The big sword was clenched in Chen Yang’s hand, and then raised above his head, and almost materialized energy gushed out from the big sword, directly materializing the energy converted into calories.


As the big sword in Chen Yang’s hand fell violently, a terrifying chopping wave rushed out from the big sword, instantly splitting the huge waterfall up to fifteen kilometers high and one kilometer thick, and the huge slash spread all the way to the water flow above the waterfall, and the water flow was directly split, and the chopping wave was condensed, and the moment the water flow passed was directly avoided.

This time, directly blocked the terrifying water flow, Chen Yang can clearly feel that his chopping wave can stay under the water flow for at least one minute, although it is only a minute, but this is continuous, after the blast out, it can stay for a minute, this is really an explosion within an explosion.

The upper part is cut directly, and a huge passage has been formed below, the passage leading to the inside of the waterfall.

“Chop . Chopped! ”

Seeing this terrifying scene, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo at this moment had no doubt that if Chen Yang was willing, then basically with one chopper, he could cut through several or even dozens of mountains, which was no longer at the level of a nuclear bomb.

Casually in the city like this, enough for the city to be directly divided into two, this kind of person wants to destroy a country, it is simply a yawn, how to block it, it is really terrifying and scary.

“Although the time can only last for one minute, it is enough for us to go in, Xiaojin, remember to protect everyone with energy!”

Chen Yang said to Xiao Jin, and then Xiao Jin let out a chirp, and his body was covered with lightning again, and then rushed over, originally a little puzzled why the waterfall and Xiao Jin needed Xiao Jin to resist the people quickly saw the reason.

Although it has been split open enough to a huge channel, but the surrounding water flow and things coming down from the current, even if the water flows at this speed has such a terrifying power, what about other things? There are boulders and logs and so on.

Any of these things is deadly, although there is no above, but when it falls, it is inevitable that some will deviate from their course and be directly rushed towards everyone, so this protection is necessary.

You must know that the impact of these water currents, just like the water flow cutting, accelerates to a certain extent, enough to cut the power of diamonds, which is not what Xiaohui’s flesh can resist now, that is, Chen Yang’s can bear, and Xiaojin.

As for the others, if they touch, they will die, so Xiao Jin’s current defense directly blocks these aftermaths and is instantly shattered.

“It’s too dangerous, if we just come by ourselves, then we are likely to die directly here!” How did this waterfall come into being, it’s terrifying! ”

Looking at these terrifying attacks, coupled with Chen Yang’s explanation, he was already speechless and complained, knowing the danger, but the danger to this extent was not too much, if it were not for Chen Yang and Xiao Jin, they would have finished.

“I don’t know how the waterfall formed, but I know it’s not the most dangerous!”

Chen Yang remembered the town in the original book, that guy was ruthless enough, dug several mountains to form a cluster and threw it directly from above, forcing Ah Yu and Sani into a desperate situation, but because of this, Ah Yu and Sani just didn’t go to catch the shining silk foot fish, otherwise it is no accident that the two of them will follow, once the two of them follow over, then the capture will fail.

But when he thought of the mountains dug up in Zhenzhen Town, and then thought about himself, Chen Yang still had a feeling that he had to compare goods, the gap was too big, there was no comparison at all, although he could already be called a master in terms of food righteousness, but his strength was several grades worse than the real master.

According to calculations, how can the strength of Zhenzhen Town also have thousands of levels, or even thousands of levels, otherwise how can you do that kind of thing so simply, raise your hand and directly dig up the mountains, digging up and destroying is not a concept.

Of course, the most perverted are none other than the three of Ichiryujiro and Three Tigers, each of which is estimated to have a strength that exceeds the eight kings, which is simply terrifying.

After listening to Chen Yang’s words, the others stopped talking, after all, they already knew that what Chen Yang said was true, compared to the danger, this kind of thing that exists in the human world is indeed not very dangerous, and the real danger is still in the food world.

As for Mu Jiu Zhi Yuanguo, she was already shocked to the point of numbness, she couldn’t find what to say at all, the three views were broken again and again, and she only now really saw the true horror of the gourmet cell holder.

Xiao Jin quickly passed the waterfall, one minute, it was enough for him to fly without a shadow, if it weren’t for the fact that there were still some impact forces around him, it would hinder Xiao Jin’s speed, basically rushing over in an instant, just a kilometer.

“Come here, then the next is the cave, echolocation!”

Chen Yang launched his own echolocation, this cave is really not easy to find, this waterfall is as high as fifteen kilometers, the width is even more terrifying, to find a passage on this cliff wall, it is really not simple at all.

“Found it, Xiaojin, fly to the left, the position of three kilometers on the upper left!”

After Chen Yang and Xiao Jin spoke, Xiao Jin once again led everyone into a golden light, without obstacles, the distance of three kilometers arrived in a blink of an eye, and soon led everyone to find the location of the cave.

And Chen Yang’s echolocation has always been on, and he can clearly perceive the situation inside the cave, and has found the location of the shiny silk-footed fish, but it is not so simple, it is a simple small maze.

“I’m going to ask you next, I’ll keep an eye on you, there’s nothing dangerous inside, and I’ll tell you what to do before you enter the last room, so please!”

Saying that, Chen Yang handed over a few small boxes to Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo, and now she can only enter alone, and at this moment, Mujiuzhi Yuanguo can only bite the bullet when she looks at the dark cave in front of her.

Since the other party has already said that there is no danger, then let’s go up, what else?

It’s just that she is still very nervous, in this kind of place, who knows if a big monster will pop out of somewhere, and the lighting tool is only a flashlight, so to say that she is not afraid, it is a lie, and soon she came to the first intersection.

After coming here, Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo couldn’t help but pat his head, he didn’t take any communication equipment, how could Chen Yang contact her, this is stupid.

(Thanks to Mo Yunlan, Scorpion, a bookworm who loves to read novels.) Monthly Pass)_

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