The terrifying coercion of Erlang the explosive beast made these things collapse directly collectively, and the faces that were originally quite disdainful of Chen Yang and Xiaojin, instantly pooped, and countless soy milk channels fell from the sky like rain.

After Chen Yang found that this deterrent did not seem to only deter the soy milk road, but also the guys who were united with the soy milk road, multi-legged leeches, capture level 307, these guys have the same human wisdom as the soy milk road, and they will also speak directly, very strange things, and now, they have been captured by Chen Yang.

As for the level of the soy milk road, if Chen Yang remembers correctly, it should be about 487, basically close to five hundred, of course, this level also fluctuates up and down, but the fluctuation range is not very large, but these things are also directly sent ingredients to Chen Yang.

Although these two ingredients look a little strange and look very terrifying, they are both edible, although the soy milk road has the face of a human uncle, but Chen Yang doesn’t care, just treat it as a face biscuit?

As for leeches, although leeches sound unedible, these things are really edible, and the ingredients in the food world are very peculiar in themselves, so it is not surprising that you can eat Chen Yang.

Directly boiled the soy milk channel with other ingredients, the taste is very good, as for this multi-legged leech, although the taste is not as good as the soy milk road, but this texture and chewiness is good, can be eaten as a snack.

After eating, Chen Yang and Xiaojin continued on the road, and now there are no special creatures in front, so Chen Yang simply lowered the big turtle and released it, because Chen Yang released the gourmet demon coercion of the explosive beast Erlang, so the lower level creatures around did not dare to approach at all, and the strongest here is just the soy milk road.

So after eating, no other creature dares to touch the mold, along the way, the big turtle moved quickly, basically did not encounter any danger, but this neighborhood is a little like walking a maze, but Chen Yang’s echolocation map turned on for a moment to determine what is the situation in this vicinity.

“It should be the horse king’s horseshoe print over there, after so many years, I don’t know if there is any effect, go over and take a look!”

On Chen Yang’s echolocation map, a more peculiar thing was soon detected, the horseshoe print of the horse king Hercules, when Ah Yu and others came here, the horseshoe print would also release a very terrifying coercion.

The eight kings of the food world, their existence alone can already affect the environment, now Chen Yang can’t do it, but when he reaches the eight kings level, he can easily do it.

At that time, Ah Yu and the others were frightened, and the horseshoe prints at that time were left by the horse king thousands of years ago, because they were angry at that time, and there was no grass in this vicinity, and the eight kings were awesome.

Just your mood can affect the surrounding environment, just heart, then the place passing by is the singing of birds and flowers, will become the favorite residence of the ingredients, but if it is angry when passing by, then it will be like now, no grass, this is really terrifying.

The existence of the eight kings is extreme, and Chen Yang now wants to see how this horseshoe print is, it has been so many years, if this horseshoe print is still pressed, it is really terrifying.

The big turtle came to the location of the horseshoe print, and the big turtle was not high in level and soon stopped.

“Although it has been extremely weak, but not a creature in the food world, the big turtle has never been able to adapt, it has been so many years, there is still a trace of coercion in it, unbelievable, I am now close to the level of two thousand, but the more backwards it seems that the gap is getting bigger and bigger!”

Chen Yang is a little helpless, but it’s normal to think about it, just like the realm in some martial arts novels, fantasy novels, it seems that there is a realm behind, in the early stage, skipping the level is the same as playing, but the further back, the gap in the level is the gap of everything, and the level represents everything, so Chen Yang does not have any way.

The same is true in the food world, the more backward, the special is the threshold of six thousand, once you step into the ranks of six thousand, the strength is really terrifying, and before, facing the eight kings is nothing, this is the later level gap, Chen Yang really can’t imagine, in the universe those terrifying wait for hundreds of thousands, millions or even higher level creatures to what extent terrifying.

And how strong is the food god who uses the galaxy as a table, but Chen Yang found that the GT robots sent out to negotiate the ruins have been explored, but they have not found the second pyramid, only one in the Lijialu Plateau.

Chen Yang also wondered if he could go against the sky by finding a few more of his food luck, but found that he seemed to be a little too naïve.

The territory of the food world connected by the Yellow Spring Road has been extended to the demon food world, but the horse king’s hill and several other places are gone, in other ruins, but this is good, Chen Yang really does not want to meet with the eight kings, although I don’t know if the eight kings still exist, whether they are still so terrifying.

But look at this horseshoe print, although almost all the coercion has been dispersed, but the remaining little is enough to crush creatures that are not in the food world, at this moment the big turtle only dares to walk around from here, and does not dare to cross it directly.

“Let’s take a detour first, and then it’s time to head to the Golden Swamp!”

After Chen Yang thought of the golden swamp, he couldn’t help but think of the steel step, Ah Yu’s food luck is this exaggeration, in order to put him like the golden swamp maze, this food luck even directly drove the steel step in the sky, so that Ah Yu found the ingredients suitable for him, ghost shells.

Chen Yang wondered, could this thing be directly suppressed because of his food luck problem? Although the existence of steel cloud was destroyed by a sneeze from Ma Wang later, but the steel cloud will re-condense in the next hundreds of years, this steel cloud will take many years to land once, and once encountered, then it can only be said that you can go back directly to buy lottery tickets.

Such luck not to buy lottery tickets is really sorry for himself, but this may be caused by food luck, Chen Yang does not dare to guarantee that his appetite will not also cause this thing to fall, although his purpose is indeed the golden swamp maze, but his food luck can be no weaker than Ayu Xiaosong them. _

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