“Why, aren’t you going to say something? It’s been 2,000 years, are you still immersed in where to go? You must know that the times have changed now, and I will help you deal with the affairs of the Eldian people in the outside world, you have been staying here, there should be no obsession, didn’t you already refuse that kind of order? What else is there to be confused about? ”

Chen Yang looked at Yumir and said, because he is a slave, and his heart is dead, so even if he obtained the power of the giant, in the end, Yumir returned to the lord and became a tool, after death, Yumir continued to wander in this space, in fact, the ancestor giant is not too special, the most special is Yumir.

Yumir herself is in the bloodline of the Tibetan royal family, but also hidden in the ancestor giant, she has always followed the orders of the holders of each generation of ancestor giants and the royal bloodline, and has maintained it for two thousand years, the reason why this is because she was a slave in the past, perhaps even she herself does not remember that she resisted.

After he blocked the attack of the Marais warriors to assassinate the lord, he could recover or stand up if he wanted, but in the end, didn’t she choose to die? It’s just that she didn’t think about it herself, he had already disobeyed the order at that time, causing him to hang around here for more than two thousand years, and this obsession was deep enough.

To put it bluntly, the authorities are obsessed with bystanders, even Eren knows Yumir’s situation, so in the end, he also let Yumir follow his own wishes once, and Allen’s will became Yumir’s will, Yumir wanted to break free from this curse, Allen wanted to break his cage, and the two sides had completely the same time, so in the end Yumir helped Allen.

Without being reminded, Yumir was immersed in the fog, and when Chen Yang said this, the other party was awakened, and the color in his eyes gradually returned.

“Why do you know about me, of all the giants, the only one who may know about me is the Attack on Titan, but you are not the host of the giants, why do you know these secrets?”

Although he was out of the cage, Yumir was still puzzled and wondered what was going on.

“You don’t have to worry about this, I will help you take care of the Eldian people outside, as for now, give me this power, you also know that I have the ability to directly snatch this power, but I am giving you enough respect now!”

Chen Yang opened his mouth and said, if he thinks, his terrifying soul can easily expel Yumir’s soul, but because of his personal thoughts, he did not use violence, since Yumir has got out of that state of confusion, then he can also begin to master this part of the power.

“You are here for this power, then leave it to you, anyway, I have no other ideas, but this power is not so simple to master, I have not gained anything in two thousand years, although there are my own reasons, but I can clearly feel that the power I have mastered is just a small part.”

In the end, Yumir can only nod, there is really no obsession, it is useless to continue to stay here, so she quickly dissipated, as for where she went, Chen Yang does not know, maybe there is really reincarnation She goes to reincarnation, but this has nothing to do with Chen Yang, his attention is now on this tree.

But now the tree is not very complete, you can clearly see, just like the puzzle is missing a few pieces, these pieces are not surprisingly the power of the remaining three giants, find the power of those giants, you can recomplete the tree.

After Yumir disappeared, Chen Yang became the owner of this place, and probed the tree, and when he probed, a memory entered his mind, this memory about this tree.

This tree is very special, what kind of tree it is even it itself does not understand, but one thing Chen Yang can be sure of, from this memory, Chen Yang knows why the other party is so unlucky, the power of this tree is very special.

It can even interfere with the soul, time and space and other forces, but at the beginning the other party was condensing the body, which is the kind of grass and wood that became the essence, but the other party wanted to create a strong body so that he would not be trapped in one place and unable to move.

However, in this process, Yumir strayed into it, interrupted the process, and by mistake, because the plan was disrupted, the soul of the tree was greatly damaged, and even directly dissipated, and Yumir became the new owner of this power, which is also the origin of the giant.

This tree is very special and has great power, but in the end it folds in the hands of an ordinary person.

After Yumir inherited this power, the soul of the tree itself disappeared, even the power in the shell was absorbed by Yumir, and finally the soul tree was replanted here, and the body has become an empty shell.

After Yumir dissipated, this part of the sealed memory was also liberated and was obtained by Chen Yang, so Chen Yang said that this tree was really unlucky, and it was difficult to hit to such an extent, and it was directly destroyed by Yumir.

Even a supposedly powerful existence was so annihilated, this kind of drama, Chen Yang didn’t want to say anything more, it was really a huge impact on the three views, it can only be said that the other party is really unlucky.

“This is cheap for me, containing the power of time and space, as well as the power of soul and so on, this is not a tree of laws, it is really powerful, now it is almost the last three!”

Chen Yang did not directly take away the power of their giant, but planned to see the expression on their faces after they knew that their power of the giant was taken away, and the people on Malai’s side were very confused, perhaps because of brainwashing.

All of them are not normal, anyway, Chen Yang is a little incomprehensible, wait for Ma Lai’s people to come over, it must be very interesting at that time. So after this evil taste came up, others couldn’t stop him.

This giant’s power, no, maybe it shouldn’t be said to be the power of giants, the power of giants is just the power of the shell cast by the tree, and it is only the power of the residue, and the real horror of people is in the power of the law.

It can be said that the people of this world have only exerted the skin of this power, and the real good things have not touched. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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