After the air stomach, the terrifying energy and delicacy continued to spread in the body, and it was needless to say how delicious it was, anyway, Chen Yang was already exhausted of words, and he couldn’t show such a delicacy at all, but his body began to improve wildly.

The original level of 4,500 began to skyrocket wildly, and the left hand also changed in an instant, becoming the devil’s left hand, and the final level was fixed at about 5,500 levels.

Now Chen Yang, coupled with his own means, can guarantee that he is completely invincible under the Eight Kings, and in the case of single-handedness, he is completely invincible, but he is still short of the last ingredient, and at that time he will reach the level of the Eight Kings.

At the same time, because of the surge in strength, the phantom of the leader slime in Chen Yang’s body appeared in the void, and the huge figure rushed towards the eight kings with terrifying coercion, even the two horse kings who had left a distance at this moment changed their faces, and then blocked their descendants behind them, this terrifying force has allowed them to see the horror of the other party, and at this moment they are also very clear that the other party’s combat effectiveness will soon catch up with themselves and others.

“It’s getting stronger and stronger, even now, if you want to compete with him, you need all the powerhouses in our world over there!”

Several dragons also came to the conclusion that in this situation, if they want to compete with Chen Yang, it is useless unless they dispatch all the masters of the world over there, and reaching the level of the eight kings, that is the strength that can really crush them.

“Great, this feeling, I am now more looking forward to the transformation in the future, the strength of the eight kings level!”

Chen Yang’s face became very good at this moment, now at his level, it is very easy to destroy the earth, after reaching the level of the eight kings, it is even more crisp, and he always feels that when he uses a random move, this earth will not be able to withstand it.

However, Chen Yang’s control of power is still very good, as long as it is leisurely, at least on the current earth, no one is worthy of his real character, unless it is the eight kings, but the eight kings fight with him, and this earth can also be declared directly finished.

At that time, the earth could not withstand their devastation, and the minute explosion was not a joke.

“Yangjun, the coercion you just made is really terrifying, even we can’t bear it!”

Xiao Hui and others have released their food demons to resist this coercion before, but this coercion gives them a feeling of facing the eight kings, and it is very difficult to resist at will, mainly because Chen Yang has become too strong, these eight ingredients, each of which will produce qualitative changes after eating, and Chen Yang has raised his strength to an extreme.

So after eating two ingredients, such a terrifying combat power has been exerted, which is the benefit of a high starting point.

“Sorry, just broke out for a while, I made it, so it will exude such a terrifying coercion, and then it won’t be, this time the gain is great, now it’s the last one, then I will even dare to fight the eight kings!”

Chen Yang said that his strength continued to expand, and he became more and more terrifying, entering his consciousness space again, and this time the leader slime was full of praise for him, because the first dragon was really a virgin to the extreme.

In that case, the leader Shi Wuji, he is a disaster, a disaster, and he met a super virgin, and at that time, Yilong did not use his tricks, and the situation of destroying his tricks was too serious, so there would be that situation, so it was said that blackening is strong three points, whitewashing weak three points is not for fun.

After whitewashing, this consideration is more, and after blackening, carefree without any consideration, you can become frustrated and use that level of combat power.

In the eyes of the leader Slime, although he and Yilong have a good relationship, but if it comes to which host is better, it is undoubtedly Chen Yang, because Chen Yang’s possessiveness is extremely strong, similar to him, the leader Slime’s greed for ingredients is not just a mouth, but the old man of Yilong is in a state of almost no desire, and the leader slime is also helpless.

As for Jiro, he also felt that this improvement was too fast, such a speed, he had never seen it in his life, although the later period of improvement was fast, but it was also because of the terrifying blessing of food luck, and the foundation of the past was strong.

When Ah Yu was a child, he was constantly tempered in the food arena, and so were several other Four Heavenly Kings, and it was precisely because of this that they laid their absolutely strong combat power, and people fought that foundation for decades.

But what about Chen Yang? How long has he been, a few years of application, from a little white to like this, this strength is a little terrifying, anyway, he said that he has not seen such a speed, not even he Jiro.

You have to know that he still eats Nitro constantly to become so strong, or raised by the Wolf King, so what he eats at the beginning is the best, and the time it takes is not so short, Chen Yang’s speed of becoming stronger is really refreshing his three views.

“Don’t talk about the old man, the next thing you need to be careful about is those Nitros, although they haven’t met yet, but they shouldn’t die out, maybe they are trapped in some ruins, but fortunately, your kid’s strength has improved rapidly, so eat another ingredient, and you can easily deal with those guys.”

“But those guys are not better than others, so you still have to be careful with these people around you, but no matter how you eat it, even if the strength of these people around you can’t reach the level of the Eight Kings, it should be okay to reach the level of dealing with these guys.”

“In short, you still have to be careful in everything, don’t think that now your strength is almost invincible, you will definitely be able to do whatever you want, sometimes, people are too inflated, it will also become very miserable!”

Jiro said that when it comes to his strength, it is ultimately part of the plan of Acacia and others, so Chen Yang’s strength has not reached his level, and there must be a problem with the collapse of the food era.

So he didn’t know what Chen Yang was going to face next, but once it swelled now, he might pay the price of blood later.

“I know that although the strength has improved so much, it seems too early to want to expand!”

Chen Yang shook his head, he knew the ingredients of the universe, and he knew that he still belonged to the small shrimp, how could it be inflated, unless he ate too much and panicked. _

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