Nothing happened, this goods actually ran away, and let Chen Yang completely unexpected, and too lazy to think about it, but this goods want to run out from under his nose is impossible, now it seems that the other party must be ill-intentioned, and compared to the bad deeds of these guys in the past, Chen Yang feels that it is better to clean up, after all, they are not those red Nitros.

The three chefs of the Red Nitlu clan, they are on the side of humans and have also gained the trust of humans, so Chen Yang dared to accept each other after seeing Jiji, otherwise even if he didn’t kill Jiji, he wouldn’t get the other party to the human world.

And Blue Nitro was the mortal enemy of humans in the past, and when he thought that these guys used to feed Acacia with humans, and sent the four beasts in to test before, he felt that it was better to kill this guy.

Anyway, now it is definitely impossible for the other party to reason with himself, so Chen Yang simply isolated all around this with his voice, and after the other party rushed out of the house, he was directly locked up by a sound cage.

“Sorry Mr. Air, your existence is really a little uncomfortable, so you should die honestly once, anyway, as long as your appetite exists, you can’t die forever, so trouble you to die again!”

Chen Yang manipulated his voice, forming a huge prison cage, in addition to locking up the other party, he also accommodated himself, such a sound cage, can not lock up the existence of the eight kings level, but it is still okay to lock up a Nitro whose strength is not as good as the eight kings.

Air didn’t have time to say a few more words, was directly hit by Chen Yang with a punch, Chen Yang’s current punch attack, the power is not much worse than the mantle attack, instantly threw countless punches, directly hit Air without fighting back, almost dying, this spans two levels, now he fights the eight kings are simple, let alone a blue Nitro.

So these punches passed, and they beat the other party into a tragedy.

“Do you have any last words to say?”

Chen Yang opened his mouth to ask, now Air only has one breath left, but now it has become like this, where is Air still have anything to say, besides, his head is about to be burst, where can he still speak.

So Chen Yang simply didn’t care, directly sent this guy to the western sky, after the death of the air, the body also became a dry sleeping state, but the speed of this guy’s recovery is indeed very fast, a month from the dry sleep state directly recovered to the peak period, but in the food industry is normal, and this kind of guy, itself has a high starting point, and does not need to start over from the original state, is indeed an open race.

After getting Air, Chen Yang simply baked this guy casually, and then ate it, and Nitro was a big supplement that could transform the human body into perfect gourmet cells and transform people into gourmet demons.

Of course, there must be a process that requires this, but as long as he can increase his strength, he doesn’t care so much, and there is no harm, anyway, he doesn’t feel that he will die after holding so much.

Now even if only a drop of blood and a cell were left to beat him, he would regenerate quickly in time, and his vitality was tenacious to a terrifying level.

After eating blue Nitro, the gourmet cells in his body began to quickly assimilate with ordinary cells, originally having eaten several Nitros, his cells reached about ten at most, but after this blue Nitro went down, it instantly increased to thirty percent, which shows that this blue Nitro has made up for it.

Chen Yang wanted to get the other blue Nitro to eat, but unfortunately he couldn’t find the other party’s position now, he should have fallen into a dry sleep like Jiji, and the position was uncertain, otherwise this time it would not be just the air, but the other one, of course, now that there is an enchantment, he is not worried that these guys will appear at all.

After going back, Jiji found Chen Yang for the first time, the aura of blue Nitro burst out so obviously, he is a Nitro family, and his strength is not weak, so he naturally sensed it.

“Who was the Blue Nitro just now? And how did you find him? ”

Gigi, who was very curious, asked at this time.

“That guy is Air, I killed it, as for how to find it, of course, because now there is a barrier between the human world and the food world, this barrier will affect low-level creatures, and these low-level creatures in the edge position will not enter the human world, and the strong existence, they do not disdain to enter the human world.”

“The level of the four beasts before will obviously be affected by the barrier, and it is impossible to appear here at all, so someone must have pushed it behind, and the strength is not weak, and the existence of the four beasts is controlled, then there is only blue Nitro.”

“Such a guess is obvious, and as long as I enter the human world, I can instantly detect his existence, Xiaomei is not a dry meal, monitoring the world is not a joke, that is, the food world is too terrifying, Xiaomei can’t monitor, otherwise it’s not just the human world!”

Chen Yang explained, but he didn’t say anything about the enchantment, more is better than less, and there is no need to say some things too clearly.

“So that’s the case, there is such a saying, it seems that this time he is indeed too unlucky, but this guy Air is indeed ruthless, and it is not a big deal to kill it.”

Gigi felt that when Air died, he died, and their Red Nitro family had been enslaved after being found by Blue Nitro, until they came to Earth and met Acacia and others, and this situation slowly reversed somewhat.

But even so, it is not completely out of the control of Blue Nitro.

Now that he had Chen Yang’s protection, he didn’t need to worry about the so-called blue Nitro coming to him for trouble.

“Yes, kill it, kill it, this blue Nitro is always different from you, so if you die, you will die, I will not let such a threat exist!”

Chen Yang felt that that sentence was well said, if it was not my race, its heart would be different, of course, this statement was not entirely correct, after all, Jiji and a few of them are special cases, which cannot be regarded as absolutes, but they can be regarded as most of the representatives, at least more than 90% of foreign races can apply this sentence, all in line with this sentence.

So the credibility of this sentence is still okay. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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