The source of the book was found, but there was nothing else, Chen Yang did not get the reason for the collapse of the era, although this ball of light obviously did not appear with this book, but was left before the collapse of the era, but there was no information about the collapse of the era, which made Chen Yang uncomfortable, and he now has a certain guess.

These people have left their own heritage, but they have not left any information, or this information has been erased, but it is not practical, after all, once these are erased, this inheritance should not exist.

Then there is only another explanation, that is, I don’t want people to know, as for the reason, there are more, maybe the information will cause some trouble if it is leaked in the future, or maybe the relics opened with Chen Yang’s current strength cannot access such secrets at all, maybe in the more advanced relics will get specific information.

Judging from the pyramid encountered before, the strength of a thousand levels may be a standard, otherwise knowing the setting of all harms and benefits, Chen Yang can also be regarded as more understanding, of course, this is just a special guess, everything has to wait until later.

However, the appearance of this book is good news, just listening to the sound of ingredients is obviously not enough for a chef, if you can combine the experience of those predecessors, this is the most important.

So this book is also quite important, but now, the biggest problem is that there is no translation of this book in this inheritance light ball, which means that everyone can only try it to see if they can understand the content inside.

Komatsu understands it because of its own characteristics, so what about Megumi, who is almost similar to Komatsu now? Can she understand that?

“This book is left by the strongest of the three chefs of the Red Nitro family, and it contains basically all the special ingredients in this world, but the text is not something we can understand, so you can try it and see if you can read the meaning!”

Chen Yang picked up the book and handed it to a few girls, and several girls held the book and even wrote it with curiosity, but after seeing the content inside, their faces were dark, all of them were some strange symbols, and only a few simple pictures can tell you that it is this creature, but most of them are still strange symbols, completely incomprehensible.

“This is written in Nitro script, although there are a lot of ingredients in the cooking method, but I can’t read it, but maybe it can, I can’t tell the specifics, you need to try it yourself!”

Chen Yang didn’t know how to explain, so he simply told everyone that Komatsu could read some general content, making everyone confused, but at this time, Xiaohui directly entered the consciousness space and communicated with Flozer, although Flozer was Komatsu’s food demon in the past, but the awakening time was too late.

And Flozer himself can’t write a word, but Flozer can give Xiaohui some pointers, Flozer has also cooked the ingredients, plus Xiaohui’s own day, this book may be able to understand.

With the assistance of Floser, Xiao suddenly felt that the book in front of him looked familiar, and the content in it was no longer a simple symbol, but seemed to be how to cook.

“I seem to be able to understand some, but not much, and many places are very confused!”

Xiaohui opened her mouth and said, understanding this book is the same as listening to the sound of ingredients, can ingredients speak? Of course not, but to a certain extent, such a voice can be heard, and the same is true for this book.

“Xiaohui, you are indeed our lucky star, this book will be handed over to you for the time being, in addition, the rest of you can always find Xiaohui if you want to try!”

Chen Yang said bluntly, several people here have very good feelings, will not be jealous because of such a little thing, at most it is envy, so Chen Yang will not hurt them when he says this, they are not so fragile, they are now envious, envious that Xiaohui can understand the content inside, of course, they are happy for Xiaohui.

“Since you can barely understand, then go and experiment now, there are many special ingredients in the pyramid here, these ingredients are recorded in this book, Xiaohui, it will be up to you later, of course, don’t be too anxious, even if you can’t fully understand it, it doesn’t matter, don’t put too much pressure on yourself!”

Chen Yang was afraid that his rhythm would make Xiaohui too stressed, after all, he had followed Flozer to the inner world before, so if the pressure was too great, this was not what Chen Yang wanted to see.

“I know, don’t worry, Yangjun, I won’t be too stressed!”

Xiao Hui also knew that Chen Yang cared about her, so she smiled back, and then everyone left here, there are still many ingredients to capture in this ruin, after all, almost all of them are special cooking ingredients.

You need to use a different method to cook, otherwise although you can eat, but it will become very difficult to eat, and the cola has not yet arrived, that is also a special ingredient, so now go to the experiment, but fortunately, Chen Yang barely remembers some of the coke capture methods, of course, it should not be complete, so you still need Xiaohui’s help.

Inside this ruin, Chen Yang and they encountered some creatures before, but in order to confirm that they wanted to know things earlier, Chen Yang directly avoided these guys, and then came here, and now that their purpose has been achieved, then they should go back and give it a try.

There are also drinks in Zebra’s full meal menu below, but Chen Yang’s most hungry is still President Yilong’s full meal menu, but that thing should be difficult to find, and whether it still exists is also a problem.

Although he knew how to cook, it was difficult to find, otherwise, that was what Chen Yang was looking forward to the most, and now everyone had met the first enemy, a three-headed wolf, this thing was captured at more than sixty levels, and it could be eaten.

However, this thing is also a special ingredient, so cooking also requires methods, and Zebra and Ayu simply heat this thing and eat it, so the calories are the same as chicken breast, and some are hard and not delicious.

But once handled properly, then the calories will be obtained, and most importantly, the meat will become delicious, almost more than 90% of the ingredients are special ingredients, which is the most powerful thing about Nitro, and it is not eaten clean by them, which is good news. _

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