These people were beaten down by Chen Yang before they entered the wall, and fell outside the wall, inside a group of giants, there were three more special, a coachman, just lying on the ground, no different from a strange species, a beast giant that was one head higher than other giants, like an enlarged version of a human ape.

The last one carries a special hammer in his hand, completely made of crystals, and the handle is very long, the hammer head is not big, this guy is a warhammer, but the positioning of the warhammer giant makes Chen Yang very confused, why is it called a warhammer giant.

The opponent’s ability is more powerful than other giants, so isn’t it better to come out with a war hammer with its agricultural tools and get a big sword, a knife and the like? You can also make yourself an armor, and a god skill has been used as a representative of garbage skills, of course, speechless to the extreme, anyway, Chen Yang can’t figure it out, how can this ability be used so strangely.

So many god skills and usages, put in front of themselves, all turned into garbage skills, think about it, there is no one.

At this moment, these guys still want to break the wall, but Chen Yang no longer intends to give them this opportunity, directly controlled these guys, pulled them all into the air, among which the warhammer giant is quite special, directly hiding in the crystal, this way of controlling the giant is indeed very special, but it is never the kind of continuous battle of Allen in the later stage.

So it was swallowed by others, and now the three special giants have been captured by Chen Yang.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Now Jick’s mind is a mess, he can’t figure out what happened, from the time when the empty boat was shot down, everything is beyond his comprehension, and at this moment, he is facing a god-like existence, which is too terrifying.

“The power of the six giants in the wall has been taken away by me, and now there are only a few of you left, but you guys from Malai have been brainwashed very seriously, of course, you don’t have to worry that I will kill you now, and your fate after that will be handled by others, now you will hand over your giant power to me!”

After dropping a sentence, Chen Yang extracted the power of the giants in the bodies of the three people, and fused them together, the power of the nine giants was completely fused, and the ability of that tree was completely absorbed, at this moment, the existence that seemed to be a tree of souls had been perfectly fused, and was completely integrated with Chen Yang.

At this moment, Chen Yang also almost understood the original appearance of this tree.

“A special fusion tree, can get close to the law, sure enough, these worlds and trees are related, it is definitely a good thing, not only the ability of time, but close to the law, in this way, with the gourmet cell, even the eight kings I don’t put it in my eyes!”

Chen Yang said that in the past, he and the eight kings and five . After the magic power, he suppressed the eight kings, but he didn’t dare to say that he could kill people, defeating and killing were two concepts, but now, he said that as long as he was given a little time, he could completely crush the eight kings at his current level, and even kill the eight kings.

A total of two trees, brought him a huge amount, anyway, he is now making a lot of money.

“The power of giants……… I can’t even transform! ”

Seeing that his giant body completely dissipated, and then he couldn’t transform no matter what, the three of them were completely stunned.

“By the way, I almost forgot one thing, and there is one more thing that needs to be done!”

Chen Yang Churan slapped his palm, and entered the space again, and manipulated the Soul Law Tree to link all the Eldias, all of them felt that their eyes were black, and then appeared in a special space, and there was a huge magical tree in the distance.

“Inform all the people of Yumir, two thousand years ago, the ancestor giant Yumir passed on this power, so that now all Eldian people can transform into giants, and this ability is also used by people with hearts to wage war, so here, I cancel the bloodline power among all of you, and from now on, Eldian people will no longer have the ability to transform into giants!”

After announcing this paragraph, Chen Yang took back this part of the genetic ability in the bloodline of all Eldias, and from now on, Eldia people will no longer have any special places with others, and become the same as ordinary people.

It’s just that the Ackerman family will still pass on their own power, because their power itself is caused by experiments, although it also contains some of these factors, after being discharged from the power of the bloodline, the power will be reduced, but it will always strengthen the existence of people, which will not change.

After receiving this message, the others did not react, and as a result, they were expelled from this space, and from then on, the Eldia people could not transform into giants, as for the three of them, they looked at Chen Yang with a confused expression, they never expected that this person actually controlled the same ability as the original ancestor, and even disarmed this ability of theirs.

Of course, after this ability is removed, they are also happy, because they do not have to continue to become giants in the future, and this sadness does not have to continue to be passed on, as for those who have become giants, because this power is withdrawn, so they also change back to their original human state.

Chen Yang sighed more than once that the power of this giant was just one of the most garbage abilities of this tree, but it turned out to be such a story, and there was no one, and now Chen Yang has absorbed it.

As for these three people, they were always invaders, and after he took care of everything, the Eldia people inside also came out to take prisoners, and these people were all turned into by the Eldian people outside, so they are all prisoners now.

It was directly collected by the army inside the wall, which can be regarded as Chen Yang’s fulfillment of his promise.

“The agreement of our house has been completed, in the future, the Eldian people will be taken over by the people of the Grand Alliance, as for the corrupt aristocratic policy here, etc. will be abolished, you can also come back to see in the future, you can now find your people, and then leave with me, I don’t plan to stay here anymore!”

Chen Yang looked at Erwin and said, now he is leaving, this time the harvest is indeed great, his purpose has been achieved, then these talents can be taken away together, cultivated and cultivated, although they are not suitable for cooking, but suitable for becoming food hunters. _

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