“It turned out to be three pieces of meat, is there any mistake, how can these three pieces of meat be so heavy!”

Looking at the three pieces of meat in the box, Shiro looked confused, three pieces of meat turned out to be so heavy, could it be stone meat? Curious, Shiro touched his right hand, and found that it was indeed solid meat, and after seeing these three pieces of meat, his eyes changed suddenly, because he found that he couldn’t judge what kind of meat these three pieces of meat were.

But this is also very normal, you know, these three pieces of meat are the Grana giant crocodile, the swamp snake and the five-tailed kite, in contrast, it should be regarded as crocodile meat, snake meat and bird meat, but these three pieces of meat are huge, without any markings.

At this moment, the little boss is like the people who saw the swamp snake meat for the first time in the polar star liao, and the little boss is more comprehensive than the people of the polar star liao, although the times are different, modern people can see a lot of things from the Internet, but the little boss has really traveled a lot of places and seen a lot of things, so in this regard, the people of the polar star liao are not comparable.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of the little boss is the aspect of food righteousness, and in terms of gratitude for the ingredients, the little master is purer than others, and even Chen Yang has no doubt that the little master can quickly catch up with the footsteps of others, or even surpass them.

If they start at the same time, then Xiao Hui will not be left behind by the little boss Chen Yang will not have any surprise, the gap is indeed very large, but now, they are not on the same starting line.

“The meat quality is undoubtedly the best I’ve ever seen, but what kind of meat is it? It doesn’t matter, try it first, and if you don’t taste it, you can’t determine what method is suitable for cooking. ”

The little boss looked at a few pieces of meat of such good quality and completely followed the devil, seeing the little boss become like this, the others shook their heads collectively, it was not surprising at all, the little boss encountered the things he was interested in would become like this, when he was attracted by the opponent’s cooking techniques, his side didn’t care, this kind of thing the little boss did.

And when encountering this kind of thing that interests him, it will be out of control, so everyone has long been used to it, after seeing this kind of little boss, one by one temporarily left, now they are very clear, can’t get involved, wait for the little boss to get it by himself, they are now useless to stay, of course, Shiro and Dudu still left for the little boss to fight, this experiment, from the afternoon directly to the evening, after which the little boss finally determined how to cook.

But still can’t be sure, what kind of meat this is, although he has seen enough and his tongue is powerful enough, but in the face of such ingredients, he still can’t understand, what kind of meat is it, there will be such a high quality, and so huge, or three, which caused the little boss to think about it for a while, completely confused, close to dawn to rest for a while.

When Chen Yang came to Yangquan Restaurant at noon, the little boss couldn’t bear it at all, as for cooking or something, let it go first, and wait until you figure out what this is, this is a pimple, it’s too uncomfortable not to untie, and it will also affect the play.

Therefore, the little boss did not go to the dish at the first time, but in front of Chen Yang.

“Guest, please be sure to tell me what kind of meat it is, I studied it for a whole night yesterday, but I didn’t figure out what kind of meat it is, and the quality is so high, the best meat quality ingredients I have ever seen since I was a child!”

The little boss has a serious face, and Chen Yang is also very clear about the character of the little boss, so he has no intention of hiding it.

“Crocodiles, snakes, birds, the origin of these three meats, now you can make dishes, as for the specifics, wait until after eating!”

Chen Yang smiled, the little boss took the bait, he said that this is useful, after all, to recruit others, it is impossible to directly rush up and run in front of people and say that they want to recruit people, with the character of the little boss, they will agree to come down to call the hell, so Chen Yang changed a method and slowly attracted each other with this ingredient, causing the little boss to quickly take the bait.

“Crocodiles, snakes, birds? How is this possible? ”

The little boss is blinded, he has not seen these ingredients, but it is impossible, but looking at Chen Yang’s appearance, he does not plan to continue, so the little boss can only go back to do the dishes in a daze, during this period, he still can’t understand, why these three kinds of meat, and is it too much?

Crocodiles can be understood, but how big are snakes and birds, the little boss at this moment fell into deep contemplation.

However, adhering to the attitude of being in charge of his profession, the little boss is still very serious about cooking, and Chen Yang fell into eating and drinking again, but this time no one was watching, only the guys in the kitchen would take a look.

But they have also been shocked, compared to Chen Yang eating more now, they are more curious about how much Chen Yang can eat, and the chef in the kitchen thinks the same, they do not believe that the capacity of a person’s stomach can be so terrifying.

Although they have seen enough horror, but where Chen Yang’s bottom line is, they don’t know, so now they are riveted one by one to know Chen Yang’s bottom line, this can also be regarded as a method of revenge, if you can get the other party to eat it, then their confidence will come back, and the revenge will be successful, but this is destined to be impossible.

No matter how many dishes the people in the kitchen made, Chen Yang could directly eliminate them, and today there were three thousand ingredients prepared, such a large restaurant, almost did not stop cooking, continued until the evening, and finally all the chefs collapsed to the ground again, but they did not see where Chen Yang’s bottom line was.

“Little boss, if this guy still plans to charter tomorrow, we won’t do it!”

The chefs complained to the little boss one by one, this day to night, the workload is much greater than yesterday, according to the current situation, it is estimated that tomorrow Yangquan Restaurant will be closed for a day to rectify, I have never seen such a pervert.

“I’m also a little overwhelmed, if he charters again, I can only refuse, but if he continues to come over to eat after that, I can’t stop it!”

The little boss said with some tears and laughter, he felt that his body was about to fall apart, which was too exaggerated.

And after listening to the words of the little boss, others also looked distressed, yes, although people do not charter the venue, but people come to eat you have to greet, a group of people suddenly feel that their future is dim. _

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