Nitro, who dodged Chen Yang’s punch, jerked a horizontal kick and kicked out, so fast that Chen Yang was a little unable to dodge, only in time to protect his hands in front, this kick directly kicked Chen Yang’s whole person out of the city, leaving a huge ravine in the city, and Chen Yang was directly kicked hundreds of miles away before stopping.

“Shhhhh Is this guy’s strength so exaggerated? ”

Chen Yang’s hands were bruised at the moment, this was just a kick, and both hands were almost directly wasted, but fortunately, Chen Yang himself was a regenerator, and he wiped his hands directly with special drugs, and his hands quickly returned to their normal state.

Before this kick, although he didn’t kick his bones off, but Chen Yang didn’t dare to continue to be careless, this guy’s strength is beyond his imagination, so Chen Yang directly took out Melk kitchen knife at this moment, and then it’s time to desperately.

Just when Chen Yang just took out the kitchen knife, the red Nitro rushed directly through the distance of hundreds of kilometers like a red lightning, and the Melk kitchen knife in Chen Yang’s hand was also slashed out.

A terrifying knife light instantly split the earth in two, grazed Nitro’s arm and rushed over, although it was also dodged by Nitro, but a small part of the knife light directly cut off a piece of flesh on his arm, and at this moment Nitro knew that such a trick was absolutely harmful to himself, and this knife light directly cut the earth.

And split the city that was slaughtered by Nitro in two, and rushed to the next few peaks again with undiminished power, directly splitting several peaks one after another, this terrifying power made people watching through satellites once again fearful.

This strength is really terrifying, what shit nuclear bombs have been thrown behind their brains, what is a nuclear bomb? Toys? Compared with such an existence, it flies hundreds of kilometers at every turn, without considering the feelings of others at all.

This casual punch and slash, the map has been directly changed, especially the knife behind, the power is unbelievable, they now think that the words in their heads can not describe this kind of thing.

They have always been very glad that they did not go to Chen Yang’s trouble, this kind of person wants to destroy the country alone, it is very simple, as for their confidence, it is not called confidence at all, it is simply the gap between ants facing God.

Of course, these people think Chen Yang they can’t care, his current mental concentration is high, this Nitro is different from the previous one, if you don’t pay attention to him, he will be directly overturned, the higher the level, the sooner this battle will end, unless everyone is half a pound and eight taels.

So you have to be careful, and Nitro knows that the weapon in Chen Yang’s hand will cause damage to himself, even fatal damage, so he is also a little vigilant, his overall comprehensive strength is above Chen Yang, but Chen Yang doesn’t need more now, he only needs to hit him, only one stroke is enough, this is enough for him to die directly.

So the two sides presented a stalemate situation, which was quickly broken by Nitro, who had no patience, his speed was fast, so he circled around Chen Yang and could not catch up with his speed, but the gap in strength between the two was not very large, so it was inevitable.

Chen Yang did not dare to strike casually, once he cut out a knife, then Nitro would take advantage of this time to sneak attack, but Chen Yang’s heart still did not fluctuate, his right foot suddenly raised, stepped on the ground fiercely, and the power of the point was transmitted through the earth.

Although he doesn’t expect to be able to take you directly to learn success, he only needs to do a little, it is enough to interfere with the speed of the other party, so this foot down, the earth churns, and the strength instantly comes to the feet of Nitro.

Nitro’s body was slammed, and this meal was a good opportunity for Chen Yang, without any hesitation, Chen Yang directly slashed out, but the next second Nitro moved again, and then rushed towards Chen Yang.

“Lean, you were tricked by this guy!”

Chen Yang’s eyes widened, he knew very well that he was played, this guy was not affected at the beginning, but deliberately showed flaws, and then directly rushed over, and deceived Chen Yang with a false shot.

But Chen Yang, who had just cut out a knife, didn’t even have time to take back the weapon in his hand, and was hit in the abdomen by Nitro’s punch, which was fatal, and Chen Yang could even feel that his two ribs were directly broken.

However, the knife in his hand did not let go, and after the blow, Nitro saw that Chen Yang was not killed in seconds, and originally wanted to continue to attack, but Chen Yang’s knife had been retracted, and the two were separated again.

“Bastard, you even know that Nitro has the so-called wisdom, and it is not low, but don’t go so far!”

Chen Yang is a little speechless, these bastards don’t talk to people at all, but they are very smart when fighting, Chen Yang doesn’t understand why some red nitros can talk and some don’t, maybe because of strength, or maybe because of arrogance.

They don’t disdain to learn human language, so they don’t say it at all, which is a normal way of saying.

But now Chen Yang stared at this guy with one mind, and soon, Chen Yang’s eyes lit up, quietly dropped a few seeds of the Guardian Tree, and then quickly dripped some nutritional medicinal water, during this period, Chen Yang’s eyes have been staring at Nitro.

Now any omission will lead to an attack by this guy, so you have to be careful.

After finishing the work in hand, the green guardian tree began to spread rapidly, Chen Yang did not expect the guardian tree to block this guy, he only hoped that it could play a little interference role, only a little was enough.

Slow down this guy so he can take out the other person quickly.

After the Guardian Tree took shape, Nitro was very clever and directly retreated, and the Guardian Tree is not infinitely regenerated, so the distance of spread is also problematic, which also makes Chen Yang a little speechless, the speed of this goods is really fast.

In fact, Chen Yang still has some hole cards, Wang Food Mysteries, but that takes time to condense, there is no time at all, he dares to condense, Nitro will start at the first time, and just now he made a mistake, after being attacked, he should seal the damage with the destruction point before the injury breaks out.

But he didn’t get hurt much, so he broke his ribs, which affected the battle very much, and it can only be said that he is inexperienced, and he has no experience in injury. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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