failure is normal, everything should be smooth sailing before there should be a problem!”

Chen Yang comforted, and Xiao Lin Gentian could only watch from the side, after all, this is a two-person cooking, not a group of people cooking, although they can barely hear a little, but still worse than Xiaohui.

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