“Even if it’s gloomy outside, it’s also gloomy inside, making it look like a haunted house!”

Everyone complained all the way in, because this villain’s painting style is too standard, the standard makes people speechless, very old-fashioned, most of the villains in the later period have already relaxed the restrictions, and these guys, standardized people are speechless.

“There is nothing in it, it’s like an empty castle, Yangjun, did your echolocation find anything?”

Xiao Lin Gentian complained and asked, Chen Yang’s echolocation can easily understand the situation, so now instead of blindly searching, it is better to wait directly for Chen Yang to speak.

“I did find something, and inside the remains of this food club, this should be the most noteworthy thing!”

Chen Yang said, led everyone all the way down, and soon came to a relatively empty space, this space has some incomprehensible mechanical equipment, and there are things like sensors.

In addition, there is a ball of light in the front, it is obvious that this is what inheritance is left, and everyone is a little unaccustomed to it to be honest, before it was obviously a magical villain style, and suddenly it became a technological style, and the change was a little big.

After Chen Yang received this inheritance, he figured out what was stored in it, in this inheritance, the technology stored was about GT robots, and the GT robot technology of the food club was famous.

And most importantly, in the later stage, unmanned technology was also developed, equivalent to artificial intelligence, and the GT robot itself will determine the ingredients, and then capture, which is a very good thing.

Of course, what Chen Yang actually doesn’t understand is that people who are generally not strong use GT robots to enhance their strength, and GT robots were originally made to get close to Nitro, but part of the reason is for those ingredients that cannot be collected, so that people can control GT robots to capture ingredients, but in the early stage, there were ministers here, as well as deputy chefs.

Both of them use GT robots, but the power of this thing is very small, much smaller than their own strength, such as Stakiu, his body strength is very strong, but because the GT robot was beaten by Ah Yu.

So this GT robot is actually a bit of a pit, weak people use nothing to say, but strong people use it, it is a little funny, but the gourmet will do this, of course, it is also a means to balance combat power.

In the early stage, these guys really shot, then Ah Yu and others did not have to play, and in the later stage, although the food will almost collapse, but there are still a small number of people who insisted, GT robot research has never been put down.

It is also because of this that there is today’s inheritance, which also retains the production method of artificial intelligence, which is very mature, and can be used to perfectly control all GT robots to capture ingredients.

“I didn’t expect to encounter the inheritance of science and technology today, but GT robots are indeed very timely, those ingredients that have been captured, many of them I can’t stare at repeatedly, then GT robots are a good choice, although the mechanical equipment here can’t be used, but it’s also a sample!”

Chen Yang has this part of the inheritance, although he knows how to make these things, but the machinery and equipment here are no longer used, it can be regarded as a sample, compared to making it according to memory alone, this is much better.

And this is only a sample of the assembly line of the GT robot, even if it is leaked, there is nothing, even if others copy this sample, they don’t know what to make in the end.

The specific core data is in the inheritance, and then Chen Yang can write it into artificial intelligence and let artificial intelligence control it, but even this is not a simple small project, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time to reproduce the GT robot, but once reproduced, the GT robot can be against the sky.

Now there is no strong person such as a dragon and so on in this world, no one can blast hundreds of millions of GT robots with one punch, so once manufactured, many low-grade ingredients he can repeatedly capture, which is too much more convenient.

“Get the job done, this inheritance is a technology type, used to make GT robots, this food club can be regarded as leaving a good inheritance!”

Chen Yang said after nodding.

“Speaking of which, the gourmet club should be regarded as a villain, and it is incomprehensible that it has also left behind the inheritance!”

Crimson said with some doubt, this decent person left a legacy, and the villain is too, making it a little unaccustomed, after all, in their thinking, this villain will only add chaos, make trouble, make things, and will not give people good things.

“In fact, to put it bluntly, the food club was not a very bad thing at the beginning, there are good and bad, the creator of the food club is also because of some things, so it will be blackened, it can only be said that this cannot be completely blamed on others.”

“But since the era has collapsed, then it must be that both decent and villains have united, and if there is still infighting at this time, they are really fools, so leaving a legacy is not something incomprehensible.”

Chen Yang honestly doesn’t hate the food club very much, he just hates some people in the food club, such as Sanhu and Sta Jiu, it’s hard to hate, as for Domilot, it’s more annoying.

If you really hate it, it’s the people at NEO, especially Joya, this guy is very upset, unpleasant to the extreme.

Although most of the NEO people are controlled, they are still a little uncomfortable.

Of course, the most unpleasant thing is always that group of blue Nitros, who use humans as nourishment, is simply speechless.

“Let’s go, this relic basically doesn’t have much to pay attention to, the inheritance and samples are in hand, there is no need to continue to stay here!”

After saying that, Chen Yang took the lead and left, but before leaving, he still took away a few machines that were no longer usable, which were considered samples, and then handed them over to Xue Chexian Zuoweimon and others to study, and then re-produced.

His words are responsible for the reproduction of artificial intelligence, although it is very troublesome, after all, it takes time to cultivate talents, and this GT robot, loyalty needless to say, as long as it is manufactured, it can be put into use, that is, the material is difficult to find, but as long as the first batch comes out, then the material is not a problem.

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