In Chen Yang’s perception, the strange rookie Ang is indeed strange to the extreme, after others cross, just like Chen Yang, how can they play this as a game, the first time is to consider their own future, as well as their own golden fingers, and whether there will be any danger, at least determine their own situation and the surrounding situation.

But the operation of Rookie Chicken Ang refreshed the three views of many people, after he arrived, he regarded this as a game, and thought about how to take over tasks, raid the heroine and the like, which made Chen Yang open his eyes, this is a world with subhumans, it is not simple at a glance, it is a standard magical world.

In the magical world, combat power is a very pure thing, after seeing these things, he actually wants to follow the steps of the game, and the brain circuit is also quite domineering, and the curious observer Caiji Ang’s Chen Yang found that Caijiang soon encountered different situations, such as the gangster trio.

This trio once killed Cai Ji Ang, so Chen Yang was curious, when this product met these three guys, was it directly killed? Or was taught a lesson, and then met Emilia and Firut.

According to the original work, he should not be killed by these three guys, at most beaten, of course, now that the world has changed, after the world consciousness has been fused, he has completely blessed Chen Yang’s body with qi luck, which means that the protagonist aura on Cai Ji Ang has long been stripped away, so can he continue to wave like this?

Just when Chen Yang was curious, Caiji Ang finally clashed with the gangster trio on the opposite side, but he just cursed a few words and planned to run, but these people from another world are much stronger than him, so they rushed up and gave him a knife.

In an instant, Caijiang was directly stabbed to the ground, what happened at this moment stunned Chen Yang, the rookie Ang, even if he is the protagonist, has the aura of the protagonist, but it is also tragic, and now the protagonist’s aura is gone, it seems to be even more tragic.

He was stabbed at the beginning, but just when Rookie Ang was unconscious and dying, a black qi gushed out from his body, and then his wound was completely healed.

“So it is, the death return ability seems to be completely invalid, so the witch will change the ability, but it should not be as good as the protection of the undead bird, and the super-speed regeneration before death has not reached the level of the undead bird, but in a sense, it is more useful than the protection of the undead bird, this witch has something!”

Similar to what Chen Yang had guessed before, the protection of the witch on Caijiang’s body had completely changed, but at this time, within Chen Yang’s perception, a figure quickly rushed towards Caijiang’s position.

“Leotian? So what’s going on? How did this guy run to Rookie Ang? ”

Chen Yang is really a little confused at this moment, Lai Ao Tianji? His actions were a little confused, but Chen Yang thought it was strange, and continued to stare, and soon he knew the reason.

“The breath of the witch just now really came from here, and this guy still has the breath of the witch on him, a very rich kind, maybe it will be related to the witch sect!”

Because the return of death is gone, and to repair Rookie Ang’s body must use its own power, the breath of the witch is quite dangerous in this world, and the strong can easily perceive it, as long as people who can do magic can clearly perceive the existence of this force, so just now Lai Aotian felt the emergence of this force.

When death returns, time has gone backwards, and after going back in time, the power of the witch is recovered, and at most some of the breath of the witch remains, but now in this situation, no matter how to hide it.

So Caiji Ang was taken away by Lai Aotian, this series of changes even Chen Yang felt stunned, but he also felt very normal, but according to Lai Aotian’s kind of personality, it should not be how to Cai Ji Ang, this time it can also be regarded as Cai Ji Ang’s luck, Chen Yang did not directly kill him, and if you want to kill Cai Ji Ang, you must fight with Shatila.

Idle and nothing to do, Chen Yang is too lazy to do such a thing, although he is not afraid of the other party, and can even easily crush the other party, but who will have something to cause trouble, what should be done.

His attention was now on Firut and Emilia, and after Cai Ji Ang was taken away, the two of them also passed through here one after the other.

“If there is no death return, then these two should be directly killed by Elsa, forget it, go over and take a look!”

Glancing at his side, there is no one around him at the moment, and everyone else has gone to visit this world, although it is said that the clothes are incompatible with this world, but they will not encounter danger.

He is watching the play here alone, he can easily perceive and see, but others can’t see it, so he has long left him alone and left, Chen Yang is also a little speechless about this, so he simply went to participate in a wave of plots.

Chen Yang did not learn the kind of operation of rookie chicken Ang to contact Emilia, but directly found the slum side, and found the loot of Roma Ye, I have to say that this world has a glamorous side, but also has a disgusting side, and this country, the most disgusting is not others, the top is the so-called sages.

Anyway, Chen Yang did not see a little bit about the sages from them in the original work, but saw the inferior roots of countless human beings, although the knights of the people are reckless and reckless, but the people are honest and upright, but these so-called sages, really insulted the title of sages, they call idlers is almost the same, a group of garbage who knows how to move their mouths.

Don’t do anything practical at all, play racial discrimination all day long, anyway, Chen Yang doesn’t have any good impression of this group of people, after finding the stolen warehouse, Chen Yang knocked on the door, and then the Roma Ye inside made a series of strange magical codes, to be honest, Chen Yang also feels good about this code.

Especially the last sentence, but this also reflects one point, that is, they do not respect dragons, think about it, as a pauper, their lives are accumulated little by little, unlike other people who have a good life protected by the dragon, and even are oppressed miserably, so it is normal to think so. _

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